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Congressman Runs Ad to Apologize for Affair: But he didn't beat her


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:laugh: Yep, republican congressman says he's sorry for cheating on his wife. . .but he didn't beat his mistress :rotflmao:


Congressman Runs Ad to Apologize for Affair

Seeking Re-Election, He Denies Abusing Mistress


SCRANTON, Pa. (Oct. 5) - Rep. Don Sherwood, a Republican fighting for re-election in northeastern Pennsylvania, says in a TV ad that he is "truly sorry" for cheating on his wife but denies ever abusing the woman he had the affair with.

In the ad, he acknowledges that the affair nearly cost him the love of his wife and his daughters. He said his family has worked through it "because of my deep regret, our love and the fact that the allegation of abuse was never true."

"While I'm truly sorry for disappointing you, I never wavered from my commitment to reduce taxes, create jobs and bring home our fair share," Sherwood said, addressing viewers. "Should you forgive me, you can count on me to keep on fighting hard for you and your family."

Sherwood, a four-term congressman, has a seat that had been considered safe until it was revealed last year that police in 2004 investigated an incident between Sherwood and Cynthia Ore at his Washington apartment.

Charges were never filed, but Ore sued Sherwood, claiming he had choked her. Sherwood apologized for the affair but denied abusing Ore. The suit was settled for an undisclosed sum.

The ad began running Tuesday in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre market and comes days after Chris Carney, his Democratic opponent, launched a hard-hitting commercial focusing on the affair.

Carney's ad features a voter saying, "This incident with Don Sherwood just cuts right at the core values of our district." The phrases "repeatedly choking" and "attempting to strangle plaintiff," taken from the lawsuit, appear on the screen.

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Too bad he's a republican. Affairs tend to have a positive effect on democrats' approval ratings.

:laugh: That was pretty good, however I think the problem with this guy is obvious...He is a four term congressman.

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You know with all the crap the GOP has done lately - the sting of posts like this one is almost completely gone. lol

Yeah, you're right. We republicans have looked like Rocky in rounds 1 through 14 lately. We're taking a 150%-no-doubt ass whooping right now. However, if we pull it out in the 15th like Rocky always does, the dems might as well quit.

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After all the bad press the Republicans have gotten recently, the thing that amuses me the most is that they'll still have control of Congress after the Nov. elections. That will truly show everyone how much the Democrats really suck.

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Yeah, you're right. We republicans have looked like Rocky in rounds 1 through 14 lately. We're taking a 150%-no-doubt ass whooping right now. However, if we pull it out in the 15th like Rocky always does, the dems might as well quit.

Allow me to point out that Rockey lost the fight.


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I don't care about the affair.

The guy should not be reelected for one reason only.

"While I'm truly sorry for disappointing you, I never wavered from my commitment to reduce taxes, create jobs and bring home our fair share."

Whenever anyone says "reduce taxes" and "bring home our fair share" in the same sentence, you know what that means. It means "shamelessly spend money we don't have on pork in my district so I can get reelected."

Throw this bum out.

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*** Spoiler Alert ****

In Rocky VI, Rocky goes WWF on his opponents arse and when his back is turned smashes him over the head with his walker for an upset victory. The refs and judges and ref also amazingly have their heads turned at the moment of the illegal hit and Rocky scores a controversial victory.

He also comes out of the closet and admits the Adrian he shouted for was a former sparring partner he has had an on again/off again love affair with for the last twenty years. The controversy of a champion homosexual boxer causes him to lose the belt after the fact. Rocky VII takes place in a courtroom.

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