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Moss Likely Out, Brunell: "I don't want to think about life w/o Moss"


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Didn't see an official thread on this...it was just reported on Comcast Sportsnet.

The hammy is really bothering Moss, he is listed as questionable, but said it was "unlikely" he would play Sunday.

They asked Randel El about the loss of Moss for Sunday, Randel El "we have playmakers, the rest of us need to step up."

Clip of Brunell being asked the same question, "I don't want to think of life without Santana." He kind of nervously laughed the question off.

This is obviously not good; Hopefully Santana can miraculously heal. If not,

Lloyd needs to (continue to) get open, Brunell needs to step up, hopefully we can establish a running game.


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he has had hamstring problems his entire career , last year was a good year for him , in fact last year was our year we just missed our call , this year we are plagued by injuries and bad off season moves , and bad qb play ....... sux to hear i really wanted to beat dallas but the way this season is going i expect nothing more lol ... theres always next year

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The only people this game has any extra significance to are the fans. Listen to Moss. Listen to Brunell, listen to any of them. There is no hatred, no rivalry. I hate what the salary cap and free agency have done to this league. Just a bunch of millionaires throwing a ball around every week. I'm a Skins' fan till death nevertheless...

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Dallas with No Santana.......


but I agree with Vegeta613. Maybe this is good for Brunell to realize he has other lethal weapons.

Just, Santana is such good karma against Dallas......

It's time we learn to play as a unit, not as a bunch of high-profile superstars thrown on a field. That's why the Ravens are finally doing well-they made the switch. Now it's our time.

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I'm calling bull****

This team is not sneaky. The Gibbs mystique is no more. The reason practice is closed isn't because we have super-secret super-smart plays that we are waiting to unleash at just the right moment!!! (Since at 2-5 the right moment hasn't come yet) Gibbs is just paranoid. Gibbs and Moss aren't trying to fool the Cowboys. If Moss says he probably won't play, he probably won't play. The days of special plays, subterfuge, and halftime adjustments ended over a decade ago.

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its sad that we have lloyd and randel el, not to mention patten and cooley (and Fauria), and we're actually scared ****less about not having Moss for a home game against a mediocre pass defense who's biggest threat is a horse collar

has this season really gotten THAT bad?

I'm actually not that worried about it. At receiver we are more than deep enough to recover from this. What I am worried about, and I think many others share this sentiment, is Brunell's ability to actually USE that talent. The guy doesn't read the field, he clearly can't operate the Saunders offense aside from screens and dump offs, and he is too immobile for our suspect offensive line to protect. Did anyone notice how much better Dallas' line looked when Romo sits to pee went in, or how many more recievers got the ball? It wasn't because the receivers were playing better, or because the line was playing better; they simply inserted a player that can make the most of what he has around him. We should do the same.

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