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Byron Leftwich!!!!!


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Im just going to throw this out there for fun but I would like to see it happen. Rumors have it that Bryon Leftwich is benched or in the doghouse.Well we have a broken down QB that does'nt deserve to start.Well alot of people say Jason Cambell an't ready so what do you think about Bryon Leftwich coming home and playing for the redskins??

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Having Leftwich would be awesome, but as said earlier, the trading deadline has come and gone and the Jags ain't releasing the guy. They could go after him next year, but by then Campbell will be the starter here and I think he is going to be as good as Leftwich is going to be.

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Gerard IS starting down there ya know. Leftwich is a good QB. I don't know how 'great' he his but you all would have to consider it. Mark Brunell, even if he wins a super bowl is an aging vetern. He may even retire after the season (I doubt it). Jason Campbell should compete with Leftwich for the starting spot. That way you have a young rookie ready to play and you have a good backup waiting just in case the campbell experiment is a bust. Talk about a great insurance policy!

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Gerard IS starting down there ya know. Leftwich is a good QB. I don't know how 'great' he his but you all would have to consider it. Mark Brunell, even if he wins a super bowl is an aging vetern. He may even retire after the season (I doubt it). Jason Campbell should compete with Leftwich for the starting spot. That way you have a young rookie ready to play and you have a good backup waiting just in case the campbell experiment is a bust. Talk about a great insurance policy!

You think Leftwhich or Campbell would be okay with that? I doubt it, plus Leftwhich is going to fetch a pretty decent pricetag to come in and compete for the starting job.... I SERIOUSLY doubt, after being benched for Gerard, he's going to come here with no promise of being named the starter....

I realize it's fun to speculate about every free agent to be, but let's see Campbell takew ONE EFFING SNAP as a Redskin before we start replacing him!!!!

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Trade deadline passed a while back.

Leftwich has too long of a release if you ask me.

Uh, OK. That is why he continues to win and win and win. Check his starts and stats while at Marshall and Jacksonville. Hell, check his HS stats. I bet he won there too. Can you put a tag on the way Sean Taylor makes plays? Leftwich does the same thing.

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Leftwich is the black Bledsoe. Statue in the pocket, with a release so slow it takes him forever to get rid of the ball. Likeable guy, but not what the skins need. They need to find out what they have in Campbell -- who has better physical tools than Leftwich.

That said, I'm sure the Skins will end up trading two firsts for Leftwich (when the jags would settle for one second).

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