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Post-game thread: Skins at Colts


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The Colts had the worst run defense in the league and the skins couldn't run today. If you can't run on number 32 who the heck can you run on?

Last week Tennessee had the worst run defense and we didnt run on them either.

Our OL sucks. Our playcalling sucks too.

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When other team scores 3 TD in less than 2 minutes on their opening drives at start of 2nd half, running game goes out the door. The O needs to respond quickly, but with our noodle arm, only option we have are dinks and dunks which means sh*t.

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When he said saunders uses the short passes to help Brunnell but if you keep doing that in the 2nd half the defense will stack the box and it wont work anymore.

So If Troy see's the problem then why cant Saunders. If Brunell cant make the throws downfield then why bother playing at all.

I think Al sees it just fine. The problem as has been discussed is Gibbs loyal to a fault with Brunell. I think he has no choice now but to make a QB change.

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I agree !!!I hate Al Saunders play calling it totally stinks!!!Skins came out in the third quarter and a quick three and out!!Third down and eight and Brunell throws a four yard screen to betts.How do you know that wasn't the designed play being called by Saunders and not Brunell hitting a check down?We should have stuck with the run and not the damn dinks and dunks!!!

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Everyone in the world knew we needed to run the ball and dominate the time of possession. Yet, we still come out and dink and dunk all game. When we did run, we ran sweeps and streches. The weakness in their D was up the middle.

Anyway, I am not going to disect the whole gameplan. It was terrible! Terrible!

Agreed. The Redskins need to change the backupbackupbackup and throw short without looking for anything downfield gameplan.

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Let's face it all ... we are not a good team - what happened today is exactly what you would expect - the skins were outplayed in every facet of the game by a superior team - the future is now, time for JC, time for McIntosh, time to look towards next year and beyond - play the kids, learn the offense, do the best you can and stop agonizing over what will never be - this is not a good team - time to face it and move on.

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Why did we get Saunders obviously we don't have the O-line they had. I think this is gonna be a bad year my brothers were playing





I think this is right now which one of u thinks were gonna win atleast one of these?

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It is obvious that white on white is not working. This is our problem. We haven't adapted to the fact that this is a new year, and a new year requires new pants. We need burgundy pants people!! We have two weeks, let's make that change. Now, I'm not saying that white on white is the problem, but it's not the solution. It's old, and it's played out! Burgundy has potential! Let's at least try it!

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Dude the gameplan has being dummied down to suit brunell and he still sucks he is 36 years old and its time for a change

Dunbed down for Brunell? Yeah right. If you want to say Brunell is too hesitant to pull the trigger, ok, I will go for that. But this offense isn't being dumbed down. And if Brunell can't get it...you think JC can? Brunell is a veteran QB!

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First Half: The D played great. Brunell was making passes, the run game wasn't entirely there but it was decent. Then it started the end of the 2nd. All the penalties just seemed to kill the momentum.

The second half: No defense, no run game. I don't understand how this team can only put together a half of a game. Perhaps its coaching, perhaps its lack of heart, perhaps it's talent in the wrong area. Maybe it's a combination.

The Redskins need this bye week BAD. The defense needs to figure itself out in a bad way. Ugh, it's painful to admit it, but we're getting out coached. This was the perfect game to prove that. Second half adjustments by the Colts killed us. It seems the coaches don't really know who to put where or how to best utilize the talent on the team.

Come on Gibbs, get it together. I think the post-season is out of reach. But the season can still be salvaged.

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