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Now i'm getting conflicting stories (Springs related)


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I'm aware that for the past few days that we've been hearing reports of Springs possibly being out for the year, or that he's not close to getting back on the field. Well as I was listening to the JT show on the way home from work yesterday, Doc and Al was saying that he has been sprinting and working out at full speed. Doc, who is close to Springs, said that Springs told him that he's not that far away from coming back, and that the team may be targeting the week after the bye. Of course they are doing this because they don't want him to try to rush back like he did for the Texans game and risk injury. I wish I had the link, but that is what i heard.

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Any positive news regarding Springs is good news BUT playing Devil's Advocate here. Wouldn't it be better to get him to push his time table up? I mean heaven forbide we might have trouble this Sunday against one of the Mannings it would be far better to have a healthy secondary vs. the other far better Manning in Indy who has potent WO's.

I like Springs because he is an honorable guy but his history has been injury prone and getting him back ASAP is what is needed.


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yeah, i tried not to take that, "out for the year" thing to seriously, because most writers in that situation just write for the sake of writing.

It really would be nice for him to be back for the indy game, but why rush him? Might as well just give him that extra week for the bye, and then have him 100% for a very important dallas game.

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yeah, i tried not to take that, "out for the year" thing to seriously, because most writers in that situation just write for the sake of writing.

It really would be nice for him to be back for the indy game, but why rush him? Might as well just give him that extra week for the bye, and then have him 100% for a very important dallas game.

True but the Colts game could very well define our season, in my opinion. Winning over a dominate AFC team, again (thanks jax!) would solidify us as major contenders and I think give far more of a boost to the team in a playoff run then beating dallas.


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The Doc news is a lot better than him being out for the season, but I was hoping that he would be back for Indy in two weeks.

As long as we don't rush him back, and we have him at 100% down the stretch I'm fine with it.

I just really hope we get him back healthy at some point this season. He is arguably the best player in our secondary along with ST.

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always listen to Doc Walker & Co. over any of the Internet bull**** we see on here

the sports hernia was the SAME injury he's been battling, and is the REASON why he had the surgery in the first place

my bet? he'll be back after the bye week

The bye week would be too late.

We have to be 5-2 or at least 4-3 going into the bye.

Not having Springs against NY or Indy is seriously putting those games in jeopardy.

The Bears are already 2 games ahead of us in the fight for home field advantage. We can't afford to lose any more ground to them.

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always listen to Doc Walker & Co. over any of the Internet bull**** we see on here

the sports hernia was the SAME injury he's been battling, and is the REASON why he had the surgery in the first place

my bet? he'll be back after the bye week

It all makes sense now. A sports hernia is the weakening of the lower abdominal wall. This is what the muscle separation was way back when he had surgery. This is definitely good news. :applause:

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The bye week would be too late.

We have to be 5-2 or at least 4-3 going into the bye.

Not having Springs against NY or Indy is seriously putting those games in jeopardy.

The Bears are already 2 games ahead of us in the fight for home field advantage. We can't afford to lose any more ground to them.

I know the teams goal and our goal is to get home field advantage but that is difficult to do. Springs certainly will help us greatly to win ball games but I dont think that is the most important thing right now. The team needs him back and healthy. Rushing him back could cause us bigger problems down the road. I can deal with him being out for 2-3 more games but no one wants him out for the season.

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I know the teams goal and our goal is to get home field advantage but that is difficult to do. Springs certainly will help us greatly to win ball games but I dont think that is the most important thing right now. The team needs him back and healthy. Rushing him back could cause us bigger problems down the road. I can deal with him being out for 2-3 more games but no one wants him out for the season.

I know what you mean...I just see tomorrows game as a must win. We don't want to be 3-4 and have to beat Dallas just to get back to .500 halfway through the season.

Beating either NY or Indy with the offensive firepower they have, without Springs, would be a steal.

I think not having Springs affects the NY game more then Indy. Payton is so good a quarterback that when he is on, can thread in darts and TD passes against blanket coverage. So we could have Springs and Indy could still put up over 30 pts.

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The bye week would be too late.

We have to be 5-2 or at least 4-3 going into the bye.

Not having Springs against NY or Indy is seriously putting those games in jeopardy.

The Bears are already 2 games ahead of us in the fight for home field advantage. We can't afford to lose any more ground to them.

how will it be too late at 5-2 or 4-3? There is still alot of football to be played for the second half of the season, given the fact that most of those games are conference games.

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Hernias are not something to play with. Coming back too early can so easily result in reinjury, and even longer recovery times than the first tear took. We need him healthy for the end of the season and playoff time. Does no good to come back too early, then reinjure it, and miss the last half of the season and the playoffs. I think we need to get thru the first 8 before we start to worry about home field advantage. We can beat the giants and indy without him.

Jacksonville is better than both of them, and we beat them. I believe tomorrow Portis, Betts, Sellers, Duckett, and our pass game r gonna go off, big time. The other corners are also starting to step up and get it done. I expect more from them tomorrow.

Also, the giants success has been with 3-7 yd pass strikes. Our guys have defended those very well and swarmed the ball, creating turnovers which is a weak area for the giants. It is the 7-20 yd range we have had trouble with. If the giants try to change young eli's or the receiver's games for this one game, it will turn into interception heaven for us, hell for them. Eli throws alot of interceptions when he tries to go past the 7 yd range. His vision of the field is 'young'.

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