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MSNBC: GOP Retires "Playboy" Ad in Tennessee


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If you click on the 'launch' button, you can actually watch the ad. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

:doh: :doh:

Also, another question... who should I vote for, and why? Curious what you guys think. Vote above. I kind of like Ford, but I don't normally vote democrat because of the whole "bend over while we tax you out the ass" thing. :)


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I thought it was a 3rd party contractor group blah blah blah that ran the ad's

In accordance with the rules they created it add and the RNC nor the candidate saw it before it was run and then they started yelling to pull the ad...

I don't think its what it seems to be on the surface... dig deeper

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I thought it was a 3rd party contractor group blah blah blah that ran the ad's

In accordance with the rules they created it add and the RNC nor the candidate saw it before it was run and then they started yelling to pull the ad...

I don't think its what it seems to be on the surface... dig deeper

It says it in the article... it was funded by the RNC. The repubs jabbed and weaved.


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It says it in the article... it was funded by the RNC. The repubs jabbed and weaved.


HENCE THE WORD: Contractor.....

Officially, the ad was commissioned and paid for by the RNC’s independent expenditure unit, which isn’t allowed to coordinate or communicate with the national party or its candidates. That became a point of contention as Republicans fought among themselves over who was responsible for the spot.

The Candidate nor the RNC were able to see the ad before it was run.

Corker asked for it to be pulled that day?

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The Chairman of the RNC said, on the air, that he and a group of people viewed the ad before it ran and didn't have a problem with it.

I think thats illegal?

Corker, the former mayor of Chattanooga, said in a statement Wednesday that he had called for its removal less than an hour after first seeing it last week. “The ad is tacky, over the top and does not reflect the kind of campaign that we are running,” he said. “Tennesseans deserve better and we are grateful the ad is no longer airing.”

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I think thats illegal?

Um, according to the TV story (link above, click the "launch" button, it launches the entire TV news story, which includes the commercial.) a) has the ad saying "This ad was approved by the Republican party", and B) has an interview from MSNBC with the (state?) chairman of the GOP Mehlman, saying that he (and several ethnic groups) had seen the ad and weren't offended.

(Although I've just watched again, and he doesn't say he watched the ad before it aired, only that he'd watched it.)

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How exactly is this ad racist? Because it's a negative ad against an African-American? So, can we classify Ford's negative ads racist against a white person. Puhhhhhhllllllease. This ad is exposing Ford for what most liberals are - immoral lightweights.

Why do liberals always have to whine about stuff. They need to grow a pair. There's negative ads on both sides and you don't see conservatives boo-hooing all over the place.

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How exactly is this ad racist? Because it's a negative ad against an African-American? So, can we classify Ford's negative ads racist against a white person. Puhhhhhhllllllease. This ad is exposing Ford for what most liberals are - immoral lightweights.

Why do liberals always have to whine about stuff. They need to grow a pair. There's negative ads on both sides and you don't see conservatives boo-hooing all over the place.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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So, people are supposed to vote against Ford because he's (allegedly) been to a Playboy party? Yeah, that's really gonna smear him.
There's no allegedly about it:

"I was there," the Memphis Democrat said. "I like football, and I like girls. I don't have … no apologies for that."


And that, zoony, is why you should vote for Ford.

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There's no allegedly about it:

"I was there," the Memphis Democrat said. "I like football, and I like girls. I don't have … no apologies for that."


And that, zoony, is why you should vote for Ford.


At least he mans up to it. Anyone else would be denying it, investigations would be launched...

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How exactly is this ad racist? Because it's a negative ad against an African-American?

How about "because they chose to imply that a black man was sexually active with da white wimmin?"

(BTW, to me, I don't think it was over the line. To me, the only people seeing that ad who think "he's after the white women" will be if the ad is watched by racist voters. The ad isn't racist, but the audience might be.)

(Which could have been the GOP's intent: To run a deniably racist ad. But I wouldn't consider that proven.)

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There's no allegedly about it:

"I was there," the Memphis Democrat said. "I like football, and I like girls. I don't have … no apologies for that."


And that, zoony, is why you should vote for Ford.

Just out of curiosity, has the Republican candidate declared that he likes girls, too?


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How about "because they chose to imply that a black man was sexually active with da white wimmin?"

(BTW, to me, I don't think it was over the line. To me, the only people seeing that ad who think "he's after the white women" will be if the ad is watched by racist voters. The ad isn't racist, but the audience might be.)

(Which could have been the GOP's intent: To run a deniably racist ad. But I wouldn't consider that proven.)

Southern whites...scare tactic...plausible.

Sorry...but even sorrier that it sometimes works.

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Southern whites...scare tactic...plausible.

Sorry...but even sorrier that it sometimes works.

NOWHERE, and I mean NOWHERE, is there a bigger collection of bigoted racist redneck SOB's than in the American Northeast. NOWHERE.

Spend some time in New Hampshire... vermont, maine... walk the neighborhoods in south philly... around Boston... biggest collection or racists on the planet. They aren't even shy about it. Anyone who has spent any time there -vs- other parts of the country knows it to be true.

But yet, they get a free pass because of a war that happened in 1860. :rolleyes:

I know you meant nothing by the 'southern white' thing... but it is an old, tired, and most importantly FALSE argument. It gets old. :2cents:


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How exactly is this ad racist? Because it's a negative ad against an African-American? So, can we classify Ford's negative ads racist against a white person. Puhhhhhhllllllease. This ad is exposing Ford for what most liberals are - immoral lightweights.

Why do liberals always have to whine about stuff. They need to grow a pair. There's negative ads on both sides and you don't see conservatives boo-hooing all over the place.

See: Rush Limbaugh flailing his arms in mockeration of a man with Parkinson's disease.

Immoral lightweights?


•Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R., Calif.): Resigned from the Congress after pleading guilty to taking $2.4 million in bribes; sentenced to eight years and four months in prison.

•Rep. Tom DeLay (R., Texas): The former House majority leader resigned after having been indicted for money laundering and conspiracy. He was also closely associated with Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who has pleaded guilty so far to three criminal felony counts.

•Rep. Mark Foley (R., Fla.): Resigned his seat in the face of accusations of improper intimate communications with young male House pages.

•Rep. Bob Ney (R., Ohio): Pleaded guilty to charges of accepting tens of thousands of dollars worth of bribes from lobbyists, including Jack Abramoff, in return for favors. He has not yet resigned from the Congress, presumably still wishing to collect his $165,200 a year salary. He will be sentenced in the new year.

•Rep. Dennis Hastert (R., Ill.): Speaker of the House since 1999, he has been accused of knowing of Mr. Foley's improper relationships with the boy pages and not addressing the problem. He denies the charge

•Rep. Don Sherwood (R., Pa.): He denies charges by a former mistress that he choked and beat her and then paid her to drop the charges. President Bush called him "the right man" to represent his Pennsylvania district.

•Rep. Curt Weldon (R., Pa.): Under federal investigation for having steered a million dollars in contracts to his daughter's lobbying firm.

etc ...............

Face facts, not fantasy — the GOP is a morally bankrupt band of deranged hipocrites whose claim to moral righteousness is their belief that gay people don't deserve civil rights.

Anyone who votes for them and isn't a muli-millionaire is hopelessly retarded enough to get fleeced into voting against their own interests.

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The Chairman of the RNC said, on the air, that he and a group of people viewed the ad before it ran and didn't have a problem with it.

And Howard Dean had a problem with the black church burning ad? Anything goes in politics, even if it's garbage, but the false outrage is a joke.

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