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ES COVERAGE: Joe Gibbs' Press Conference 10/23/06 (Epilogue regarding the Questions)


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Can someone please para-phrase what Gibbs has to say, for those of us who cannot listen?


Brunell was "Super Smart" , especially on the last drive for a score

We played our guts out

Gotta work some things out

Hats off to the Colts

Wy do people even listen anymore?

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We saw Jason taking notes yesterday, then talking with Mark during the Defensive drives; what is Mark doing to assist Jason to prepare for the NFL QB for Washington. Mark is a seasoned QB, is he working with Jason for Jason to get more confidence in the event an unfortunate injury should occur?

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Why have you coached scared since you've come back, so often you've relied too greatly on a magnificent defense and now that the D isn't as good or healthy, you are still acting as if they can make any stop they need to?

Didn't the team talk to you last year about coaching to win. Why are you going for FGs when the team needs TDs to stay in the game? Do you think getting older has made you more conservative than you used to be or your previous success has made you fearful of ruining your reputation?

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Ask him, "If Brunell is still going to remain our starter, how would you suggest is the best way for the fans to kill themselves?"

1. gun

2. noose

3. gas

and may I suggest just doing it now, instead of waiting until after the bye week, the morgue will be crowded then

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Coach Gibbs,

Have you and Saunders discussed the status of our team at length, and if so, what has Saunders suggested in regards to the QB and running game situation.

It feels like the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing and vice versa.

Also, who is grading and evaluating the free agent talent that we are bringing on board?

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