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An Apology to David Patten

Guest Knightwchmn

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Guest Knightwchmn

Dear David,

Many of us, including myself, blamed you for the non-production on the other side of the field in the WR position last season. Let me be the first to say, "I am sorry!!" A year later, an obvious pattern has made itself painfully aware, that removes you from all blame. Follow along:

In 2005, Moss was hot, and Cooley made up the slack. Conclusions were drawn you were the problem. Our first clue disputing that fact should have been your injury... when no one else could produce in that position as well - which made no sense (since Moss was so hot) the other side of the field should have been ripe for the picking.

Now, in '06, positions have moved around, but the net results are the same. Team brought it two "cheetahs" in Lloyd and Randle El and Off. Coord. Saunders. Yet once again only Moss and "the dump off guy" (Cooley last year, Betts and Portis this year) are producing.

Conclusion? Our current starting QB (I will not mention any names) doesn't have the cognition to scan a football field. He looks off his hot receiver, then immediately looks to his "dump off guy", then throws to the coaching staff (his own or the opponents) when all else fails. I just wanted you to know... "It wasn't your fault... or Lloyd's, or Cooley's this year (since in a Saunders offense, the tight end is not a "dump off guy" ala T. Gonzales), or Randle El's."

Again, I am sorry!!

-The Knigh****chman

Daytona Beach, FL

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Actually, at least in my case, the knock on Patten was not his production when he was on the field. It's that he got hurt. And then Thrash did. And then we had Jacobs and Farris running around not doing much, which was coincidentally when the passing game started to falter.

ARE and Lloyd were brought in for much needed depth. ARE is on pace for 45 catches, so he's getting his opportunities.

The difference is none or our WRs are hurt this year so far. This year it's in the secondary where we've been hit, and suprise suprise, our pass defense is terrible.

The injury gods are a fickle bunch. Apparently we still haven't figured them out.

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Skins may have bought one too many "cheetahs" despite legitimate concerns about prior WR injuries.

As a NH resident, I watched David Patten earn his ring as a NE wide receiver. While he's getting a little long in the tooth, he's still a good wide receiver. Did you see his recent, over the middle, 25 yard catch a couple weeks back ?

Lloyd is NOT an upgrade of Patten. And Thrash ain't chopped liver.

And no, it's not Brunell's fault...

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i been saying the same thing. brunell has tunnel vision and he is very lucky that moss is hard to cover. he never goes through his progressions. when he was a great athelete he could get away with it. first guys not open take off and run but at this stage in his career he cant do that. he has never been a pocket qb. sort of like if vick lost his legs(to a lesser extent).

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Lloyd is NOT an upgrade of Patten. And Thrash ain't chopped liver.

No, but he is a young guy with lots of potential, which we probably could use.

Thrash is, at best, a #3 WR. He pretty much proved that last year. He's more valuable on teams.

I was a big defender of Patten last year, and even tho he wasn't getting the numbers, he was taking the heat off of Moss and helped make things work in the first half of the season.

Brunell is a popular whipping boy here, but things went south in the passing game because of Patten, not because of Brunell.


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Classic Post you must have read my mind

we need a QB with vision who can work the feild.not just sustain a drive off the big play.a 16 yard pass going to the house.

Yep... and this guy is the guy mentoring out franchise QB... great....

MB: "If Moss isn't open, look for Portis"

JC: "Who should I throw it to if Portis isn't open?"

MB: "What do you mean?"

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You'd only have to look as far as the O-line not giving Brunell time to throw.

You'd also have to give defenses some credit as well.


:bsflag: I don't know if you've been watching the games but Brunell is TERRIBLE in the pocket. As soon as it's starting to break down, which it will for ANY team, he's bouncing into his lineman or running right into a Dlineman. That or tucking his head down and curling up instead of trying to get out of the pocket or just move a step or two to an open spot. And all that is after a 7 step dropback. The guy is running back so far behind the line of scrimmage sometimes that he has to throw 10 yards just to get the ball back to theLOS. NO one should need as much time to throw as Brunell seems to need almost every down. The only way he's been effective is short, fast dumpoffs to RB's because he can't be asked to find an open receiver down the field.
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To the original poster.

I foresee in your future a thread entitled "An apology to Mark Brunell." You will compose this thread when Mark steps up and has a good couple of weeks. You will then use that thread to point the finger at another player who is not performing up to snuff. Carlos Rogers perhaps as he drops another sure interception. You will say "All we needed was one big play on defense to help out our O (or something along those lines)"

Eventually Rogers will realize his potential and you will point the finger somewhere else with another 'apology' thread. Singling out individuals as the reason for failure in the ultimate team sport...

It's a team, you cannot place the blame on an individual. And in case you were interested, Brunell is not even deserving of your blame. He is not asked to be a game winner in this offense, he is asked to manage and not to lose. It is up to those around him to win the game.

So far this season MB is completing 63% of his passes, averaging close to 8 yards a ball, has thrown 4tds to 2picks, and has posted a rating of 90.1. Let that last number sink in. 90. If you looked to see, you would see that MB is performing in the top ten of QBs in the league, sandwiched between guys like Drew Brees and Chad Pennington. You would also see that he is only 6-7 points off from the QB standard, Peyton Manning.

My point is not that MB is good, great, or anything along those lines. Just stop pointing fingers and do your homework before you call out an obvious target like Brunell.

Edit. And what do you all know about vision? This is not Madden, there is not a vision cone out on the field that exists in reality. And do you think that Campbell will have some sort of great "vision" coming off the bench in his and taking his first NFL snaps? BULL****

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