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Earn my time back


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Harass me all you want, i don't give a rats arse, but slavin the week away like everyone else, there are better things to do with those few free hours on sunday than knowingly gettin absolutely frustrated.. for pete's sake, the foliage is turnin' colors!!!!

Go Foliage!

(i ain't givin the skins after 12 years of f'ing anticipation and expectation another minute... EARN my god@#$n f@!#'ing time back).


edit i added the word "fi!@$#ng"

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i've been watching for too too long long maybe like many others. The problem is there always seems to be that 1 good game that instills false hope and eventually ends up being frustrating beyond belief.

The 'skins are like that hot chic u see at the bar that gives you that little smirk cuz she's sees you smiling at her. A brilliant tease.

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The Washington Redskins won't miss you.

If you can't MAN UP and take the bad with the good.. You weren't meant to root for this franchise.

I remember the skins of old, that's what i grew up on. at 22, i dunno,, that's a lot of nostalgic dvd's. No offense intended but that's truth. You've been thru the worst of the 'skins and still being a die hard fan thats incredibly admirable!

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why all the drama

watch, don't watch, who cares :whoknows:

wow you really don't sleep!

you're right tho.. it is what it is and being a fan is a personal relationship that one has somehow figured out with the team. To each his own I guess. 3 hours on sunday back in my book, I win.

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Harass me all you want, i don't give a rats arse, but slavin the week away like everyone else, there are better things to do with those few free hours on sunday than knowingly gettin absolutely frustrated.. for pete's sake, the foliage is turnin' colors!!!!

Go Foliage!

(i ain't givin the skins after 12 years of f'ing anticipation and expectation another minute... EARN my god@#$n f@!#'ing time back).


edit i added the word "fi!@$#ng"

i hear ya....

at least my girl is happy that i told her football season only lasted 7 weeks this year!!!

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I remember the skins of old, that's what i grew up on. at 22, i dunno,, that's a lot of nostalgic dvd's. No offense intended but that's truth. You've been thru the worst of the 'skins and still being a die hard fan thats incredibly admirable!

I didn't mean to sound like a dick. I just see people openly willing to denounce their alliance to a team that I have so much passion for. It's like : "I can talk bad about my family but, you can't because it is my family and not yours." Sometimes, they drive you to drink. Sometimes, they are there when you need them the most (winning). Sometimes, they just get themselves in trouble (losing games) and you find yourself constantly defending them. Even though, they seem to have a string of occurences with getting into trouble, you never give up on them because they are your family and you care for them. You will do what you can to make sure that they are cared for and stay clean....

Basically... Stand behind this team and at times IN FRONT of this team. When an opposing fan talks ****, you defend this team like it's your family. There is WAY more to being a fanatic then wins. Not every team wins all the time. Some may win more than others at this point in time but, the losses make the wins that much sweeter. Once, a Burgundy and Gold bleeder, ALWAYS a Burgundy and Gold bleeder. It's in your blood.. unless you plan on embalming your body...

You are stuck with this team. :cheers:

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nov 5th is the best time for the REDSKINS to have a "breakout"game & this could

be the ONE!! at home,DALLAS, out to "make a point" play for "pride" to show the sports

world you care about winning & the organizaton & most of all THE FANS!!! it happens

all the time,the one game that can turn it all around. no better time than the next

game. i want to see emotion/fire/heart/pride all 4 quarters!!! the future is NOW!!!

let's show that we still support this team & have enough faith that it can be done &

let it start at home against............................DALLAS!!!!

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I didn't mean to sound like a dick. I just see people openly willing to denounce their alliance to a team that I have so much passion for. It's like : "I can talk bad about my family but, you can't because it is my family and not yours." Sometimes, they drive you to drink. Sometimes, they are there when you need them the most (winning). Sometimes, they just get themselves in trouble (losing games) and you find yourself constantly defending them. Even though, they seem to have a string of occurences with getting into trouble, you never give up on them because they are your family and you care for them. You will do what you can to make sure that they are cared for and stay clean....

Basically... Stand behind this team and at times IN FRONT of this team. When an opposing fan talks ****, you defend this team like it's your family. There is WAY more to being a fanatic then wins. Not every team wins all the time. Some may win more than others at this point in time but, the losses make the wins that much sweeter. Once, a Burgundy and Gold bleeder, ALWAYS a Burgundy and Gold bleeder. It's in your blood.. unless you plan on embalming your body...

You are stuck with this team. :cheers:

Hey hey bro,

Still stand by the fact its utterly admirable standing by a team thats been thru What I GAWD HOPE is the worst years imaginable.

