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Sapranos vs. The Wire


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I just finish watching "The Wire" 3rd Season. Yeah I know I'm late, but better late than never. I was completely floored by "The Wire". The writing was outstanding. The characters where given different dimesions. The plots the themes, the picture itself is superb. I was reluctant at first to watch it. I felt that it would be just like "the Corner", but I found myself completely engrossed in it. I was to put it in a word "amazed".

Now the reason I put Sapranos vs. The Wire is simple. To me these two shows are the best I've ever scene. I haven't scene Deadwood yet, so my judgement is scewed. But I use to think that the only reason I would subscribe to HBO is to watch the Sapranos. Now I can't wait to see "The Wire" the fourth season.

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I'd take the Wire ... any of the seasons ... against the Sopranos any day.

I've been a big fan of the Sopranos, but the Wire is just a step above in all areas. I thinks it's the best dramatic series I've ever seen on television.

The Wire and football are about the only shows I'll leave the poker table (or screen) to watch. :)

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