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Priceless video clip!!!


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WOW is really all i can say. I saw that video the first day it was on YOUTUBE and I was wondering if it was a fellow extremeskin.

Honestly, I think those Cowboy fans could care less. They are all bandwagon DC loners who just hate the Skins. Look at the two as they are leaving...they are SMILING on their way out. If they had won they would be rubbing it in everyones face, they lose and its "whatever". They dont care at heart.

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The look on the first guy's face was just priceless.

Section 127 seems like a friendly place to be. I sit in the uppers and we razzed the **** out of the obnoxious Cowpie fans in our section. Not the ones who cheered for their team - just the obnoxious ones who taunted the home town fans. You know the kind.

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my husband, myself, my daughter, (son is a jets fan...) were all decked out in our "uniforms" running around the house like a bunch of morons!! i don't know which game was better for me... last year, brunell to moss x2 in the final minutes of the game or this one. both will be remembered FOREVER...:dallasuck


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