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If it came to this........who would you want to stay?


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It would seem that there are some communication problems at Redskins Park, and I would like them to either figure them out, or if the case is not communication, stop screwing with us and the media/opponents and just let us know who is playing.


I agree 100 percent with you here! That's where my frustration comes from. We went through this nonsense all last year with LaVar and it drove me nuts. I really don't want this to turn into another soap opera.

Now, let's go kick some Cowboy arse!



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I can't believe someone would put a thread like this on the board. What are trying to do? Make trouble?

no trouble...it's just to see where people stand on loyality. I love the skins.

Worst poll evar, I refuse to vote.

good for you. :)

+1. Let's just get rid of both, put Sean Taylor in at RB and let Tom Cruise coach the team:doh:

That is the craziest thing I've ever heard...Tom Cruise could never be a successful coach...come on :doh:

Gibbs or Ramsey anyone?

Did the same guy start both thread?

No I did not.

Ya know if it really came down to it I'd have to go with choice C and choose RFK Stadium! Really, this is a silly thread.

Why is it silly?

Of course you feel this way.

How about starting a thread that requires an intellectual response and see what happens?

Just because you don't like the response doesn't mean that it's not warranted. Your question was obviously deemed rediculous by a majority of those who even bothered to respond. Accept it and move on instead of trying to convict those who disagree with the validity of your idea by labeling them as somehow inadequate responders.

You give me too much credit. You are trying to say that by starting this thread your quality judgement of it's contents means that you can not respond intellectually.

Sorry but you choose not to respond intellectually. The content of my posts do not hold the power over peoples's choice's to respond like a third grade child still wetnursing.

further more...Just because the Majority says this thread is bad does that mean it is bad...? This is the argument of a simpleton...."well every body else says the sky is green so I guess it is green"...please...:doh: Be your own Man. Follow your own path....

Well I think that we have seen before that having the best players won't make you win if you don't have good coaching....

Those that chose Portis over Gibbs need to take a look again at the Steve Stupider era...

Anyone who chooses Portis over Gibbs (not on who is right or wrong in this particular case but who we should keep if there was some sort of rift as is suggested in the first post) if just plain nuts...

Some of you want to take the whole Lavar thing and sat that this is the same thing.... Its not... Lavar first off was on Defense, and Defense was run by Gregg Williams. The reason that Lavar didn't play was that he didn't put forth full effort in practice because he didn't think he had too, he constantly missed his assignments in games, and he just wasn't where he should have been physically...

The Portis situation is different in that there is a true injury situation going on here and I think both people are really trying to do what they both think is best for the team and not what is best for themselves personally... When there are dissagreements that at the root are both ppl wanting to do what is best for the team then I dont see that as all that bad of a thing

Here is a guy who responded with intellect...nice post..

Let my hypothetically say this...

IF and ONLY if, an NFL team would bend to the likes of such an ultimatum by a PLAYER, then I question the judgment of that organization. Players do not run the team.

Ridiculous thread. Ridiculous poll. Will not vote.

Even this guy's post is valid because his answer has something to say other than just, "This sux"

oh im sorry I guess I just placed a quality judgement on all those poeple who were placing quality judgements on my posts....how dare I...:rolleyes:

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Allow me to apologize for insulting your intellect, but you didn't give me anything to debate with your original response. That however, is a great response! I think that's really all the thread starter was trying to do.

That was a great response....that is what I was trying to do... Thanks HailSkins.


Yet another thread authored by desertfox59 in his endless campaign to paint Clinton Portis in a negative light and prop up a ficticious feud between CP and Coach Gibbs.

Doesn't that tin-foil hat get hot wearing it all day??

Yet another post authored by DieselPwr44 in his endless campaign to paint desertfox59 as a Clinton POrtis hater dispite all the evidence to the contrary and desertfox's repeated praises of Portis on field performance.

Doesn't that haughty distain for reality and desperate attempts to stroke your own fragile ego by lying about someone else ever get old?


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:notworthy :notworthy :applause: :applause: :applause:

I am getting so sick of these STUPID threads, and I will respond with my opinion:


Every thread that I see by certain people is meant to instigate issues and get people riled up.