Its just tough these days and skins nation runs deep in the blood. Heck, I got my superbowl 22 sweatshirt resized to fit now, even tho its that nasty color of grey, shoulda picked better then.

Man, i just hope, the powers figure this out and get this ship straight, its been too long where jekyll and hyde ball hasn't run a season.

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Hey hey bro,

Still stand by the fact its utterly admirable standing by a team thats been thru What I GAWD HOPE is the worst years imaginable.

Its just tough these days and skins nation runs deep in the blood. Heck, I got my superbowl 22 sweatshirt resized to fit now, even tho its that nasty color of grey, shoulda picked better then.

Man, i just hope, the powers figure this out and get this ship straight, its been too long where jekyll and hyde ball hasn't run a season.

( I have never lived in DC. Born and raised in NJ by Iggle fans and still die hard. )




He may not win another Lombardi for us before he parts for perhaps the last time but, he IS bringing prestige back to this franchise. He IS trying his damndest to rebuild this team with young playmakers. He may make 'mistakes' but, he isn't stupid. Everything he does is for a reason and we later find out how foolish we are for doubting him and a certain move, or no move for that matter. The great part is that no matter how many times he [Gibbs] has proven us wrong we still continue to criticize him. It's what we do. We are fans. That is what Joe likes about us. If there never was any doubters, do you really think anybody would be sucessful? What will help drive them to succeed?

So, doubt away... All that does is add more fuel to Gibb's fire. When Joe Gibbs is doubted, that is when he is at his best. Perhaps, this year isn't the year. Then, we move on to the hopes of next year.

Patience, and you will see that a championship is within grasps. It isn't too far away....

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Try being an Orioles fan for the past 10 years...lol

I still love my Redskins no matter what. I've been rooting for them since I can remember. I remember the glory days of the 80's and been thru the tough times as well. I'm not gonna give up on my team. Every team has a stretch where they stuggle. Some longer than others. It's a cycle these days and with free agency teams can go from winner to loser in a year but it takes longer to go from a loser to a winner. One exception is the Patriots. They keep losing/adding players and still seem to have a winning season every year.

Keep the faith my friends, keep the faith. Your patience will pay off. It's the 'super-smart' thing to do.

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Oh well you have to do what you have to do.. I will continue to watch. Been through the good and bad for years why quit now.

I agree w/this post...I've gone too far to give up now...no way..win, lose or draw...I'm in...will watch...will blow a fuse when needed...will yell, scream, rant or be happy as all get out..depends on which team shows up on Sunday...but give up?..heck no...I'm too young to give up!!...I love this team...good..bad...or otherwise!..

HTTR!..:point2sky :point2sky

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I agree w/this post...I've gone too far to give up now...no way..win, lose or draw...I'm in...will watch...will blow a fuse when needed...will yell, scream, rant or be happy as all get out..depends on which team shows up on Sunday...but give up?..heck no...I'm too young to give up!!...I love this team...good..bad...or otherwise!..

HTTR!..:point2sky :point2sky

I hear you I love this team too much as well .. I will fuss and even throw things at the TV:laugh: but I will continue to watch them every week.

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Harass me all you want, i don't give a rats arse, but slavin the week away like everyone else, there are better things to do with those few free hours on sunday than knowingly gettin absolutely frustrated.. for pete's sake, the foliage is turnin' colors!!!!

Go Foliage!

(i ain't givin the skins after 12 years of f'ing anticipation and expectation another minute... EARN my god@#$n f@!#'ing time back).


edit i added the word "fi!@$#ng"

A suggestion: Go watch your NY city teams lose:laugh:

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I have a solution for you. Why don't you follow the lead of many of the cowgirl fans in the late '80's who adopted the 49ers as their other team while times were hard. Maybe you could pick up the Pats, the Bears, or maybe the Colts. It's called fairweather...give it a try, works great for "fans" who can't cope with hard times.

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Damn man, you have fortunate enough to seem some good times and experience some Super Bowls...

****, what do I have to show for the last decade and a half?

2 Playoff berths....

****ing hell, how should I feel?

But I could NEVER dream of not watching them to get 3 hours back a week.

I guess the tough times weed out the real fans.

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I've accepted the fact that our season is a bust as long as Brunell is our starting QB, but I'll keep watching. I don't get all psyched up anymore, I just sit back and watch as our team just keeps digging it's own grave.

Hell of an attitude huh? I don't like it either but that's just the way I feel. Until Joe pulls Brunell, there's nothing to get excited about with this team but like I said, I'll keep watching.

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