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What is a real fan???


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I apologize for my response to you and the intent of the thread was not to divide us. Maybe I should clarify why I posted; I started this thread because I was sick of the "real fan" comments. I believe that just because people have certain outlooks does not make them any less of a fan, you can question the organization, you can praise gibbs and what not but do not tell someone they are not a fan. Sorry if I ended up dividing people I was just sick of people I thought were making rational and very valid arguements being told to shut up and go away because they did not toe the company line.

Well now, I guess it turns out you and I share the same opinion. I see what you were trying to get at, attempting to come up with a definition for a redskins fan that proves the guys touting "true fan" or "not true fan" wrong.

I just think you went about it the wrong way, but I agree with your feelings on the matter 100%. I'm just so sick of "true fan" talk. Like I said I saw guys who stuck with this team since George Allen get verbally trashed like they were traitors.

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Being a fan is an individuals choice. No one can take if from you with labels. People vent flustration in different ways positive and negative. We live in a world were everyone is quick to label you in a way that makes them superior over you so they can feel better about themselves. You can love your wife but not like her actions sometimes.

Well said!

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I don't think being a "real fan" comes from how many games you go to.....how many jerseys you own......or how many times you say you love the SKINS.

It comes from within. It is something NO ONE can take from you. It is a feeling deep in your gut......a feeling you know you could never feel for any other team....an understanding of how the colors of that team can make you smile.......or how the fight song immediately gets your attention no matter where you are.

Being a real fan is different for each person....but the basis is the same for all. Loving that team.....no matter what.


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