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World Cup Head Butt - Materazzi = dirt bag


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ROME (AFP) - Italy defender Marco Materazzi has broken his silence over the verbal exchange that led to his violent World Cup final clash with French star Zinedine Zidane.

Mystery has surrounded the exact nature of the abuse directed at Zidane by Materazzi ever since the incident, which subsequently earned the Inter Milan centre-half a two-match ban from world governing body FIFA.

But in an interview with the Gazzetta dello Sport here Tuesday, Materazzi revealed it was a remark he made about Zidane's sister that provoked the French captain's moment of madness.

Materazzi said that when Zidane offered to give him his France jersey after the final whistle in response persistent shirt-tugging by the Italian, he had replied: "I would prefer your sister."

Materazzi insisted however that he should not blamed for sparking the incident. "I did not cause it," he told Gazzetta. "I answered verbally with a provocation to defend myself.

"Yes, I was tugging his shirt, but when he said to me scornfully 'If you want my shirt so much I'll give it to you afterwards,' is that not a provocation? I answered that I'd prefer his sister, it's true.

"It's not a particularly nice thing to say, I recognise that. But loads of players say worse things ... I didn't even know he had a sister before all this happened," added Materazzi, who is suspended for Italy's Euro 2008 qualifying rematch with France in Paris on Wednesday.

Zidane was given a three-match ban for his part in the spat, but as he had retired from football he was made to do three days of community service instead.

Materazzi said he would have been happy to do three years of community service if it meant he could play against France on Wednesday before criticising FIFA for what he felt was favouritism shown towards Zidane.

"I only know that I was the one head-butted and I got a two-match ban," said the Inter Milan defender.

"I would have done three months or even three years of community service to be on the pitch at Saint Denis. But I definitely count less than Zidane."

Zidane has never specified what Materazzi said to him and has pointedly refused to apologise to his opponent.

Asked on July 12 what exactly Materazzi had said, Zidane would only offer that it was "very personal and concerned his mother and his sister."

"You hear those things once and you try to walk away. That's what I wanted to do because I am retiring. You hear it a second time and then a third time ..."

Materazzi has a lot of nerve complaining...if you can't do the time

then don't do the crime...:D If Zidane would have broke his leg

in 3 places I would not have blambed him one bit.;)

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Zidane's mother got into the act too:

""I am utterly disgusted by what I have heard. I praise my son for defending his family's honour. No one should be subjected to such foul insults on or off the football pitch and I don't care if it was a World Cup Final. I have nothing but contempt for Materazzi and, if what he said is true, then I want his balls on a platter." - Momma Zidane.


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I may be kinda baked but I just watched that model gif in dude's sig for like 5 minutes.

Zidane is a bad-ass. This Italian dude is obviously a big POS and got his lights put out for the right reasons. If he weren't such a prissy little douche he'd take his punishment like a man.

:laugh: :laugh:

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Zidane's mother got into the act too:

""I am utterly disgusted by what I have heard. I praise my son for defending his family's honour. No one should be subjected to such foul insults on or off the football pitch and I don't care if it was a World Cup Final. I have nothing but contempt for Materazzi and, if what he said is true, then I want his balls on a platter." - Momma Zidane.



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That's really not that bad of an insult. I'm absolutely sure there are worse things said in just about every international soccer match.

I definitely agree. But ya got to know going in that if you insult

someone's family that there may be consequences!:)

If he took his punishment like a man instead of crying like a little

girl he would have been OK.

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Oh please i hear much worse playing hoops with friends.

This just proves zidane is a moron, and Materazzi has a sense of humor.

Playing hoops with FRIENDS is one thing. Saying something like

that to someone who does not care for ya will get you jacked up

in a whole lot of places...and people will say you should have

just kept your mouth shut.

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That's really not that bad of an insult. I'm absolutely sure there are worse things said in just about every international soccer match.

Hell, there's probably a lot worse than that in High School Football.

Maybe even Little League... ;)

For sure, there's worse said on the local basketball court.

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I may be kinda baked but I just watched that model gif in dude's sig for like 5 minutes.

Zidane is a bad-ass. This Italian dude is obviously a big POS and got his lights put out for the right reasons. If he weren't such a prissy little douche he'd take his punishment like a man.

Dude its only 1:15!!:silly:

Let me just finish somework and i'll be chillin as well:cool:

As far as Zidane goes, this is a joke. I take more abuse while playing beer pong (or 21) with my friends, seriously the **** they say is ****EDUP. I'm not saying that Ive never reached down and drenched my opponents in beer;) but he should be able to control himself.

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Playing hoops with FRIENDS is one thing. Saying something like

that to someone who does not care for ya will get you jacked up

in a whole lot of places...and people will say you should have

just kept your mouth shut.

I play ball with random people all the time and trust me it doesn't take long before the mom/sister/aunt/etc... jokes start flying.

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I play ball with random people all the time and trust me it doesn't take long before the mom/sister/aunt/etc... jokes start flying.

And when someone runs you over on the next play do you whine

about it our just laugh it off?

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I play ball with random people all the time and trust me it doesn't take long before the mom/sister/aunt/etc... jokes start flying.

I play a ton of pickup. You always have people trash talking but the second it gets personal (mom/sister type ****) its gone too far and usually leads to violence. There is a difference between talking trash and attacking someone personally.

BUT a professional athlete playing in the biggest game of his career should be able to handle himself and take a silly insult like that:2cents:

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And when someone runs you over on the next play do you whine

about it our just laugh it off?

Nope, i'll wait for him to go for a rebound and plant my ebow right in his ribs :laugh:

Point is FIFA overracted for something so small considering what goes on in the games and stands.

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I'd honestly prefer one's sister to their jersey, he was just speaking the truth, I say SPEAK ON BROTHER!!!

But I would like to say that sometimes things get lost in translation just like the plot of the movie lost in translation... Anyways it could've been a lot stronger in the language it was spoken...

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