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Let's get behind this team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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And stop whining and moaning. Look! I have been hard on them too after the lost to the Giants. But I had sometime to think about this team and the rest of this season. This is still a talented team. Before this season when I saw the schedule. I had them 3-2 at this point. With losses to Dallas and New york. But now we are 2-3. We lost that game to the vikings because we did not have a healthy C.P. You all know that if portis was a 100%,we would have stomped a mud hole in the vikes and we would be 3-2 with a 0-5 Tennesse team comig to town. We are only one game off that mark. We all need to chill. To all those going to the game. Please be loud and pump this team up. They need our support. You dont know how much it means to them when we support them. The players and coaches are humans too. And I know they get down when they hear nothing but negitive things thrown at them. Now I'm not saying that they are above getting ripped,But maybe ripping the is not the answer or its not working.

We have 6 games left at home and 5 on the road. We should not loose at home. I dont care who we playing. Fedex is our house. And it is our duty as a fan that if we are at the game to get up and make Fedex as loud as possible. It is our duty as a fan To get behind the team when we are at the game. I was at the Dallas 05 and Giants 05 games and I was at the Jags game. I truly Beleive that the 12th man had a big part in wining those games. So lets try to stay positive and pump this team up. As far as the road games. Now thats on the team and the players themselves. But if they know that we have faith in them then, that will carry on the road.

All we have to do is when the rest of our home games and steal 2 or 3 on the road. Rams, Bucs, Saints are games we can win. Bucs are awful. Rams are in a weak div. The Saints have not played anybody and they are going to run out of steam. So with that being said we should finish 11-5 or atleast 10-6. I know its a tall order, but we can do it.

Now I know we have issues in the secondary. I know we have issues in the pass rush. I know that Brunnell is up and down. But didnt we have the same problem last year? And last year we had the same threads and post on how....Gibbs is done!!!.....Bench Brunnell!!!......We suck!!!........What is snyder doing!!!!.....Why are we not throwing deep!!!!...... Ater all was said and done we went to the playoffs.

Now I know how some people fill around here. Ya'll Ready to throw in the towel. And I can understand how ya'll feel. That was a pathetic showing in New york after a great game we won against a great football team..... Did you see what the Jags did to the Jets?............. The Jets are no slouch. And we ran up and down the field on a team that has the 3rd rank D and beat a Nfl [the jets] team 48-0......... Thats what this Redskins team can do. Look folks! We have a talented team that can string some wins together.

Look for some reason. We dont play well in New York. But trust and know. When they come down 95 south to fedex they are going to get spanked. This team needs us. Lets get behind them...... Hail! to us putting an ass whipping on Tennesse this weekend........ Hail! to us going to the RCA dome and shocking the world......... Hail! to us going on a buy week and getting healthy,gettin our mind right and focus for a run...... Hail! to Nov 5 at 1:00 pm. When we put the most spectacular ass whippin Known to football fans on the Eastern Seaboard on the Dallas Cowboys...............

Lets go! Lets stay positive! Call on sports shows with something positive. Send a positive Email. Think positive and positive things happen.

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And stop whining and moaning. Look! I have been hard on them too after the lost to the Giants. But I had sometime to think about this team and the rest of this season. This is still a talented team. Before this season when I saw the schedule. I had them 3-2 at this point. With losses to Dallas and New york. But now we are 2-3. We lost that game to the vikings because we did not have a healthy C.P. You all know that if portis was a 100%,we would have stomped a mud hole in the vikes and we would be 3-2 with a 0-5 Tennesse team comig to town. We are only one game off that mark. We all need to chill. To all those going to the game. Please be loud and pump this team up. They need our support. You dont know how much it means to them when we support them. The players and coaches are humans too. And I know they get down when they hear nothing but negitive things thrown at them. Now I'm not saying that they are above getting ripped,But maybe ripping the is not the answer or its not working.

We have 6 games left at home and 5 on the road. We should not loose at home. I dont care who we playing. Fedex is our house. And it is our duty as a fan that if we are at the game to get up and make Fedex as loud as possible. It is our duty as a fan To get behind the team when we are at the game. I was at the Dallas 05 and Giants 05 games and I was at the Jags game. I truly Beleive that the 12th man had a big part in wining those games. So lets try to stay positive and pump this team up. As far a the road games. Now thats on the team and the players themselves. But if they know that we have faith in them then, that will carry on the road.

All we have to do is when the rest of our home games and steal 2 or 3 on the road. Rams, Bucs, Saints are games we can win. Bucs are awful. Rams are in a weak div. The Saints have not played anybody and they are going to run out of steam. So with that being said we should finish 11-5 or atleast 10-6. I know its a tall order, but we can do it.

Now I know we have issues in the secondary. I know we have issues in the pass rush. I know that Brunnell is up and down. But didnt we have the same problem last year? And last year we had the same threads and post on how....Gibbs is done!!!.....Bench Brunnell!!!......We suck!!!........What is snyder doing!!!!.....Why are we not throwing deep!!!!...... Ater all was said and done we went to the playoffs.

