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Ray Brown!!

The Master SWC

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:applause: im so glad he's on post game live now...his insight and knowledge of the game balances out the stupid comments that b-mitch and baldy like to make from time to time...not that they aren't smart...but still...we can all agree that they say some stupid stuff from time to time...

also its cool to see him on thursdays on the nightly news...

he's a champ!

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I agree. Ray Brown was NEEDED on that show! Even though he's a homer, he really tries to take an even-handed approach with praise and criticism. Plus, having been a part of the current regime, his comments are VERY insightful!

Both B-Mitch & Czaban are 50/50 for me. 25% of the time they are dead-on. 25% of the time they are off in right-field somewhere. and 50% of the time they are just preventing dead air.

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Ray Brown is one classy dude. He does a great job at setting an even tone after the game. Not to hyped, not to down. Great for that kind of show. BMitch as far as I am concerned lives in his past too much. He always uses "when I was playing", guess what BMitch, your not playing, and it is a different league now, than when you were playing. Great job Ray, keep up the good work.

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