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Do the Redskins primarily run a 4-3?


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I would say that we use a 4-3 about 75% of the time. It depends on the game plan though and personnel. For example, yesterday when Daniels went out we went to a 3-4 most of the time. Williams likes to change things up a lot but the primary system being used is the 4-3.

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I would say that we use a 4-3 about 75% of the time. It depends on the game plan though and personnel. For example, yesterday when Daniels went out we went to a 3-4 most of the time. Williams likes to change things up a lot but the primary system being used is the 4-3.


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There was absolutely NO PUSH up the middle what so ever. They had a picture perfect pocket almost all day. The tackles man handled Carter and Daniels. every time they use the same rush, way outside and get pushed 10 yards behind the QB. No spin moves, nothing. Just bull rush and get blocked out of the play. meanwhile there is a stalemate in the middle with the center and lg and rg just crushing Griffin and Salvea. It looked like they were just stuck at the LOS not moving. Terrible.

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I would say that we use a 4-3 about 75% of the time. It depends on the game plan though and personnel. For example, yesterday when Daniels went out we went to a 3-4 most of the time. Williams likes to change things up a lot but the primary system being used is the 4-3.

Actually that's not entirely acurate. In some situations you'll see Daniels, Griff, Carter, and Washington as the front four. Sometimes Washington will line up in a three point or off the line. The package behind them varies. In the Jax game we saw Arch and Marshall as LB's and Rogers, Wright, Rumph, Taylor, Fox or Doughty in almost a Dime/Quarter look. We hardly line up in a 3-4 look at all. That would mean 3 DT/DE and 4 Backers...I've yet to see that look at all. You can't count Arch as a Backer, and we haven't lined up 4 Backers yet that I've seen. I could be wrong, but I don't think so ;)


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Yes we use a 4-3. Then he'll go to a 3-3-5, with the DB crashing for run support. Williams likes to disguise a lot of his defenses, but it's not working, because the safties are getting toasted out there. I don't understand it myself. I say we do these changes

1. Start Goldsen and rotate Wynn with Carter(because Carter is getting manhandled out there)

2. Maybe move Carter to LB, because IMO, he's quick enough to play it.

The DB's need Shawn back pronto, because this is not looking good. I'm not worried about this 2-3 start. We can still go 11-5 and make the playoffs.

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