Now I know how some people fill around here. Ya'll Ready to throw in the towel. And I can understand how ya'll feel. That was a pathetic showing in New york after a great game we won against a great football team..... Did you see what the Jags did to the Jets?............. The Jets are no slouch. And we ran up and down the field on a team that has the 3rd rank D and beat a Nfl [the jets] team 48-0......... Thats what this Redskins team can do. Look folks! We have a talented team that can string some wins together.

Look for some reason. We dont play well in New York. But trust and know. When they come down 95 south to fedex they are going to get spanked. This team needs us. Lets get behind them...... Hail! to us putting an ass whipping on Tennesse this weekend........ Hail! to us going to the RCA dome and shocking the world......... Hail! to us going on a buy week and getting healthy,gettin our mind right and focus for a run...... Hail! to Nov 5 at 1:00 pm. When we put the most spectacular ass whippin Known to football fans on the Eastern Seaboard on the Dallas Cowboys...............

Lets go! Lets stay positive! Call on sports shows with something positive. Send a positive Email. Think positive and positive things happen.

Maybe you should be the one addressing the team in the locker room before the games.

Because whoever does the motovating sure as hell didn't do it Sunday.

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Maybe you should be the one addressing the team in the locker room before the games.

Because whoever does the motovating sure as hell didn't do it Sunday.

I wish I could. They did look flat. But I think this lost will light a fire. 0-2 nfce 0-3 nfc. They got to be fired up.
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Sorry man, buy I've got to disagree. I'm really tired of seeing all this stuff, "if you're mad at the Redskins, then you're not a real fan" or "Don't complain about Brunell".

As a skins fan, I want my team to be the best. And its that very love for the game that I have that makes me complain about what they're doing wrong. I see Williams playing a prevent defense all game thats just not working and I'm going to say that its a stupid move! Just STUPID!

Do you call the Lions fans who complain about the consistent losing seasons fareweather fans? What about the Cardinals fans? the Oakland fans? Hell, even Jerry Rice said he was a San Fran fan and said he didn't like they way Alex Smith was playing last year. So why can't a Redskins fan say that we don't like the way the skins are playing?

People are acting like just because I voice a complaint that I like the skins less than they do. Hell, maybe I do, but I just can't accept mediocracy, nor can I accept stupidity. So when I see a Redskins franchise that's headed towards these things then the common sense in my head is going to say "Thats was stupid". You guys (and gals) can sit and say "everything's gonna be OK, we're still in this" all you want. You just keep saying it until we have lost 8 games and are out of the playoffs. But then you'll probably say we've still got a shot and pray that the other 15 teams in the NFC lose 9 games.

THen you'll give that famous one liner, "Gibbs has 3 superbowl rings, how many superbowl rings do you have?" As if Gibbs can do no wrong. And even if Gibbs was right all along, but if one of his moves looks stupid I'm gonna come out and say it looked like a stupid move. And if I'm wrong, I'll be the first to say Gibbs was right all along.

Case and point: A bad team deserves to be criticized, and/or booed.


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Sorry man, buy I've got to disagree. I'm really tired of seeing all this stuff, "if you're mad at the Redskins, then you're not a real fan" or "Don't complain about Brunell".

As a skins fan, I want my team to be the best. And its that very love for the game that I have that makes me complain about what they're doing wrong. I see Williams playing a prevent defense all game thats just not working and I'm going to say that its a stupid move! Just STUPID!

Do you call the Lions fans who complain about the consistent losing seasons fareweather fans? What about the Cardinals fans? the Oakland fans? Hell, even Jerry Rice said he was a San Fran fan and said he didn't like they way Alex Smith was playing last year. So why can't a Redskins fan say that we don't like the way the skins are playing?

People are acting like just because I voice a complaint that I like the skins less than they do. Hell, maybe I do, but I just can't accept mediocracy, nor can I accept stupidity. So when I see a Redskins franchise that's headed towards these things then the common sense in my head is going to say "Thats was stupid". You guys (and gals) can sit and say "everything's gonna be OK, we're still in this" all you want. You just keep saying it until we have lost 8 games and are out of the playoffs. But then you'll probably say we've still got a shot and pray that the other 15 teams in the NFC lose 9 games.

THen you'll give that famous one liner, "Gibbs has 3 superbowl rings, how many superbowl rings do you have?" As if Gibbs can do no wrong. And even if Gibbs was right all along, but if one of his moves looks stupid I'm gonna come out and say it looked like a stupid move. And if I'm wrong, I'll be the first to say Gibbs was right all along.

Case and point: A bad team deserves to be criticized, and/or booed.


I feel you. I'm not saying that just because you bash the team you are a fair weather fan. You have a right to complain. Especialy if you spend money and go to games. All I'm saying is it does not solve anything. If fans want to be positive then be positive. If fans want to to reflect on the bad things than go ahead. You are still a redskin fan and still part of the redskins fanbase. I love all redskins fans wether they are positive or negitive. I said that gibbs and the team is not above getting ripped. This team looked bad last week. But that does not meen that they cant make the playoffs or turn the season around. I just think they can do it. I dont think this team is that bad.
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