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What is a real fan???


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Ok I need clarification from all the "real" Redskin fans on this board. I would like to know exactly what being a real Redskin fan entails? Honestly I get very confused reading this board. Are we to follow in blind faith? Are we to voice our displeasure? Are we to support the uniform no matter how incompetant the players in them are? What is truely our job? What makes a true Redskin fan?

I ask this because I see so many posts with someone saying "Come on be a real fan or go home!" Well I am a real fan and I will not go home. I will voice my opinion, I will look at things objectively and I will take off the burgandy glasses. Being a real fan does not mean simply bashing other teams and saying how great the Redskins are. It means supporting the skins, wanting them to do well but being able to be honest. No one should ever give up on the team but that does not mean we can not ask for change. When posters cry out for change that does not mean they are giving up on the team, it means they care so much they can not take the fact that we look like a high school JV team.

Blind faith leads to nothing and will never make anything better. There are so many knowledgable football fans on this board that this should not happen as much as it does. This should be a place of coherent meaningful football discussion, which will sometimes include disagreements with Mr. Gibbs.

I just wanted to get this all off of my chest because I enjoy reading this board but have become disenchanted lately with so much bickering between users. Someone please discribe what you think a true Redskin fan is if you disagree with me, I would love to read all opinions and discuss some real football. Thanks and go skins.

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Having lived and died with this team for over 40 years, I thought I was a fan. But this preseason, when I expressed on this board my concern over what I thought were serious problems with the team, I found out otherwise. I had an army of real fans, age 12 and up, telling me to STFU and identifying my true standing as a:

  • Chicken Little
  • Hater
  • Bandwagoner
  • Stupid
  • Fair Weather
  • Moron
  • Maroon
  • Cowboy Fan
  • Kool Aid Spitter
  • Unbeliever
  • Gibbs Hater
  • Brunell Hater
  • Idiot
  • Vanilla Hater
  • Brokeback
  • Not A Real Fan
  • LaVar Hater
  • __________ Insert Your Opinion Here

So, I couldn't begin to tell you what a real fan is. If you need help with any of the other labels, let me know.

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Support, respect, always believe, and never boo! It's okay to question, but question with support on why you are questioning. People that say Gibbs sucks are not Redskins fans. That's like a Chicago Bulls fan saying Michael Jordan sucks...it doesn't compute. Believe me, there's fans like Huly, SSM, PCS, "some" of the mods :laugh:, and me. Then, there's the little children. I'm kidding...who knows what makes a real fan. I guess it depends on who you talk to. I don't think you can say "Gibbs sucks" or boo this team and be a Redskins fan. That's just my take/feeling. None of us can judge, but sometimes people on this message board come across like they aren't "real" fans. :cheers:


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I agree with you BigCountry... A true fan always cares for the Skins and some may suffer when the burgandy & gold lose but theres a line when its come to someone opinion! Some people get really upset if someone says the Skins stink(which at this point is correct), but doesn't mean they are giving up on the Redskins or putting the team down, they're just calling it how it is at this point in time! I mean we are stinking it up on both sides of the ball as well as on some coaching decisions.... The Redskins ARE very capable of being the best team but we are not showing it right now through the 7 games we've played..... I love this site and we have some of the best and most faithful fans in the world!

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Bascially for me, someone who doesnt give up on the team, no matter how bad they are doing in the season, or no matter how many points they are down by in a game. Someone who doesnt say the QB position is bad, or the coaches are, someone who thinks that what the team is doing is best for them and the fans. A person who is willing to go to the games, even if its pooring down rain, excessive heat, or below freezing. Someone who sticks around, someone who isnt a team jumper.

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A fan is anyone that doesn't say 'sucks' five times in the same sentence

This, I think, about says it all...:notworthy I will add tho that I believe part of being a "real" fan is while we as fans have a right to voice our opinions and our displeasure or even question things that take place on the field..we shouldn't do it at other peoples expense. I don't think attacking others is the way to go..but thats just my thinking...

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Being a fan is an individuals choice. No one can take if from you with labels. People vent flustration in different ways positive and negative. We live in a world were everyone is quick to label you in a way that makes them superior over you so they can feel better about themselves. You can love your wife but not like her actions sometimes.

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Rdskn4Lyf is a real fan. he's always positive and always has something good/nice to say about everyone.

lead by example.

I like "when your team is 2-10 and you're pumped for the next game" too.

That describes me to a T. I <3 the skins, no matter what.

As for voicing your opinion, sure, fans can do that. However, you can't expect someone to agree with you when you post (not you in particular) garbage like Gibbs should be fired. That's just ignorance. The game has NOT passed him by. Posting threads about how players suck because the entire defense is garbage right now. Give the players time to adjust to the system, new teammates, surroundings, etc. for at least a SEASON before you throw them under a bus. You must be a good friend to have. You know? A guy gets in trouble and you ditch his ass. That's what some ppl here remind me of.

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Close this thread, I think it should be a forum rule never to start a thread questioning a fan's integrity.

It's rediculous and to point fingers at other fans deserves a punch in the mouth. Close the thread.

Excuse me sir but who exactly did I point my finger at? I believe I posed a series of questions and asked for opinions. Apparently you could not comprehend that.

But if you would like to punch me in the mouth feel free to PM me and we can set something up.

Oh and its spelled rIdiculous, nice try though.

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Excuse me sir but who exactly did I point my finger at? I believe I posed a series of questions and asked for opinions. Apparently you could not comprehend that.

But if you would like to punch me in the mouth feel free to PM me and we can set something up.

Oh and its spelled rIdiculous, nice try though.

No need for childish knit-picking at spelling :rolleyes: , I didn't mean anything malicious to you.

And no I wasn't saying that you specifically were pointing fingers, but this thread ENABLES it to happen. I have been crusading against this garbage since the loss to the cowboys in week 2. Fans don't have the right to judge other fans, PERIOD. I don't care if it's calling someone a super-fan or saying that someone isn't a "true" fan.

I've seen guys who followed this team since the days of George Allen get accused of not being a "true" fan, and I can't tell you how FURIOUS that makes me.

Your thread enables others to create a rule system that excludes others from being part of loving this team.

Nobody has the right to make rules for being a "true" fan. Mods, close this thread. This isn't necessary and it divides us.

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I apologize for my response to you and the intent of the thread was not to divide us. Maybe I should clarify why I posted; I started this thread because I was sick of the "real fan" comments. I believe that just because people have certain outlooks does not make them any less of a fan, you can question the organization, you can praise gibbs and what not but do not tell someone they are not a fan. Sorry if I ended up dividing people I was just sick of people I thought were making rational and very valid arguements being told to shut up and go away because they did not toe the company line.

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