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Saints Conspiracy


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My friends and I were having our weekly poker game last night and were discussing the Monday night game before it started. Somebody brought up the whole conspiracy theory thing and said that there is no way the NFL would let the Saints lose. At the very beginning of the game the Saints block a punt for a touchdown and get a lead they would never relenquish. I'm not saying that I agree with the whole conspiracy idea, but it did at least make me think for a minute. Thoughts?

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Good Lord, I figured that I'd see someone post something like this, but was hoping I was wrong.

Yeah, the NFL told Mora to let the punt get blocked and returned for a TD and tank the rest of the game vs. the only other team in their division with a winning record. I hear that the NFL threatened to feed his children to the Loch Ness monster if his team didn't take a dive.

I also saw that there's a car that flies and runs on water....water, man!


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Good Lord, I figured that I'd see someone post something like this, but was hoping I was wrong.

Yeah, the NFL told Mora to let the punt get blocked and returned for a TD and tank the rest of the game vs. the only other team in their division with a winning record. I hear that the NFL threatened to feed his children to the Loch Ness monster if his team didn't take a dive.

I also saw that there's a car that flies and runs on water....water, man!


you're an *******. :stfu:

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My friends and I were having our weekly poker game last night and were discussing the Monday night game before it started. Somebody brought up the whole conspiracy theory thing and said that there is no way the NFL would let the Saints lose. At the very beginning of the game the Saints block a punt for a touchdown and get a lead they would never relenquish. I'm not saying that I agree with the whole conspiracy idea, but it did at least make me think for a minute. Thoughts?

funny you bring this up........at a poker game back in april right after the draft this was brought up.

the NFL was/had a major hand in attempting to help the saints and the city.......in april after the draft someone at the table brought up the fact the texans passed on bush and he fell to the saints.....texans said that they have dom davis and he is healthy....how is that working out?? well it is week 3 and ron dayne started for them...with them passing on bush and the saints took him...this is the conversation not exact but pretty close

we all know that bush will put butts in the seats, give the team/city a boost in $$$ spent for the team (RB25's jersey, shirts, ect) also area bars/rest durning sundays for people going to watch the game

so i asked this guy...now what would be the insentive for the texans to pass on bush?? he tried to sell us all on the fact the NFL will give the owner/team/city 1 maybe 2 super bowls in the next few years...the next 4 city's are already pick for the following seasons (06 miami 07 AZ 08 tampa 09 maimi) and that houston will get the game in the next grouping and make a boat load of money for hosting the game to compensate for thier loss.....

then he went off the deep end (if he not already there) and said that the texans will be sooooo bad this year that they will have a chance to draft adrain peterson in this years draft...again i ask him they will throw the WHOLE season??? again his response.....NOPE they knew they were rebuilding and that they would get a top 5-7 pick anyway so if peterson or another good back was there it would not cost them a ton to trade up to get a rb.....

this was kicked around for alittle while then fizzled out, but EVERY time i see bush make a play and i see how bad the texans are I think of this, not that i agree with him, but i must admit i do think about it and wonder what the texans were thinking.......

what do you guys think??


he was a hell of a poker player haha

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As much as the Saints returning to New Orleans was a great story there is no way an NFL Team would throw a game and a divisional game at that. Especially when there are only 16 and they all mean something. The Falcons could be battling the Saints late in the season for a Divisional Title.

That is my take.

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but EVERY time i see bush make a play and i see how bad the texans are I think of this, not that i agree with him, but i must admit i do think about it and wonder what the texans were thinking.......

what do you guys think??

Honestly, I think that the Texans fans have to be happy that Charley Casserly is no longer their GM. I liked Charley when he was with the Skins, and still think he's a good football guy, but I was dumbfounded when they passed on Bush. Admitttedly, rookie RB's usually don't have the learning curve that the other positions do, but Bush looks like the real thing, whether they're using him as a RB, WR, PR, or a decoy.

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My friends and I were having our weekly poker game last night and were discussing the Monday night game before it started. Somebody brought up the whole conspiracy theory thing and said that there is no way the NFL would let the Saints lose. At the very beginning of the game the Saints block a punt for a touchdown and get a lead they would never relenquish. I'm not saying that I agree with the whole conspiracy idea, but it did at least make me think for a minute. Thoughts?

I thought to same thing when the Texans passed on Reggie Bush.

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But trying to rain on the Saints parade isn't being one...

Yah, that makes sense...clever and classy comeback by the way.


