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ES COVERAGE: Joe Gibbs' Press Conference 10/23/06 (Epilogue regarding the Questions)


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Joe Gibbs' Press Conference 10/23/06

To hear Bubba Tyer's injury updates click HERE.

To read today's comments from Joe Gibbs click HERE.


Hey All,

I am at the Park and ready to go. I am pondering my questions for the day. If any of you have suggestions that do not include the name Brunell, post them and we will see.

I will monitor for the next few 10-15 minutes or so.

Stand by...


Ok kids, stand by. I've got to upload a Bubba Tyer update. The news from Bubba is that Clinton Portis has a high-ankle sprain (left). Moss has a hammy (left). Brunell has a muscle strain in his ribs and sore legs. Randle El has a sore heel.

Stand by for the audio and the write up...


I have to tell you, given the state of this team I lately feel a bit divorced from reality at these press conferences. As much I admire Gibbs’, he is so generic that there is a side of me that wants to see the coach get a bit angry and speak in a direct manner regarding where this team is at, how they have fared, and what they will do about it. However, if I saw that I would be interviewing a different coach, as Gibbs is very consistent with the media. That being said I have to believe the players are getting a very different message than the media and public.

Joe Gibbs appeared contrite today. He appeared apologetic towards the fans and ownership of the team, saying that he is disappointed in the team’s performance to date. He again asserted that they will do everything within their power to turn the team around. He opened up with a review of the game, and then kind of went towards an overview of the season to date.

In between he mentioned again the fans that came out Saturday and last night. I can tell you that those fans are about to get 15 minutes, and it is going to be a ‘Skins-related human interest story. I have never heard ES mentioned so much here as when I arrived. The TV reporters were comparing the facts on the people and the site (ES). I approached the reporter from Fox 5 (sorry, don’t watch much TV and her name escapes me) and explained that I am from ES. She was a bit incredulous until I showed her my credential that says EXTREMESKINS.COM. I asked her if they were going with it and she said “Oh yea, most here will.” Over my shoulder as I type is Comcast editing video of Huly and SSM. I’m glad I can say I knew you when :) .

As to the overview, Gibbs spoke to working over the bye to correct the issues that have plagued this team. According to Bram the team would have gotten this week off if they had won. As it stands they will practice tomorrow and the next day. One day for pass defense, and one day for run defense. If we can conclude anything it is that defense is getting the attention and work this week.

Gibbs then stated that the coaches will be taking a long look at the areas of the team that have not been productive. He also said that the bye is the first real opportunity for the coaching staff to do this, as each week they are locked in to game-planning for the coming week.

The coach reasserted that if they see areas where a personnel change can help the team that they are going to make it…..except quarterback. Gibbs said that in this regard it will be business as usual, unless Mark can’t go.

I wanted to ask why the team continues to throw five and six yards to the sideline when they need 10, 12, 14 yards for a first. Instead I could not pass on a follow-up to a Jason La Canfora question regarding Andre Carter. Gibbs spoke highly of Carter, which prompted me to ask if Carter was playing less downs lately. Gibbs stated that he only comes out when he needs a breather. Again, I felt a bit divorced from reality as it appears that Carter has been playing mainly passing plays only in the 2nd half, at least the last two weeks. That turned out to be the last question of the presser.

Irony of the Day

ES’ers in this thread complaining that the questions today were weak - I cannot remember once in my life hearing the local press that cover the Redskins be accused of tossing softball questions to Gibbs.

Well guys, it looks like I have next Monday off here. I do believe the coaching staff is going to take a long hard look at this team and do what they feel is best to make it run better. My fear is that their options are limited.

I guess we will know two weeks from today…


Epilogue (regarding the questions)

I saw that TK responded to a message in this thread about the questions and suggested that they ask me, as I am there with them. I also see that the majority of responses seem to be regarding the media's coverage of yesterday. I would like to say that I am no media apologist by trade. As a commentary writer I have may times taken the press to task for the manner in which stories are covered and reported.

That being said, and seeing the critiscism in this thread yesterday, I will do my best to offer some perspective. Yesterday's critiscism of the media prompted a conversation amongst myself and a few of the writers. I told them that they were being taken to task for throwing softballs at Gibbs, and that I never thought I would see something like that happen. In speaking about this they spoke in general terms about their role at a press conference.

Their role at a press conference is to solicit information. It is to ask questions that evoke information from the subject in the subject's own words. One writer pointed out that if the subject keeps telling you the sky is green and then we later learn it is blue, it will be the subject's own words that indict him.

Are there times when the press badgers the subject? Yes. But I don't believe they should unless it has to be done.

In this case, I can say that about all of the questions cited have been asked already of the coach at one time or another over the course of this season. Some are asked at each press conference. In addition to the Monday conferences that I participate in, there is also the mid-week and Friday pressers with Gibbs, as well as the post-game pressers. The local writers are in all of these. If you think of it in these terms you will understand that yesterday, this same group of writers had interviewed Gibbs just 19 hours prior following the game. In that conference he was asked about Campbell, as well as other issues related to the game.

I thought Jason La Canfora's question about the history of personnel moves the past decade or so was a no-nonsense question. He did not mention any name, but I understood it to be a question regarding Vinny Cerrato and his performance to date. The coach felt that way as he referenced Vinny in his response. David Elfin asked if Gibbs would consider Campbell getting snaps with the 1st team offense. I know many have asked him about play calling, the poor run game, the poor defense, et al.

Personally, I would say that it is hard to nail a guy who tells you right off the bat that there are problems and that he is responsible. We are also talking about a coach who is noncommital when anything happens and he speaks to the media.

Finally, I would say that often we see the media asking tough questions when things are going well. I consider this hunting for a story. In this situation the story is out and for all to see - this team is not playing well. There is no doubt about it. It appears however that the message from the team and players is largely consistent. I think it would be much different if you had players saying one thing and the coaches something else.

I mentioned in my write-up that I would like to see the coach be more frank inhis answers. This is not Gibbs' style however. Every time they lose we get what we got yesterday. When they win, we get the cheerful Gibbs'. Every once in a while, we get the especially grumpy Gibbs.

I thought we would have seen him by now. Honestly, I would feel better if he showed up.

Hope this helps...


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What can, if any, the fans do to assist the coaches and team to unify the playing on the field. I am sure the negative comments haven't helped from fans and from the press; not to mention the referees.

JimmieJo, I am not joking, I think some of these fans will show up to FedEx with bags on their heads; hopefully they are plastic bags. Nasty, but commentators and players read this board and that can't be helping the "spirit" of the team.

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Guest mwill008

Ask Gibbs, that at 2-5 and zero wins in the NFC that not making the playoff is a definitely a reality. Why are not taking more chances in playing calling and allowing our young players like Jason some game time rep?

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Here's a good question to ask:

Why aren't we playing Redskin football? We don't run the ball, we don't tackle well, we're losing the field position battle every game and we're the most penalized team in the nfl.

If you've got the cajones... :paranoid:


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Ask him the tough questions. It's time to see Coach get fired up again.

Joe, the team went into a half up 14-13, and then let the Colts score 23 unanswered points. There were dumb penalties, a lot of humphing, hands on hips. Talk about the team's heart in that game, because from an outsider, it looked like crap.

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If Joe is sticking with Brunell, I would appreciate it if he could explain (in detail) just why...I mean something other than him saying that he going with "his gut feeling". The old just "trust the coaches" isn't working for me at this point.

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