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Some Cheese with that Whine?


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C'mon guys. The drama in here is out of control. Is this to be a forum to take out our frustrations before the world OR is it a place where the best fans in the NFL gather to root for the beloved Skins.

Does a family kick each other when they are down, or do they stick by them and encourage one another. The team needs us now, and needs us a lot. Everyone is down on them. They know better than we do how much they are under acheiving.

This weeks the Cowgirls for Pete's sake and they need us. The 12th man gets player of the game or we lose. They need to know we are there for them.:dallasuck

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Everyone is frustrated and rightfully so because I think we know this team is better than what they are showing for whatever reason they are not getting it done. The best cure would be a victory over a hated rivarly so let's hope for a victory. :cheers:

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C'mon guys. The drama in here is out of control. Is this to be a forum to take out our frustrations before the world OR is it a place where the best fans in the NFL gather to root for the beloved Skins.

Does a family kick each other when they are down, or do they stick by them and encourage one another. The team needs us now, and needs us a lot. Everyone is down on them. They know better than we do how much they are under acheiving.

This weeks the Cowgirls for Pete's sake and they need us. The 12th man gets player of the game or we lose. They need to know we are there for them.:dallasuck

I'm gonna go with the kicking thing.


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feel better now?

I imagine then that you never correct your own children should you have any?

Us booing and calling for Brunell/Gibbs/Snyder's head doesn't do us a damn bit of good.

You think when they are on the field and the fans are booing them that they want to go out there and stick out their necks for that ****?

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The skins are desperate and that makes them dangerous, they will win this game.

And that will will brew some confidence....

That confidence will carry us into a W over Philly....

And we then come out of Tampa .500 back in the playoff picture.

Dallas weekend gets the ball rolling! GO SKINS!

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And that will will brew some confidence....

That confidence will carry us into a W over Philly....

And we then come out of Tampa .500 back in the playoff picture.

Dallas weekend gets the ball rolling! GO SKINS!

Besides if they can't get up for this one they need their heads examine:laugh: . I think a victory over the hated Cowboys will do a lot for their confidence and ease some of the pain for the fans.

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"Us booing and calling for Brunell/Gibbs/Snyder's head doesn't do us a damn bit of good.

You think when they are on the field and the fans are booing them that they want to go out there and stick out their necks for that ****?"

I don't care what they think. this isn't happening in a vacuum. the team has been supported by the fans - including me - at the games. but the poor play has continued nevertheless. you recevie what you earn...there are no free passes in life.

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I don't care what they think. this isn't happening in a vacuum. the team has been supported by the fans - including me - at the games. but the poor play has continued nevertheless. you recevie what you earn...there are no free passes in life.

So after every loss, you guys up there should be starting riots and saying the Skins SUCK and boo them at the next game and the next til they win right?

You "receive" what you "earn" right? :rolleyes:

We need to always stand by this team and be supportive, ESPECIALLY on game day, AT THE GAME.

It is okay to vent here, but to Boo them? In their house? That is pathetic.

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"Us booing and calling for Brunell/Gibbs/Snyder's head doesn't do us a damn bit of good.

You think when they are on the field and the fans are booing them that they want to go out there and stick out their necks for that ****?"

I don't care what they think. this isn't happening in a vacuum. the team has been supported by the fans - including me - at the games. but the poor play has continued nevertheless. you recevie what you earn...there are no free passes in life.

When teams do well they get the accolades. When they do poorly... Seriously, I've been a Skins fan all of my life but no one expects the team to be down with bottom dwellers like Oakland or Detroit. I think if you looked at a primary thing fans are booing now is the fact that Brunell is still the starter and underperforming. More importantly, they are booing that Joe Gibbs does not have the kahuna's to bench Brunell. It was a bad decision to bring him to Washington, move on.

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The fans have been there week after week to support the team so I don't know what you're talking about. The problem is that they haven't been true to their part of the bargain. In response the fans have justifiably booed them. This happens at every stadium. Stop with all this self righteous nonsense that Redskins fans are better or classier than anyone else because that is nothing but self righteous crap that only exists in some of your heads. We're all people just like people in other cities. In reality, the fan noise may help the team slightly but it doesn't make THAT much of difference except when crowd noise disrupts the opposing team's communication on offense. If they're too soft in the head to endure some well deserved booing then they need to find another profession. But I'm sure they're not fretting over getting booed on their way to the bank. In fact, I'm sure they laugh all the way there. Rest assured the fans will be there on Sunday fully prepared to support and get loud but they need to do their part and give their fanbase something to sustain their enthusiasm.

