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ATTN ALL DC AREA TEACHERS(who happen to be skins fans)


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Just wanted to see what you teachers, or whoever thought about this situation...I work at a school in NJ, dont really want to say where. My school principal sent out a school wide email to all staff. I will paraphrase...It has come to my attention that one of our staff members has a banner on their wall that disparages our native american heritage. It seems to be that this banner is owned by a SEMI professional (im not lying, this was actually said) team be the name of the Redskins. Please take down this disparaging banner from public view. Now, I am one of only a few Redskins fans in the whole school and I have a Skins poster up in my classroom. At first I thought it was a joke, but the email was sent to the whole school and I think he is actually serious. Also, I am not yet tenured, so my job is not secure so I need to be aware of my actions at all times. On monday, I am going to speak to my principal and see if he was referring to me. I guess I will take down this poster if I must, but really fell this is unfair and am quite upset about it. Would this ever happen, did this ever happen at a school in the DC area? Somehow I doubt it. WOuld love to hear all of your comments. Hail to the Redskins....I hope the Skins whoop everbody's butt so I can be loud and proud about being a Skins fan at school in Eagles territory.:applause: :logo:

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I think there's an article on here somewhere about how descendents of certain Indian tribes were actually flattered by the name. If you do some research and present it to your principle it should be very easy to prove that the name isnt deragatory at all, and she needs to get the stick out of her ass.

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i bet she wouldn't have a problem if it was the New York Redskins, or the New Jersey Redskins. You can pull out the history about alot of things and make a case about it. Don't get me wrong, there is no room for derogatory statements regarding anything, but to me this is a case of convenient discrimination. And now that i think about it she must be a hardcore Giants fan, who knows?

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wow...if she is serious, then that isn't cool at all. I mean, if all else fails, you can easily sue and win tons of money, I'm sure you could find a lawyer to take the case easily. The name problems have repeatedly been shut down in courts, so your case would stand off those decisions anyways. You could then easily sue on the grounds that you were a fan of another team and the principal did not like that. Shoot the school system would probably settle by re-hiring you and firing that principal to avoid bad publicity, cause being in New York, that would be some easy bad publicity.

Just a random thought of mine, but I think you are in a win-win situation anyways. You can also research how native americans influenced our team name and logos and feel proud about that anyways.

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That's what happens when the liberal establishment gains control of our education system.

Sadly this is the norm in our education system today, both college and High School.

Let the brainwashing begin.

The same liberal freaks who purport to defend the First Amendment, will stomp all over it if people aren't saying the liberal talking points (in this case, "The word 'Redskins' is offensive").

Anyone remember that teacher in Colorado who was recorded by one of his students on an anti American/bush rant?

Or how about how one of the worst presidents in American history is now trying to stop that movie "the path to 911" from being shown?

My advice....

take that poster down.

You can do more good teaching those kids how to deal with the liberal hypocrisy in the classroom than you can on the unemployment line.

Tell them it's wrong to be censured, but family comes first. You are taking care of your family by protecting your job.

Tell them that they and they alone control how they let themselves feel. No matter what someone says to them, even if that poster is offensive.

That is a lesson that needs to be taught to our young people.

Side note. As a Native American I am proud of our Heritage and the Name Redskins is not at all offensive.


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I'm a teacher in VA BCH, and I have Redskins posters, magnets, and wear Redskins ties to work. I have never, EVER heard of anything like this from any collegues, administration or students. Now, fans of other teams will make fun of me, but in a friendly, joking manner, but it is all just fun.

You, unlike I, have a teacher's union in NJ. Are you a member? If you are, I would contact your rep., make them aware of the situation, and talk to your principal about it. If your principal is not kidding and presses the matter forward, atleast you will have your union rep. up to speed on the situation and they should be able to help you. If you are worried that not being tenured, you could lose your job, don't. That would be wrongful termanation if you were fired over this, and with your union backing, you would have one helluva case.

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I called my friend, Vincent, who is a lawyer. He said that this is illegal. File a class action suit. If you bring it to the attention of Mr. Snyder, he could help you get into the contact with some of his lawyers. To discriminate against Redskins fans like that is almost as bad as what happened in the south in the 1960's. This must stop. It's not fair to be singled out and picked on.

