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I don't think it's fair as fans for us to sit hear and say what Rock, Ladell, Mike or Clinton should be feeling in regards to this trade. For Betts, it's an opportunity to showcase his skills for us or for any other team looking to sign him long term next year. Sellars has been doing everything we ask, so why should he get less? Rock is Rock. He does whatever we ask him to do.

DO we see these guys working their @ss off during OTA's? What about staying late in the weight room? How about watching extra hours of film? What about doing everything the coaches ask them to? Yet they have no right to be MAD about someone like Duckett coming in? WAKE UP PEOPLE...you would be pissed too.

Quit with the "Gibbs and character" and all that BS. If it was really all about character, then Betts would be given a shot, Sellars would be rewarded for his hard work, we wouldn't be discussing this topic. Character and winning are one and one...but so is trust and respect. The players obviously feel betrayed and not trusted to a certain extent....and they have every right to feel that way.

Before the obvious replies come....let me adress this: David Patten is old, and we needed receiver depth even when he was healthy. Betts is young and is healthy. Everyone on this board says he has health problems....NOT! He had a hammy that held him out of 1 game last year. He ran for TD's, returned TD's on kickoffs, and he caught TD's. Betts can do it all. If I were a skins RB, I would be pissed too. DON'T SAY THEY DID LOOK GOOD IN PRE SEASON. NO ONE DOES ANYTHING IN PRE SEASON. IF WE GO OFF PRE SEASON, then get replacements for Archuletta, Lamar Marshall, Jon Jansen....the list goes on.

Sometimes you trust what you have...instead we have stirred up some shhh at Redskins park. Joe Gibbs is a great coach, but he isn't GOD. I don't agree with this one.

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It's their job to work out, practice hard, and play hard. The RB job is not a right. Besides, I think all 4 of those guys will still get playing time. Portis is still the man, Betts is still the backup tailback, Sellers is still the fullback (and is still by far the biggest guy), and Rock will still play plenty of ST. Problem solved.

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The thing is, if Betts and to a lesser degree Sellers play better than Duckett they have nothing to worry about. If not they should worry.

Would you agree it is Gibbs' job to assemble the best talent he can put together? If he thinks Duckett is clearly better than Betts would he not be derilict in his duties if he did not bring him on board when he has the chance?

I will agree with you that Betts should be upset, its human nature in his position to react like that. But if he is a real competitor and as talanted as you think, he should go out on the field more determined than ever and prove it. It's the way of the NFL.

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I'm not saying that Betts won't step his game up...I'm just saying that he should be pissed. Yes the trade happened, but that doesn't mean they don't have a right to be angry. It will make for an interesting game come Sat night. All RB's will be running in regular season form.

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Portis said he on the radio/tv he was happy about Duckett being here. Deep inside, he probably knows it saves him some beatings.

If Betts and Rock don't think they could use a little fire under their butts, then maybe it's because that's exactly what they need.

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I still don't get why people are so enamoured with Rock. I mean, he IS a great guy, but I would NOT want him starting for this team at ANY point. With the injury to Portis' shoulder and with Betts often injured, we were headed in a direction that would have had us starting Rock at some point this season. Now, really think about it, would you want that?

With Duckett I feel more comfortable.

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You say that its not fair for us to say how they should feel.

But you turn around and say they SHOULD be pissed?

I respect your opinion about not agreeing but as much as we don't see them bust their butts in practice, we also don't hear the conversations taking pace, see what reads the RB AREN'T making in practice, and understand what the organization is really trying to.

We don't have to agree but just as you express your opinion, we will do the same.

Gibbs isn't GOD but nieither are you so don't critcize our rants as well in such a fashion.

"Thank Ya'll for coming out God bless you good night."

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Our RB's should NOT be pissed. This is a team game.

Betts has had injury problems and has had years to prove himself, Sellers has a handful of carries in his career and fumbled on his only goaline carry.

Rock does what any RB on the waiver wire can do, not to mention he single handedly lost the KC game last year with that careless fumble.

Can we please stop hearing about our whining RBs, they are like babies

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OTA's, lifting weights...reviewing film? Pardon me for a moment, but isn't that "like", the status quo?.Those guys are profressionals, working hard and doing what is asked of you is literally the least you can do. In the end, you still have produce results, or the powers that be will upgrade. Ladell has had 4 years to showcase his talents, if he hasn't made a good enough impression to convince a team other than the Skins that he can be a starter, then he probably never will. I know the people who belong to the Ladell Betts fanclub may take that as a "slap in the face" as my boy Cartwright would say, but its the truth.

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Of course Betts and Rock have the right to be upset, no one is debating that. The problem lies with the fact that Betts, who for the record has NEVER made it through training camp and a season healthy, is now are number one running back. Rock is not an every down NFL RB, sorry but it's the truth. Is Rock a hard worker and team first guy, no doubt, but at some point talent needs to be shown to warrent back up type carry numbers. Sellers is a FB and is here to block first and foremost so people need to wipe the images of him getting 150 carries out of their head, that wasn't happening with or without TJ being here.

Football it seems has yet again mirrored real life. A company has went out and made a new hire. If he out performs the current employees then guess who gets the promotion first, you guessed it the best guy. Betts and Rock need to stop being so insecure about their abilities and play football. How come CP doesn't whine and cry over this situatuion? Becasue CP knows he is better then Duckett and will be the number one RB when he is healthy.

Stop making excuses for Betts and Rock and blaming Gibbs for making the team better. if you don't think that's what is going on then ask Ramsey, Coles, and Lavar if Gibbs cares more about the improvement of the team or giving overrated players shot after shot. Gibbs will make sure the best man plays as much as possible, not fan favorites.

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It's their job to work out, practice hard, and play hard. The RB job is not a right. Besides, I think all 4 of those guys will still get playing time. Portis is still the man, Betts is still the backup tailback, Sellers is still the fullback (and is still by far the biggest guy), and Rock will still play plenty of ST. Problem solved.

I agree because they traded for TJ that doesn't mean that Betts and Cartwright will be out of a job. Listening to Gibbs they are still in the plans how they will be used will be the question. Let's be realistic here the other guys has to step up which they haven't.

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You have no idea what you're talking about. Betts is ALWAYS injured. He is ridiculously overrated by a lot of you members here too. He ran for 1 TD, returned a kick for a TD and I believe caught 1 TD. You make it seem as if he had multiple scores each way. Look at his career TDs and look at Ducketts. Case closed.

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What's kind of funny about this whole situation is that TJ Duckett epitomized what it meant to be a team player in the first chapter of his pro career with the Falcons. Here is a guy who Atlanta spent a first round pick on in '02, the same year they acquired Warrick Dunn as a free agent. Figuring that he would eventually get the bulk of the carries, Duckett never did take over the starting spot from Dunn over the course of the next four seasons. Did that stop Duckett from making the most of the opportunities he was given? Absolutely not. Did we ever hear Duckett whine and complain over the next four years? Again....no.

Anybody on our roster who is uncomfortable with this might be able to learn a lesson from Duckett's days in Atlanta.

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