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The fans have been there week after week to support the team so I don't know what you're talking about. The problem is that they haven't been true to their part of the bargain. In response the fans have justifiably booed them. This happens at every stadium. Stop with all this self righteous nonsense that Redskins fans are better or classier than anyone else because that is nothing but self righteous crap that only exists in some of your heads. We're all people just like people in other cities. In reality, the fan noise may help the team slightly but it doesn't make THAT much of difference except when crowd noise disrupts the opposing team's communication on offense. If they're too soft in the head to endure some well deserved booing then they need to find another profession. But I'm sure they're not fretting over getting booed on their way to the bank. In fact, I'm sure they laugh all the way there. Rest assured the fans will be there on Sunday fully prepared to support and get loud but they need to do their part and give their fanbase something to sustain their enthusiasm.

Again with the white blur....

People just don't get it, do they? :doh:

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Does a family kick each other when they are down, or do they stick by them and encourage one another.

My family kicks me when I'm down.

:silly: I'm with you all the way man. It's gotten real bad in here, but hey, we're 2-5 in a season we expected to be dominant across the board. It happens. We'll get this thing turned aorund!

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I can't speak for anybody else, but my support once I get in that stadium is unconditional. That's what support IS. I fuss when there's a bad play. I say, "What the hell was THAT?" when Brunell throws a crappy pass. I get frustrated when the defense won't tackle. But I'm STILL doing my part as the 12th woman. *lol* I make noise when we're on defense. I cheer when the team does something good. I never boo, unless it's the refs or the other team. And I stay until there are triple 0's on the clock.

This whole "you get what you earn" thing has no place in the stadium, IMHO. It's like having a child who doesn't get good grades, no matter how hard you try to help him do his best. You can't just say, "You know what? You suck. And until you prove otherwise, I'm gonna keep letting you know it." That's not supportive..leave it in the parking lot. Booing them isn't going to cause them to play any better. If you want to force change, go to Redskins' Park and boo the coaches or whoever else you feel should do something different. 6 days out of the week, every fan has every right to be upset and disappointed in the performance of the team and to do whatever they think may have some impact.

On gameday, your loyalty is more powerful than your complaining.


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I can't speak for anybody else, but my support once I get in that stadium is unconditional. That's what support IS. I fuss when there's a bad play. I say, "What the hell was THAT?" when Brunell throws a crappy pass. I get frustrated when the defense won't tackle. But I'm STILL doing my part as the 12th woman. *lol* I make noise when we're on defense. I cheer when the team does something good. I never boo, unless it's the refs or the other team. And I stay until there are triple 0's on the clock.

This whole "you get what you earn" thing has no place in the stadium, IMHO. It's like having a child who doesn't get good grades, no matter how hard you try to help him do his best. You can't just say, "You know what? You suck. And until you prove otherwise, I'm gonna keep letting you know it." That's not supportive..leave it in the parking lot. Booing them isn't going to cause them to play any better. If you want to force change, go to Redskins' Park and boo the coaches or whoever else you feel should do something different. 6 days out of the week, every fan has every right to be upset and disappointed in the performance of the team and to do whatever they think may have some impact.

On gameday, your loyalty is more powerful than your complaining.


Well said. You can speak for me.

I'm there every home game right to the end attempting to support the team. I never boo the Redskins. I do have to admit that during some games this year I have gotten quieter and quieter as the game got worse and worse. I also have a tendency to get quite sarcastic with my comments when they look completely hapless.

Definitely very disappointed so far, but I'm looking forward to seeing them turn it around.

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So after every loss, you guys up there should be starting riots and saying the Skins SUCK and boo them at the next game and the next til they win right?

You "receive" what you "earn" right? :rolleyes:

We need to always stand by this team and be supportive, ESPECIALLY on game day, AT THE GAME.

It is okay to vent here, but to Boo them? In their house? That is pathetic.

I know what you're saying and agree up to a certain point. I don't feel that it's ok to boo just because they are losing. The problem as I see it is that we aren't even that competitive when we lose. The fans have been supportive and I think that it's ok to voice their displeasure (when and how may be and issue though) because the fans have been paying top dollar to see some bottom feeder performances.

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Yes please. I would like some cheese! I love cheese! Wine is pretty good stuff too but I'll stick to beer thanks. :laugh:

Good post. It getts pretty sad around here but what do you expect when the team is 2-5?? I really hope we demolish the Cowboys on Sunday so we can get some positivity going again. :dallasuck

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Us booing and calling for Brunell/Gibbs/Snyder's head doesn't do us a damn bit of good.

You think when they are on the field and the fans are booing them that they want to go out there and stick out their necks for that ****?

No, they should want to stick their necks out for the millions of dollars they are making to play a game. They should want to stick their necks out for their own personal pride and their pride in the team as a whole.

Doesn't seem to be the case right now. Not as a team, anyways. Not fixing a broken clock because it's right twice a day doesn't do a damn bit of good, either.

And what's with all the whining about whining?

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