If you read my post you would understand that I said that this wasn't my opinion, but one that was brought up in conversation by someone else. Do you really think that me starting this thread is going to damper the Saints parade? As far as my reply, i shouldn't have said it but I didn't appreciate the attitude that was taken in response to a thread I created for conversation (not the fact that you obviouly disagree, as I do, with the topic). :)

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Either Casserly is the biggest idiot in the free world or the NFL set up the draft this year so the Saints could get Bush. It's definitely one of the two, I'll tell you that.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but here goes: I'm torn over New Orleans. I feel awful for the majority of the city's people but at the same time I'm almost disgusted by *some* of them. Spike Lee was ****ing last night about how awful it was that people didn't get enough help from the government, then complained about people having to go home to FEMA trailers after the game. So, I guess now temporary housing isn't considered "help"? Also, the majority of the people who are now "homeless" didn't have homeowners insurance. Call me heartless, but I'm sorry....homeowners insurance is something any idiot KNOWS you have to have, especially in a flood prone area (i.e. federal flood coverage). I know Katrina was the worst trajedy America's ever had and I've given to recovery efforts. I just wish that instead of waiting for someone to come help the LOCAL and STATE governments had handled things better.

I know there's a lot more to the subject and I haven't personally seen the wreckage. It's complex and I think race became a scapegoat via the press than it ever was to begin with, which makes any criticism immediately a touchy one. Anyways, just my two cents. Not trying to offend anyone, and invite anyone who disagrees to voice their opinion in response.

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Either Casserly is the biggest idiot in the free world or the NFL set up the draft this year so the Saints could get Bush. It's definitely one of the two, I'll tell you that.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but here goes: I'm torn over New Orleans. I feel awful for the majority of the city's people but at the same time I'm almost disgusted by *some* of them. Spike Lee was ****ing last night about how awful it was that people didn't get enough help from the government, then complained about people having to go home to FEMA trailers after the game. So, I guess now temporary housing isn't considered "help"? Also, the majority of the people who are now "homeless" didn't have homeowners insurance. Call me heartless, but I'm sorry....homeowners insurance is something any idiot KNOWS you have to have, especially in a flood prone area (i.e. federal flood coverage). I know Katrina was the worst trajedy America's ever had and I've given to recovery efforts. I just wish that instead of waiting for someone to come help the LOCAL and STATE governments had handled things better.

I know there's a lot more to the subject and I haven't personally seen the wreckage. It's complex and I think race became a scapegoat via the press than it ever was to begin with, which makes any criticism immediately a touchy one. Anyways, just my two cents. Not trying to offend anyone, and invite anyone who disagrees to voice their opinion in response.

First off I will agree with you about Spike Lee. We all know he is an idiot, and as much good as he does for the people of NO. he simply uses this tragedy as his next soapbox to step up on.

Also there is NOTHIng the gov. could have done to lessen the destruction and pain caused by this disaster.. Im sure if the president had a button he could have pushed that would have stopped the storm he would have. Regardless this storm would have had the same effect if Dems. or Repubs were in office... anyone that says different.. is an idiot.

That being said, i love that spike lee cares so much.. but i wish he wasn't using the people of NO to achieve his own twisted political agenday.

Spike Lee = Mike Moore... They are one in the same.

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I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but here goes: I'm torn over New Orleans. I feel awful for the majority of the city's people but at the same time I'm almost disgusted by *some* of them. Spike Lee was ****ing last night about how awful it was that people didn't get enough help from the government, then complained about people having to go home to FEMA trailers after the game. So, I guess now temporary housing isn't considered "help"? Also, the majority of the people who are now "homeless" didn't have homeowners insurance. Call me heartless, but I'm sorry....homeowners insurance is something any idiot KNOWS you have to have, especially in a flood prone area (i.e. federal flood coverage). I know Katrina was the worst trajedy America's ever had and I've given to recovery efforts. I just wish that instead of waiting for someone to come help the LOCAL and STATE governments had handled things better.

I know there's a lot more to the subject and I haven't personally seen the wreckage. It's complex and I think race became a scapegoat via the press than it ever was to begin with, which makes any criticism immediately a touchy one. Anyways, just my two cents. Not trying to offend anyone, and invite anyone who disagrees to voice their opinion in response.

Unfortunately I have to agree, you have to have something like homeowners insurance... geez! I dont know everything about this topic I ADMIT it, but you would think that if everyone who lived in the effected areas went back and started working and trying to clean up the mess something would get done. I mean if this is such an important area to them, why wouldnt you come back? Maybe b/c the goverment there doesnt have enough money to support you? I know thats not a PC thought, but I cant figure out why so many haven't returned. Is it soley b/c they didnt have their homes insured? If thats the case with most of them, then you really have to wonder. I've even heard that it is pretty cheap to live in NO right now b/c they want people to return.

