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Good win for the Redskins...


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You guys looked really good against a very good team.

To be honest I didn't know what to think of the Redskins. I knew you had a lot of talent, but I was wishing that it took at least half a season for it to gel.

Anyway, good win and I can't wait till the Cowboys go to FedEx.

Should be a great contest. :cheers:

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You guys looked really good against a very good team.

To be honest I didn't know what to think of the Redskins. I knew you had a lot of talent, but I was wishing that it took at least half a season for it to gel.

Anyway, good win and I can't wait till the Cowboys go to FedEx.

Should be a great contest. :cheers:

It will definitely be a good contest. I'm gonna have a hard time deciding which team to root for this time around. I really like what Dallas is doing this year. But it looks like the Skins have finally awakened.

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I think it might be because in another thread you called the Cowboys the elite organization in the NFL and all teams benefit from being able to model them. And in the perspective thread you kept saying "your team" this and "your team" that. I know when i talk about the Redskins i say "WE" as if Im part of the team. At least the way ive been a diehard skins fan my entire life and agonize when we lose i have earned the right to say "WE" when talking about the skins. Sure sounds like you are more of a cowboys fan than skins fan. Just some insight.

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We do apologize for this nutcase. We have treated him like crap since he got here, not family. That is simply nothing more than a big fat lie. He is truly a freak of nature... and he definitely seems to be more of a Cowboys fan. Which makes sense. :)

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Like I said, it's all part of the love and support I get here.

Now some of the Extremists here are convinced that I am either a Cowboys fan exclusively or just a fan of some other team trying to stir it up. I feel sorry for this type because they are really more Cowboys haters than true Redskins fans. They have no capacity to separate the rivalry from the teams involved (it's a high school thing I suppose). So they continually try in vein to play that high school clique game that most of us outgrew decades ago. It's really amusing to watch.

Anyway, it would be great to have more Cowboys fans sign up. This place really needs perspective. While it's mostly filled with good people, there are a few of the adolescent types who think they speak for the majority and who love to run the cyber-mouth but come up short with backing their talk up with any real evidence. It's sad.

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Like I said, it's all part of the love and support I get here.

Now some of the Extremists here are convinced that I am either a Cowboys fan exclusively or just a fan of some other team trying to stir it up. I feel sorry for this type because they are really more Cowboys haters than true Redskins fans. They have no capacity to separate the rivalry from the teams involved (it's a high school thing I suppose). So they continually try in vein to play that high school clique game that most of us outgrew decades ago. It's really amusing to watch.

Anyway, it would be great to have more Cowboys fans sign up. This place really needs perspective. While it's mostly filled with good people, there are a few of the adolescent types who think they speak for the majority and who love to run the cyber-mouth but come up short with backing their talk up with any real evidence. It's sad.

Ahhh...the tragic (yet pathetic :( ) bitterness of one whose tawdry and wanton advances have been publicly spurned...and so early in your flowering...still in the first days of your coming-out party, as it were...the trauma, nay, the horror!

I'm afraid so many of us are such jaded veterans here; having seen every act and persona, and even every legitimate internet personality "type." You truly doomed yourself beyond redemption upon arrival, amigo, and there is no escape. no succor to be found. But you're continued flailing to try to muster some sort of less-than-ludicrous manifestation by spinning and twirling these events with sugar-coating like the little cotton-candy machine of a bi-fan you pose, will be indulged as long as it's still amusing. And then, when you tire more than entertain... pooof! :D

BTW, d_mikal...you guys continue to live up to the pre-season hype, whereas we seemed to be headed waaaay in the other direction before these last two outings. Other than Vandy's fickle foot, you gots to be pretty happy.

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Well, it was a must win if they planned on being a good team this year. I love how some of the tv analysts were writing the Giants off yesterday because of their "brutal... brutal" schedule. If you plan on being a good team, then you beat good teams. Last year, the Redskins faced almost every playoff team in the regular season and came out 10-6. We got little recognition or sympathy for having to go through the meat grinder. If we are going to be good. These are the wins we must have.

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BTW, d_mikal...you guys continue to live up to the pre-season hype, whereas we seemed to be headed waaaay in the other direction before these last two outings. Other than Vandy's fickle foot, you gots to be pretty happy.

I am happy...somewhat.

The defense seemed a little average yesterday at times. Mainly in the first half of the game.

They picked it up in the second half and put the Titans in their place, but I felt the defensive gameplan was a little bland.

And the shank by Vanderjackoff really annoyed me. Right now he is just as consistent as Billy Cundiff but costs much more.

Still, it appears the NFC Beast is starting to awaken. Gonna be a fight.

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Like I said, it's all part of the love and support I get here.

Now some of the Extremists here are convinced that I am either a Cowboys fan exclusively or just a fan of some other team trying to stir it up. I feel sorry for this type because they are really more Cowboys haters than true Redskins fans. They have no capacity to separate the rivalry from the teams involved (it's a high school thing I suppose). So they continually try in vein to play that high school clique game that most of us outgrew decades ago. It's really amusing to watch.

Anyway, it would be great to have more Cowboys fans sign up. This place really needs perspective. While it's mostly filled with good people, there are a few of the adolescent types who think they speak for the majority and who love to run the cyber-mouth but come up short with backing their talk up with any real evidence. It's sad.


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