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From one fan to another: enjoy it while it's here.


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I know this season has been disappointing and downright frightful at times, and I can't say that I blame anyone for being upset with how this team is performing - after all, a lot of us were expecting this team to go deep into the playoffs, and some were even speaking of a possible Super Bowl appearance.

But let's not forget that this is supposed to be a treat, a hobby that we enjoy, and not something that is supposed to depress and stress us out, or turn us against one another or our team.

Let the players and coaches do all the worrying, they are the ones who are qualified to make the decisions. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the football season, I know it's hard at times, but there's nothing any of us can do at this point, other than to support our team, and help them get out of this mess - this team needs us, especially with all these must win home games that are coming up.

If they end up turning this thing around, all of this complaining, feuding, and downright hopelessness, will have been just a bunch of wasted energy, and it's ruining the season. This is supposed to be fun, and it's just downright exhausting at times, (not just on extremeskins, but on the radio, at work, and anywhere you go in the community).

They were 5-6 last year, and people we're ripping up there jerseys, turning games off before they were finished (Week 2 Dallas), and questioning why Gibbs didn't stick to NASCAR - the game had passed him by right?, and look what happened? They did the impossible, and they turned the season around and made the playoffs. I'm not guaranteeing that they will do it again this year, but let's wait and see, there's a lot of football left to be played.

I have to believe that we have the veteran leadership, talent, and coaching staff to turn this thing around, yet again; this team is a work in progress, just like everything else in life.

Appreciate it while it's here, guys, because before you know it, it will be the off-season, and we'll have to endure that grueling wait all over again.

Joe Gibbs is back, enjoy it, saver and cherish it, don't waste this great opportunity.

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I really like your post...

I guess just like the professional players on our team have forgotton the joy and excitemnet of executing the fundamentals of the game of football on the field.....

....We professional fans have forgotton the joy and commeridery of just enjoying watching a single game of football....who's better on that day and who's better on that play.

As a former player I can say that there is nothing like making a perfect form tackle or block on a guy.....It's an awsome experience.....the next best thing is coaching a kid to do that .....then after that is watching it happen...

Let's try to enjoy the game again.


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In posting this thread, I wasn't pointing any fingers, we're all human, I just wanted to remind everyone and myself that, we should be enjoying this, and not letting this bring us down. There are dozens of threads of why we should stay optimistic, and why we shouldn't hang our heads, but I think there's one thing that we all forget - this is something that is supposed to be enjoyable.

Win or lose, this is an exciting team to watch, who knows, we might not win another game the entire season, but atleast we have the potential to make a run at a championship; a lot of other teams can't say the same.

It's not like we're getting blown out, like we were when Spurier was coachng, and those teams under our former coaches were nowhere near as good as this team; they didn't even have a chance in the past.

While I can't put my finger on the problem, I just have to believe that this story is unfinished.

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Deep down I agree, but I can't enjoy our games when losing. That God for Fantasy Football.

I know it's hard, but just think, in a couple more months we'll be watching the NFL draft, just dieing for some football again.

Enjoy it while it's here :cheers:

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I will acknowledge that we should be grateful that football season is here.

What I won't acknowledge is that we should all be SO thankful that Joe Gibbs is back and that he was the ONLY person who was capable is righting this team.

Hate to say it, but once Norv got through the rebuilding process, his teams were fairly exciting to watch as well. Then he tried to unilaterally rebuild again and bench Gus in favor of Trent Green, who I don't think Norv foresaw losing due to the ownership tribulations of early 1999. Hell, Trent might still be our QB if the league hadn't screwed around.

Its obvious that every fall is a great time as a Skins fan, with Sundays and the active discussions, but this would be the case with or without Gibbs. And I don't mean to denigrate what great things Joe has done for us in the past......its just that at some point, this team and its fans have to look to the future instead of holding on to the past.

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It is hard to enjoy a team that was suppossed to be good being so bad. You know what I enjoy, play off games, and Super Bowls that the Redskins are in, and above else knowing the Redskins are world champions. There is no enjoyment in losing to an 0-5 team, at home, in a must have game.

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I know this season has been disappointing and downright frightful at times, and I can't say that I blame anyone for being upset with how this team is performing - after all, a lot of us were expecting this team to go deep into the playoffs, and some were even speaking of a possible Super Bowl appearance.

But let's not forget that this is supposed to be a treat, a hobby that we enjoy, and not something that is supposed to depress and stress us out, or turn us against one another or our team.

Let the players and coaches do all the worrying, they are the ones who are qualified to make the decisions. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the football season, I know it's hard at times, but there's nothing any of us can do at this point, other than to support our team, and help them get out of this mess - this team needs us, especially with all these must win home games that are coming up.

If they end up turning this thing around, all of this complaining, feuding, and downright hopelessness, will have been just a bunch of wasted energy, and it's ruining the season. This is supposed to be fun, and it's just downright exhausting at times, (not just on extremeskins, but on the radio, at work, and anywhere you go in the community).

