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Enough of the fairweather fans!


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I am very annoyed at the skins recent preformance, and i agree that we have to make some changes, but i'm getting tired of hearing the people that are extremely excited after every win come and bit'ch about how the redskins suck after every loss. Yes, they are not in an optomistic situation, but i will continue to wastch and support them, no matter how much the other team is favored by. I'm not saying that you guys should kiss Al Saunders and Mark Brunell's asses and agree with whatever you do, buy instead of writing off the team you claim to be a fan of as a non-threat, how about thinking about what can be done to make the future brighter. If JC gets some starts and becomes a reliable QB, i dont think the team is as bad as they are made out to be.

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I am very annoyed at the skins recent preformance, and i agree that we have to make some changes, but i'm getting tired of hearing the people that are extremely excited after every win come and bit'ch about how the redskins suck after every loss. Yes, they are not in an optomistic situation, but i will continue to wastch and support them, no matter how much the other team is favored by. I'm not saying that you guys should kiss Al Saunders and Mark Brunell's asses and agree with whatever you do, buy instead of writing off the team you claim to be a fan of as a non-threat, how about thinking about what can be done to make the future brighter. If JC gets some starts and becomes a reliable QB, i dont think the team is as bad as they are made out to be.

You haven't had to deal with it for 15 years.

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You're 15 so I'll give you a pass.

Fairweather fans are people who do hide when the team is doing poorly, not passionately negative fans who stick by the team and continue to watch.

And some of those same people complaining want the change you mention because they feel it's best for the team in the short AND long-term. Kinda like 2004.

All over again. :doh

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He is saying that the people who get excited after a win but, do an 'extreme' 180 degree spin and call for the heads of the same people that they praised after a win.

There's not THAT many people on the board like that.

Far more are of the "optimistic but this game is the last straw" or "consistently negative" or "consistently reserved" variety.

Very few "180" types, not memorable, known posters at least.

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Jesus, people. Why the eff would I say how great a player/the team is when they lose? If they lose, then they're NOT GREAT! When they win, then they ARE GREAT! This isn't rocket science. When you suck, then you suck and you deserve to be told so. When you're awesome, then you're awesome, and you deserve to be told so. HONESTY DOES NOT EQUAL DISLOYALTY!

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There's not THAT many people on the board like that.

Far more are of the "optimistic but this game is the last straw" or "consistently negative" or "consistently reserved" variety.

Very few "180" types, not memorable, known posters at least.

Not 'known' posters but, there are a big number of them.

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You know what I'm sick of? The fact that once a week, someone goes and makes a thread like this. I'M PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS TEAM AND IT'S LOSS. Get over yourself, if you're not pissed, then you have to ask yourself how big of a fan are you?

great post... you homer fans need to get a grip and take a trip back from la la land....

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You're 15 so I'll give you a pass.

Fairweather fans are people who do hide when the team is doing poorly, not passionately negative fans who stick by the team and continue to watch.

And some of those same people complaining want the change you mention because they feel it's best for the team in the short AND long-term. Kinda like 2004.

All over again. :doh

Come on man, I know this is an assinine thread but don't attack his age. That's just ignorant if that's the way you insult people's intelligence.

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wah wah wah, I am a fan who loves this team no matter what. If a fan criticizes this team they are automatically a "fair weather" fan. I want everyone to play nice even when the team sucks and loses to a winless team. Well, I say F the Skins until they show they are something more than a bunch of overpaid pansies.

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Come on man, I know this is an assinine thread but don't attack his age. That's just ignorant if that's the way you insult people's intelligence.

Huh? I'm not insulting his intelligence. I'm saying that I'm giving him a pass because he's a kid and I don't expect the same things from him that I'd expect from a 30 year old poster. I was easy on him because he was young not deriding his intellect.

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I am very annoyed at the skins recent preformance, and i agree that we have to make some changes, but i'm getting tired of hearing the people that are extremely excited after every win come and bit'ch about how the redskins suck after every loss. Yes, they are not in an optomistic situation, but i will continue to wastch and support them, no matter how much the other team is favored by. I'm not saying that you guys should kiss Al Saunders and Mark Brunell's asses and agree with whatever you do, buy instead of writing off the team you claim to be a fan of as a non-threat, how about thinking about what can be done to make the future brighter. If JC gets some starts and becomes a reliable QB, i dont think the team is as bad as they are made out to be.

I'm very annoyed with the fact that there are a lot of fans on this board who can't seem to handle a little truth and when it's shoved in their face, they lash out angrily like unhappy little poodles.

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Ugh... another holier than thou, "fair weather fan" bashing post. Seems like we get one after every loss. We arent supposed to be excited when we win, and mad when we lose? Are you serious? We are fans. This is what we are supposed to do. If you dont like it fine, piss off. I wont miss you.

Oh and as far as "thinking about what can be done to make the future brighter" goes. WTF does it matter? Do you work for the Redskins? Does anything any of us say make a difference? NO, it doesnt.

I'm pissed off right now because the team I live and die with just embarrassed itself in front on 90,000 home fans. If you were a real fan, you would be too.

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Everybody right now is pretty pissed.

And they should be I don't think anybody qualifies as being a bad fan here tonight.

We're still here, we're mad and we want the Skins to win.

People want to say something bad about a player or the team tonight I think they should get a free pass.

It was earned for anybody who watched this horrid game (especially the fans who came to FedEx today).

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Ha Ha fairweather fans my ass,been a fan of the skins alot longer than you have been alive.This team is playing like crap,and as a long time fan i am sick of it,and sick of the exscuses,this team needs to wake up.

Start J.C. for the rest of the year,we did drop a #1 draft pick on his ass,lets see what he is made of.

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You're 15 so I'll give you a pass.

Fairweather fans are people who do hide when the team is doing poorly, not passionately negative fans who stick by the team and continue to watch.

And some of those same people complaining want the change you mention because they feel it's best for the team in the short AND long-term. Kinda like 2004.

All over again. :doh

Nibbs, please take this as the first in what should be a petition of many to sticky this definition to the top of the first page in the stadium. I'm about tired of being called a fairweather fan because I'm not happy with the decisions or performance of the team. If these knuckleheads are going to call people fairweather, the least they could do is understand what the term means.

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I'm critical of wins and losses, so I don't think I'm a fairweather fan. I been with the team since the third super bowl, and I have been through the good times and bad. Do you remember ritchie pettibon as headcoach, or how about bein 7-1 and missin the playoffs? I might be young but I'm a diehard skins fan, and I know since I've been a skins fan we have lost more than we won. We haven't had two good consecutive seasons, and we have had one too many coaches. Anyone who is a real skins fan will be extremely high after wins and very critical after a loss.

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