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On 3rd & 1, Why wasn't Duckett in the game?


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What is the purpose of having Duckett and we can't use him on 3rd and 1 ?? We were in Dallas's end of the field. We needed to run the ball straight up the gut to get that first down.

We could have gotten down in field goal range and kept our defense off the field too.

What I'm starting to see is a pansy philophy in regards to our running game. We don't run between the tackles anymore. We are always trying to get first downs with stretch plays and anyone who knows the Cowboys know that their LB's flow from sideline to sideline well.

Betts got hammered on 3rd & 1 trying to run that sissy stretch play. And everyone one here knows that Betts can't run thru arm tackles. So where was Duckett?????

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Yeah I remember the play that you're talking about. It was right then and there that I realized that Betts will never be a feature back in the NFL. 3rd and 1, I was yelling for Duckett to be in there and even when I saw Betts in there I figured that it would be a straight ahead play. But NOOOOO, they had Betts running parallel to the LOS. I'm gonna have to invest in a large supply of alcohol if it's going to be like this all year.

Geez I used to go crazy last year when they would be in shotgun on 3rd and short. :doh:

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Why doesn't Gibbs intercede on 3rd and 1 situations ans insert Duckett?? He's just totally turning everything over to Saunders?? Then Gibbs needs to get off the sidelines and Saunders needs to come down to the field.

That is one thing that is bothering me. Why is Saunders in the booth instead of on the sidelines helping and coaching our offensive players while the defense is on the field. I don't think I want him in the booth.

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I think Betts was trying to bust that for a big gain when what he really needed was to plant and cut into the hole with his head down to secure the first down. I think the whole team is pressing.... and I believe many players have bought into the hype by reading press clippings.

This team has had it's head handed to it by a rival...if that's not a wakeup call... I don't know what is.

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Betts kept running sideways even though there was a hole. He was looking to get outisde when all he needed to to run forward for 4 feet. UGH

That was the worst run and the worst play call of the night. Up the middle c'mon, basic football 101. I really am beginning to think that this franchise needs a young, hungry coach...we tried to rekindle the old glory and it just ain't working. Something has got to change. I can't take too many more of these Gibbs post game pressers (We're in a tough spot--we gotta work harder.)

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Also, wasn't there a play later where Duckett was in on like 3rd and 4, but they ran a stretch? Of course he got 2-3 yards and out came the punt team.

Ummm....put the right back for the right play. Duckett doesn't have the speed for that play, just like Betts doesn't have the power that TJ does.

The coaches need to stop trying to trick the defense and just let 'em play football.

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That is one thing that is bothering me. Why is Saunders in the booth instead of on the sidelines helping and coaching our offensive players while the defense is on the field. I don't think I want him in the booth.

I dont like to see that either. it takes soo long for the play to get relayed from the booth, to gibbs, to brunell that were getting each play off with a few seconds left on the play clock... too much time if you ask me. it almost feels like when schottenheimer(sp) was here. the offense's output is about the same too:doh:

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It's because the play calling stank!

Why weren't the high-powered players like Brandon Lloyd, Antwaan Randle El, Santana Moss, Chris Cooley, Chrisitian Fauria (sp?) ... more involved in the passing game.

Why this sudden emphasis on the RUN? Why trade for PJ Duckett if you are not going to use him. Isn't he supposed to be the short yardage specialist.

What ever became of the jumbo package?

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I wouldn't call Fauria a high powered player but I agree with your point.

I also thought Duckett up the gut on the 3rd and 1 was the way to go. Someone else said it best. There shouldn't be any trickery going on for the 3rd and 1... put in Duckett and Sellers to run the lead block. If you can't do that to get 1 yard then what are doing playing football anywhere much less in the NFL.

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What is the purpose of having Duckett and we can't use him on 3rd and 1 ?? We were in Dallas's end of the field. We needed to run the ball straight up the gut to get that first down.

We could have gotten down in field goal range and kept our defense off the field too.

I was wondering the same damn thing!:confused:

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