What the **** is the point?

you are 20.

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:notworthy :notworthy :applause: :applause: :applause:

I am getting so sick of these STUPID threads, and I will respond with my opinion:


Every thread that I see by certain people is meant to instigate issues and get people riled up.

What the **** is the point?

How about responding with silence instead. Otherwise, you just bump the thread back to the top. Show some restraint of the keyboard & discipline yourself to not respond to stupidity.

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how can you even ask a question like that?!?! one player doesn't make or break a team, but a great coach does!!!

I agree with your second sentence.

in answer to your first.

I was curious about the loyalty to Gibbs on this forum. So many of the fans here have been making excuses for Portis's off field behavior that it made me curious

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Yet another post authored by DieselPwr44 in his endless campaign to paint desertfox59 as a Clinton POrtis hater dispite all the evidence to the contrary and desertfox's repeated praises of Portis on field performance.

Doesn't that haughty distain for reality and desperate attempts to stroke your own fragile ego by lying about someone else ever get old?


I'm not the poster running around here comparing Portis to T.O. or purporting Portis as slowly turning into T.O. or trying his best to suggest that there is a feud between Gibbs and C.P. .

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I'm not the poster running around here comparing Portis to T.O. or purporting Portis as slowly turning into T.O. or trying his best to suggest that there is a feud between Gibbs and C.P. .

No.. you are the poster who is telling disengenous lies about me and my posting history.

You are trying to say I have some vendetta against Portis without talking about all the postitive things I have said and threads I've started about him.

You want people to think i'm some sort of troll, who doesn't love the Redskins, which I'm not.

You think because I want to discuss things like loyalty, Attitude and Team chemestry regarding our players off the field that makes me anti-redskins.

You say that I compare Portis to TO when I do not. ( that thread title was misleading and I asked to change it for the record.)

You think that because I notice the riff between CP and Gibbs that I'm anti redskins and anti portis even though I complement him on his play on the field.

You miss the point of those of us who want to discuss different possibilities about our redskins, in favor of your desperate need to fit in with "the cool clique" by posting the negative slanderous baffoonery that you do.

Maybe you think that it's cute or funny to put other people's ideas down. Maybe you feel superior. Maybe you are compensating for other short commings. Who knows?

But your lies about me will not go unanswered.


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oh and guys, by the way, Y2K was REALLY supposed to happen this year...EVERYBODY BUY LOTSA BOTTLED WATER AND CANNED FOOD....AND SPAM!!!!


and duct tape can prevent nuclear fallout from entering your house. :silly:

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No.. you are the poster who is telling disengenous lies about me and my posting history.

Did you or did you not start this thread?


The one where you paint Portis,in your own words,as a "Cancerous Man-baby"?

You think because I want to discuss things like loyalty, Attitude and Team chemestry regarding our players off the field that makes me anti-redskins.

Never said you were anti-Redskins, just anti-Portis. There is a difference.

You say that I compare Portis to TO when I do not.

T.O. is a proven team cancer.

You've called Portis a cancerous man baby and questioned his loyalty to the team and suggested that he is feuding with Gibbs by trying to show him up.

And even went as far as to making a poll asking posters to choose between Portis and Gibbs,yet now you claim you have nothing but praise for Portis and no agenda whatsoever?? Puh-leeze...........:rolleyes:

You think that because I notice the riff between CP and Gibbs

Even though there is plenty of evidence to the contrary......

Dude...Cry me a river......

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While this poll is extremely unrealistic -- let's be honest, it's not going to happen -- it is interesting.

I think I'd go with Portis. I love Gibbs, but if Saunders is running the offense and Williams is running the defense, I'd rather lose Gibbs than someone who can rush for 1,500 yards.

Portis, when healthy, is an elite back. They are not a dime a dozen...

With Danny's money they are a dime-a-dozen. But HOF coaches are not, as most of them are retired and will never come back. (If Gibbs were to go should we call Shula? LOL.)

No great player is worth losing a great coach over.

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