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Fan of a college team you have no ties to?


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Seeing as I am trying to forget this debacle as quickly as possible, I have been mulling this in my head for a while. Why not start now.

Do any of you have a college football team that you have loved for a while but can't really explain why you like them? For me it's Ole Miss. I have no idea why I like them, but I'm obsessed with them during football season. I think I saw them on TV once when I was 12 or so and may have liked the uniforms or something. They also had a straight-on kicker. I do remember that. Ever since, though, I'm this crazy stupid Ole Miss fan during college football season year in and year out.

Anyone else as insane as me?

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Like many Notre Dame fans I am Irish but have no ties to the university what so ever. My father is a huge ND fan and so was his father. It seems to be an Irish thing.

My grandfather loved Notre Dame and I never had any idea why. His mom was Irish, from Ireland...maybe that had something to do with it. :whoknows:

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Most Notre Dame fans. :laugh:

My Grandfather was the CFO for Notre Dame for 8 years (as well as a math and physics professor at Harvard). Uncles, Aunts and numerous cousins attended but I guess that's got nothing to do with me. I am hoping that my son will attend one of the above for a grad degree (legacy :)). I root for the Irish, but it's not a foaming at the mouth thing :doh: Oh yea I'm about 70% Irish, that should count for something :silly:

I have quite a few friends and neighbors that are grads of UF, they get testy when I were a skins jersey because it's hard to tell from a FSU. But yea I root for the Gators too.

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USC, partly for their fight song, partly for their uniforms, and partly for their rivalry with ND. I've rooted for them for over 15 years, so I swear it's not just because of their recent success. I still love UVa, but it helps to follow a team that actually wins a game once in a while:)

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Yes. I have no area ties, school ties, or reason, but I just love the Nebraska Cornhuskers. I have watched them as long as I have the Redskins, and root for them every week. I can't explain it either.


AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Someone had to go there. No matter where go there's a Husker fan there. Went to California a few years ago and there was even a Husker bar there.

No offense intended but I live damn near right in the heart of Husker territory and I get so sick of the fans.

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I am a big Michigan fan but no ties to the school. The reason? A couple. I am org from the Chicago area and most of the people there are big ND fans. My immediate family is from Ohio and are big Ohio State fans. So, being the rebel that I am (haha) I picked the rival from both teams.

Also, I like how the Wolverines play the game. They have a long standing tradition and play old school smashmouth football much like the Redskins did during the 80's.

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