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That's what happens when the liberal establishment gains control of our education system.

1.) it has nothing to do w/ the completely real "liberal establishment conspiracy."

2.) said conspiracy doesn't have 100% control of the school system YET. we need to keep fighting the good fight.

Sadly this is the norm in our education system today, both college and High School.

i'm a teacher, and my office is loaded w/ 'skins stuff. however, i was a little mad when the liberal conspirators made me take my rebel flag down, though.

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I teach in Fairfax County, and not only do I have a Redskins helmet and mini-footbal on display in my classroom, last year I forced one of my students, a Cowboys fan, to wear one of my Redskins jerseys in class for the entire period after he lost a bet regarding the second meeting.

That being said, I have often wondered if I'll end up offending someone and be asked to take them down.

Right now, though, what has me a little more worried is that I teach Geosystems, which includes Astronomy, and I intend to hang this on my wall:


Some people have no sense of humor, so we'll see how it goes.

Honestly, though, in your situation, if someone's offended, I'd just take it down. It's not worth the struggle, and school administrations do legally have a lot of say over what can and cannot be displayed in a classroom (as they probably should). I'd definitely wait until I was specifically asked, though.

If it's really important to you, contacting the Union might help, I guess, but I don't know how far it would really get you.

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a few people find it offensive. other than that, i would say it has more to do w/ someone not liking the redskins, and this is a way to eff w/ him.

liberal establishment is a buzz word, that is all.

disparages our native american heritage.[/u]

maybe i'm wrong that that sounds like liberal establishment speak to me...buzz word or not.

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That's what happens when the liberal establishment gains control of our education system.

Sadly this is the norm in our education system today, both college and High School.

Let the brainwashing begin.

The same liberal freaks who purport to defend the First Amendment, will stomp all over it if people aren't saying the liberal talking points (in this case, "The word 'Redskins' is offensive").

Anyone remember that teacher in Colorado who was recorded by one of his students on an anti American/bush rant?

Or how about how one of the worst presidents in American history is now trying to stop that movie "the path to 911" from being shown?

My advice....

take that poster down.

You can do more good teaching those kids how to deal with the liberal hypocrisy in the classroom than you can on the unemployment line.

Tell them it's wrong to be censured, but family comes first. You are taking care of your family by protecting your job.

Tell them that they and they alone control how they let themselves feel. No matter what someone says to them, even if that poster is offensive.

That is a lesson that needs to be taught to our young people.

Side note. As a Native American I am proud of our Heritage and the Name Redskins is not at all offensive.


Whoa man, calm down on the liberal hate here.

I'm a liberal myself, and I don't agree at all with the principal's actions. It's unprofessional as hell and it needs to come up on her yearly review.

That said...

I'd be willing to bet that principal may not be liberal anyway. Terms like "liberal freaks" and "purport to defend the First Amendment" don't really get you anywhere. Your argument is really kind of offensive, man. From one Redskin fan to another, take the venom out of your position. You'll be viewed with a lot more credibility.


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As a college student entering the teaching profession in NJ as well, take down the poster for now and wait until you're tenured, then slap that baby back on the wall for all to see.

Tenure gives you almost god-like powers, and among them is the ability to get away with anything short of illegal activities.

If I were you I'd speak to the principal immediately. Tell him/her that you are a fan of the PROFESSIONAL NFL football team, the Washington Redskins, and that you are willing to take down the poster... but add that you are severely dissappointed that a more suitable judgement call couldn't have been made.

Also, I can't believe a school-wide email went out like that. Shows administation doesn't have the balls to directly address the situation. Make sure you express your dissappointment about that as well, that they didn't feel it necessary to make human contact.

And hey, if you get fired over that then #%@$ them, there are a million teaching positions open. But if you really want to stay there then play it safe, take it down and express your dissappointment with the administration. These guys can literally fire you for no reason, that's just the sad state of un-tenured teaching. Once you get your tenure, which only takes a couple of years, then fill your room with burgundy and gold.

That's how I plan to do it.

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