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NFL Releases Definition of "Proper TD Celebration" (Joke)


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The NFL League has decided to quell all confusion regarding proper and improper celebrations after Touchdowns, and create a clear, tangible Black & White definition of what they have deemed an "appropriate TD celebration".

Roger Goodell and Gene Upshaw announce, "Things have gotten out of hand with players like Brandon Lloyd of the Redskins going as far as to 'bear hug' another teammate, and we have decided to ban such despicable displays on the field. Therefore, we will release the following photo and announce that this is the ONLY allowed TD celebration"



IMPROPER CELEBRATION (Upshaw : What kind of role models are these guys?)


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I don't know who makes up these idiotic rules in the league, but they've got to be some seriously anal nazis.

I can see disallowing something like the throat slash gesture after a touchdown, but disallowing 2 teammates celebrating? How is that damaging to the game? I'm not getting the NFL's message - are they afraid that a generation of kids will grow up celebrating another teammate's success because they watched too many NFL games? That would be just horrible.

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I agree that some of the NFL's rules on celebrations are becoming a bit draconian.

However, I don't think a penalty happened on that play b/c Lloyd bear-hugged Moss.

If you look at that first pic, you can see Portis in a pose. I believe Moss was doing the same pose and Portis was mimicing it before Lloyd came up and grabbed Moss.

I think that was the reason for the flag b/c 2 players aren't supposed to participate in a choreographed routine.

Not that I agree with it. It was a very quick and harmless. But I think that is what caused the penalty, not the bear-hug.

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Actually Mick, the photo you posted is of an ILLEGAL celebration.

Outside of the view of the camera, there are probably other players sitting on that bench, which means there is more than one player involved in the celebration. Additionally, those players likely PLANNED to go sit on the bench after scoring, which makes it correographed. Clearly, your example falls far outside the parameters of the current rule. ;)

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Seriously- what person is out there that gets offended by choreographed TD celebrations?

Do you know any of these people? I don't.

Depends on what they do. I like the team celebrations better, i.e. The Fun Bunch and the Dirty Birds (Atl). Sometimes the endzone celebrations by one player are idiodic, but hey, what can you do.

The one's that get on my nerves are the WR's or RB's signalling first down, or the Defensive player who makes a great tackle, celebrates with a dance, then you look in the box score and that's the only tackle he made all game.

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The NFL League has decided to quell all confusion regarding proper and improper celebrations after Touchdowns, and create a clear, tangible Black & White definition of what they have deemed an "appropriate TD celebration".

Roger Goodell and Gene Upshaw announce, "Things have gotten out of hand with players like Brandon Lloyd of the Redskins going as far as to 'bear hug' another teammate, and we have decided to ban such despicable displays on the field. Therefore, we will release the following photo and announce that this is the ONLY allowed TD celebration"



IMPROPER CELEBRATION (Upshaw : What kind of role models are these guys?)


I got a better one for ya....an example of a proper TD celebration is what Keyshawn Johnson did to Dashaun Foster after scoring the go ahead TD against the Saints on Sunday. Johnson chose to celebrate by clocking in the back of the head with his forearm.

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Seriously- what person is out there that gets offended by choreographed TD celebrations?

Do you know any of these people? I don't.

Well, I'm not offended, and I have nothing against multiple players celebrating a TD together.

As long as its short.

A quick pose by a group of players, or something like Denver used to do (salute each other) is fine. It's quick and harmless.

But loooooong, drawn-out choreographed dance rotuines by a bunch of players? Nah, we don't need that.

I think they do need to loosen up on multiple players celebrating, just cut out the long, game-stopping dance numbers. :)

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i'm opposed to ANY kind of censuring to TD celebrations, after all it's just that, Celebrating a goddamned hard earned TD, for chrissakes...it's the most emotional moment in football.

Personally, I'm take more offense to the No Fun League, to treat me like some ignorant moron, by implementing this stupid rules, and expect me to believe it's doing it on my behalf...


On a lighter note, since these rules are already set, we should propose some exceptions, like for example dancing on the Dallas Star by your own WR, hahahaha, now THAT should be universally accepted...


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Depends on what they do. I like the team celebrations better, i.e. The Fun Bunch and the Dirty Birds (Atl). Sometimes the endzone celebrations by one player are idiodic, but hey, what can you do.

The one's that get on my nerves are the WR's or RB's signalling first down, or the Defensive player who makes a great tackle, celebrates with a dance, then you look in the box score and that's the only tackle he made all game.

I agree. It's a team sport. Let them celebrate as a team. Promoting individuality, then restricting what individuals may do, is in itself a losing battle.


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Seriously- what person is out there that gets offended by choreographed TD celebrations?

Do you know any of these people? I don't.


Act like you've been there before and you're planning on being there again. TD's, like WINS should be the EXPECTED result, not something that really to be celebrated like it's never happened before.

Hand the ball to the official and either get off the field or head back to the LOS if you're on the FG unit.

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