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Great win but lets look at next week.


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We beat Dallas. Dallas is now 4-4. We're 3-5 instead of 2-6. Vincent must replace Archy. The D will get better if that change is made. Sean Taylor will learn from Vincent. And we won without speedster moss. This is all good.

Next week we're playing in Philly. Philly is 4-4 but they've lost their last 3 games. Also they'll be coming off a bye week so that's not good for us. If we beat philly, we'll both be 4-5. Giants are playing the Bears so that could be a possible loss for the G-Men and that'll make them 6-3. The Cowboys are lucky and are playing the Cardinals i think. What are everyone's thoughts???

PS: I vote to keep Archy on special teams.

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What scares me is the way we´re playing. We´re too inconsistent in both sides of the field. Gibbs is coaching with fear of making errors.

We need to improve a lot our game, because the Eagles are going to be ready to play next week.

We were very lucky, but a win is a win specially against the Cowgirls.


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Philly has been down lately. We need to come out and score fast. This time actually put it in the end zone-shut their fans up, build some confidence, while knocking their confidence down a notch. I think we can beat them but we really have to run the ball better and give Portis some room to run. That and it's cool if Saunders calls a pass play or two on first or second down. You dont have to run it every single time. Leaving ourselves in 3rd and long alot of times isn't going to work vs Philly. Need more drives like that first drive, but ending in a td.

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Philly has been down lately. We need to come out and score fast. This time actually put it in the end zone-shut their fans up, build some confidence, while knocking their confidence down a notch. I think we can beat them but we really have to run the ball better and give Portis some room to run. That and it's cool if Saunders calls a pass play or two on first or second down. You dont have to run it every single time. Leaving ourselves in 3rd and long alot of times isn't going to work vs Philly. Need more drives like that first drive, but ending in a td.
if mcnabb pukes in the huddle again,we'll win.
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The Phily off week scares me.

There is such a thing as coming out flat after a bye week. Just b/c some teams come out fresh and firing on all cylinders doesn't mean that Philly will. Certainly you would think that playing at home and still being in it would motivate them. This is a huge game for us and I believe this is the game that the guys were looking at. I hate to say it, but Sunday was just a steppingstone.


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We beat Dallas. Dallas is now 4-4. We're 3-5 instead of 2-6. Vincent must replace Archy. The D will get better if that change is made. Sean Taylor will learn from Vincent. And we won without speedster moss. This is all good.

So you want to see Vincent playing up at the line at times and blitzing, even though he's known for his coverage skills ? Troy wasn't brought in to replace Arch, he here to fill in for Prioleau for the most part because others we have signed to fill that role haven't panned out.

Next week we're playing in Philly. Philly is 4-4 but they've lost their last 3 games. Also they'll be coming off a bye week so that's not good for us. If we beat philly, we'll both be 4-5. Giants are playing the Bears so that could be a possible loss for the G-Men and that'll make them 6-3. The Cowboys are lucky and are playing the Cardinals i think. What are everyone's thoughts???

I'm far less worried about Philly then I was about Dallas, even with them commin off the bye. Giants can go either way, and the Cards are no push over, and have been in a bunch of close games.

PS: I vote to keep Archy on special teams.

So, if we have Arch only playing Teams, how long do you think Vincent will last as an every down player in run support and coverage at his age ?

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

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No question next week's game is HUGE. If we win then I think we will have the upper hand to go into Tampa and win there and go to 500. Then we have a bunch of games at home where we should play up to par.

Now here is our main problem as I see it.

I don't think Brunell will last. People think he had a good game yesterday but in fact he could have been picked off 4 times. He sucks period.

Our OL must stay healthy. Even though we are not playing as well as we can if one of our OL guys goes down we are in huge trouble.

The D must stay healthy. I think Springs, even though he got burned a couple of times brings something we didn't have in the first two weeks. BETTER TACKING from the secondary. As he plays more and everyone settles in this D I think we have no where to go but up. That could be the difference.

Saunders must get Brunell to throw to Lloyd more. If Moss comes back Brunell has to throw more to Lloyd and keep the defense off balance. Can he do it? I don't think so but here is to hopping.

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It's another one of those "lose this game and its REALLY over" games. We HAVE to win the next couple (we can only really afford one more loss unless the Giants self-destruct, which I don't think will happen).

They're all that way (lose and you're out) for the rest of the year. To make the playoffs, you need at most 6 losses, maybe 7. And we're already at 5.

So we're not quite at the "we need to win out" stage, but we're pushing it.

(The good news is: We've been there (backs against the wall) before, and the guys know the drill. Guts. Tunnel vision. Only look at next week. Been there, done that.)

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Best case (and realistic) scenario over the next two weeks:

PHL - lose to us, then bet Ten

NYG - lose to chicago, lose at Jacksonville

DAL - beat arizona, lose to Indy

WAS - beat philly, beat Tampa

NYG 6-4

WAS 5-5

PHL 5-5

DAL 5-5

We would win tie breakers against PHL (better division rec & head-to-head) and Dal (tie head-to-head, but we've got a better div record). If we got to 5-5, I think we'd be able to finish out the season 4-2 (9-7) and likely make the playoffs....

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Philly has been down lately. We need to come out and score fast. This time actually put it in the end zone-shut their fans up, build some confidence, while knocking their confidence down a notch. I think we can beat them but we really have to run the ball better and give Portis some room to run. That and it's cool if Saunders calls a pass play or two on first or second down. You dont have to run it every single time. Leaving ourselves in 3rd and long alot of times isn't going to work vs Philly. Need more drives like that first drive, but ending in a td.

Are you kidding??? Check our stats, we have thrown on first down just as much as we have run this season.

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You guys, I want the Redskins to win, but playing against a rested Philly team coming off a bye week with time to prepard AT HOME isn't likely. If we drop this game, which most of us predicted before the season began (unless you said 12-4 or something crazy like that). Our record goes to 3-6. Not the end of the world because we get to play them again at home. We also get the Giants again, at home. We have a tough stretch of games but losing this one isn't the end of the world. We could realistically lose 2 games between now and December 31 and be in it

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Best case (and realistic) scenario over the next two weeks:

PHL - lose to us, then bet Ten

NYG - lose to chicago, lose at Jacksonville

DAL - beat arizona, lose to Indy

WAS - beat philly, beat Tampa

NYG 6-4

WAS 5-5

PHL 5-5

DAL 5-5

We would win tie breakers against PHL (better division rec & head-to-head) and Dal (tie head-to-head, but we've got a better div record). If we got to 5-5, I think we'd be able to finish out the season 4-2 (9-7) and likely make the playoffs....

i love it..........

pass the kool-aide!

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I think that Philly coming off of a bye is negated by the fact that we have momentum after this HUGE win. I know the bye gives them time to rest and more time to prepare, but our team knows we need this win just like we did this week against Dallas. I think we will come out fired and up and score early. The playaction pass and throw to the middle of the field killed Dallas this week, lets see if we can use that again in Philly.

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