They were 5-6 last year, and people we're ripping up there jerseys, turning games off before they were finished (Week 2 Dallas), and questioning why Gibbs didn't stick to NASCAR - the game had passed him by right?, and look what happened? They did the impossible, and they turned the season around and made the playoffs. I'm not guaranteeing that they will do it again this year, but let's wait and see, there's a lot of football left to be played.

I have to believe that we have the veteran leadership, talent, and coaching staff to turn this thing around, yet again; this team is a work in progress, just like everything else in life.

Appreciate it while it's here, guys, because before you know it, it will be the off-season, and we'll have to endure that grueling wait all over again.

Joe Gibbs is back, enjoy it, saver and cherish it, don't waste this great opportunity.

Lets not forget that its the fans that spend mad amounts of money on the team too which gives us the right to be critical .Not everyone can hold a bright torch on a ship that is sinking.

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Great post! It would be easy for me to blast the team for the way they are playing. But, what good would that do? This team needs us more than ever. Last year when we was 5-6 and coming off a three game losing streak. I chose to think positive that we was going to win out and go to the playoffs. I think we have a bigger hill to climb this year, but it can still be done. In Gibbs I trust!

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Lets not forget that its the fans that spend mad amounts of money on the team too which gives us the right to be critical .Not everyone can hold a bright torch on a ship that is sinking.

We as fans have every right to be critical, and you're right, many of us have a lot invested in this team. But before jumping off the ship, let it pick up some wind and sale first. How does a ship sink before it's even left the harbor? We're not even at the midway point of the season; we're losing close games that have been winnable. The ship just needs some maintenance. :)

I will acknowledge that we should be grateful that football season is here.

What I won't acknowledge is that we should all be SO thankful that Joe Gibbs is back and that he was the ONLY person who was capable is righting this team.

Hate to say it, but once Norv got through the rebuilding process, his teams were fairly exciting to watch as well. Then he tried to unilaterally rebuild again and bench Gus in favor of Trent Green, who I don't think Norv foresaw losing due to the ownership tribulations of early 1999. Hell, Trent might still be our QB if the league hadn't screwed around.

Its obvious that every fall is a great time as a Skins fan, with Sundays and the active discussions, but this would be the case with or without Gibbs. And I don't mean to denigrate what great things Joe has done for us in the past......its just that at some point, this team and its fans have to look to the future instead of holding on to the past.

I'm just saying, it's not everyday that you get to watch a hall of fame coach - the most prominent figure in Redskins history.

Who else would have taken this team to the playoffs - a game away from the championship, in two years?

Who is this guy, my friends in the Oakland and Arizona front offices are dieing to know :silly:

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I never saw this post Arsenic, Thanks for that, makes me feel a lot better. It is supposed to be fun. Not life or death. Plus win or lose, we definitely have a lot of exciting players on our team. Portis and Moss and Taylor. They are amazing incredible atheletes that we get to watch in there primes. I definitely will start think better. Thanks man. Great post.

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Lets not forget that its the fans that spend mad amounts of money on the team too which gives us the right to be critical .Not everyone can hold a bright torch on a ship that is sinking.

This is the worst possible reason to be critical .....because you think by buying merchandise you have earned the right to be critical.

Guess what....you can be critical without spending a dime on the skins. I've been a fan since 1982. I've spent maybe a total of $200 dollars on the skins. I only reward the franchise with my money if they are successful. Take last year....I bought a sweatshirt because we went to the paloffs. This year I will buy a hat if we make the paloffs.

Just because you choose to be some corporate mark and reward the orginazation when it doesn't deserve your money, doesn't earn you the right to critisize.....you already have it. You don't have to pay for it.

I bet you are probably a Cubs fan too. hey keep buying their stuff ....Maybe one year they'll be good.....I hear it's been 100 years since they won the world series in 2008...maybe that will be the year....:doh:

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Awesome post!

We only get 16 weeks of regular season football a year...we should do a better job of enjoying them.

As for Joe being back...I recall saying to friends and family many times over the past 15 years that I'd love it if Joe could be at the helm again (even if we lost). At least we know that we have a coach who will give 100% to turn things around.

Even if we're losing, there's a connection to that time in our lives when Redskins football was magical and pure!!

Great post man!! I love this time of year and I will enjoy it one way or the other!

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Great post by the way, but I think the thing that bothers me the most is not the losing, but the way we lose. If we were giving 100% and the ball maybe took some crazy bounces or we got a rotten call (see Sea/Rams game), then I'd say OK, we are fighting our asses off, but we're just coming up short. That's not the case with this team. They look very passive out there. I don't need a SB every year to justify myself as a fan. I realize you can win it all every year. I just don't want anymore half-hearted efforts. If we lose, lose going down fighting. there's just no fight in us. I want the other team to leave the field saying "man, we won, but it wasn't easy. this team almost kicked our butts." That's all.

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