Please don't get on a soap box regarding this topic, I'm just sharing some thoughts.

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Atlanta got beaten. Flat-out beaten. There was no way to script the whoopin' they got put on them last night.

I had figured it to be a close game, with possible OT, but picked the Falcons because they were the faster and stronger team overall. In my view, the brand new artificial turf made for a soft footing (like playing on a muddy field) and that took away the Falcons' speed advantage. After that, it was all about momentum...when the Saints blocked that first punt and recovered it for a TD, I knew it was gonna be a looooong night for the Falcons.

Any way you slice it, though, the Saints looked really solid out there last night...good to see NOLA on the comeback trail! :cheers:

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Those ATL recievers were dropping perfect passes. I'm not saying that they threw it, but I never expected to see Alge Crumpler drop that many perfect passes in one game.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but here goes: I'm torn over New Orleans. I feel awful for the majority of the city's people but at the same time I'm almost disgusted by *some* of them. Spike Lee was ****ing last night about how awful it was that people didn't get enough help from the government, then complained about people having to go home to FEMA trailers after the game. So, I guess now temporary housing isn't considered "help"? Also, the majority of the people who are now "homeless" didn't have homeowners insurance. Call me heartless, but I'm sorry....homeowners insurance is something any idiot KNOWS you have to have, especially in a flood prone area (i.e. federal flood coverage). I know Katrina was the worst trajedy America's ever had and I've given to recovery efforts. I just wish that instead of waiting for someone to come help the LOCAL and STATE governments had handled things better.

I know there's a lot more to the subject and I haven't personally seen the wreckage. It's complex and I think race became a scapegoat via the press than it ever was to begin with, which makes any criticism immediately a touchy one. Anyways, just my two cents. Not trying to offend anyone, and invite anyone who disagrees to voice their opinion in response.

First off I will agree with you about Spike Lee. We all know he is an idiot, and as much good as he does for the people of NO. he simply uses this tragedy as his next soapbox to step up on.

Also there is NOTHIng the gov. could have done to lessen the destruction and pain caused by this disaster.. Im sure if the president had a button he could have pushed that would have stopped the storm he would have. Regardless this storm would have had the same effect if Dems. or Repubs were in office... anyone that says different.. is an idiot.

That being said, i love that spike lee cares so much.. but i wish he wasn't using the people of NO to achieve his own twisted political agenday.

Spike Lee = Mike Moore... They are one in the same.

Never forget :rolleyes:

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I had the same thoughts. I can't say that I believe it, but it is interesting to think about.

I had the same thoughts when the PATRIOTS won the superbowl after 9/11. No one had picked them to win. It was a patriotic year so it only made sense that the patriots would win. I don't think anyone would pick NO to win this year, but keep an eye on them for sure!!!

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It was a patriotic year so it only made sense that the patriots would win. I don't think anyone would pick NO to win this year, but keep an eye on them for sure!!!

The Patriots won two more Super Bowls so it was just their time.

If these conspiracy ideas prove anything it's that there are some individuals out there who are really very stupid.

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Unfortunately I have to agree, you have to have something like homeowners insurance... geez! QUOTE]

Not to get off topic here but the issue was that many of the lower income residents on New Orleans were not homeowners, they were renters or occupied government housing. If you are not a homeowner than you are not required to get homeowners insurance. That is why you do not hear about homes in the garden district of NO still not being rebuilt.

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Don't forget the fact that Jack Kent Cooke paid off the NFL so that he would win Super Bowls during strike years and so when the Skins won in '91 in a non-strike year, JKC was put on the blacklist. Then, Daniel Snyder bought the team and was grandfathered onto the blacklist, thus he was not allowed to hire any active head coach with a winning record in the playoffs. We sufffered through the end of Norvel, Marty and Stevie before DS got smart and outfoxed the NFL by bringing Joseph Jackson Gibbs out of retirement. As added insurance, DS hired 7 other former head coaches for the staff because a salary cap for coaches will be implemented in 2008. Also, keep in mind that the Cowboys were only allowed into the NFL because the owner had secretly purchased the rights to "Hail to the Redskins". So we bought it back and let the Cowboys into the league. So the Redskins will lose their name in 2010, but not before Gibbs gets 2 more Super Bowls, tying Dallas, SF and Pittsburgh and righting the karma in the universe.

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