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8/17 NY Daily News: Coles: Old team is Not Under My Skin

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Coles: Old team is

not under my Skin



Even though Laveranues Coles' two seasons in Washington came to an ugly end, the wide receiver says he won't have negative thoughts about his former team when the Jets take on the Redskins in a preseason game on Saturday.

"It's just like having a relationship with a woman," Coles said. "When you break up with her, you remember the good times."

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lol he better not put a target on his head. I hope he doesnt try to show off because our 2ndary is banged up

our secondary is banged up, but remember, he is TOE!

This is actually not a bad thing he said though, for once he kept his mouth shut and didn't bad mouth us. Plus, I bet he secretly regrets not staying after the year Santana Moss had, and our better season in general.

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To be honest I really do not have any hard feelings towards him. yeah he said some dumb stuff off of the field, but he gave it his all every time he was on the field. The man had heart, he was more than willing to go over the middle, never got alligator arms, and played through injuries. He was just sick and tired of losing. Now he makes a fairly classy statement about not having hard feelings and people want to call him @#$@% and *&%#! and whatever. Don't think he doesn't realize he f--ed up. In the same breath though we should thank him for effing up. Had he not demanded a tradce we would not have aquired Moss and we wouldn't have beaten Dallas in that first game, and we likely wouldn't have fared nearly as well last year as we did. i applaud the man.

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Actually, he is the one who is punished most. Jets and Skins moving in opposite direction, and Jets is the one that going down way. And if Saunders manages to turn Skins into "scoring machine" - Coles probably going to kick himself many times this season.

Moral: maybe one should stick with organization, which was always good to him, through the trying times.

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For a guy who's entire NFL game is predicated on straightline speed, once his foot started bothering him, all he had left was his toughness.

Coles just isn't a good WR lilke Moss with agility and route running, too bad because he had his years. Its funny thath even though Moss looks smaller - he really is the stronger of the 2, Santana is sneaky strong. Like almost benches 300 pounds sneaky strong.

Both him and Gardner leaving sucked at the time, but Moss is better then the 2 of them combined. I just remember freaking out that all we got for Rod was a 6th round pick, for a reciever who had 1000 yards 2 seasons ago.... boy was I wrong wrong wrong.

Like Portis said on the NFL network, "Don't get me wrong - Lav and Rod are good recievers, but Santana Moss.... he's just a winner and that is the kind of guy I want on my team."

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I totally forgot about that "Dan Snyder tried to black ball me" thing.

Black Ball you? Because he didn't want to release you and eat a 14 million dollar signing bonus?

Laverneus, you crazy man.

The one thing that Rod Gardner endeared himself to me with is that he stood up for Mark Brunell repeteadly even from Carolina while Mark was being bashed all ofseason. I thought that took real real class.

You didn't hear Lav stand up for Mark.

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What the article passively fails to focus upon is that part of his meeting with Gibbs was to discuss having surgery to correct his chronic toe problem. There was speculation that this surgery would require extensive physical therapy and the mild possibility of such a procedure ending his career. While I'm sure LC wants to remember things a certain way, he needs to tell the truth. It's okay to be concerned for your livelihood, we all are, but he bashed the organization in an effort to both get out of town and to extract more money from the Jets. We all owe Herm Edwards an engraved "Thank You", not only for this trade, but for helping make Al Saunders possible. I doubt very seriously Eric Mangini would have supported a deal to bring Coles back, but that's neither here nor there now.

It's time for Coles to make peace with himself and realize what a stooge he really was. But hey, he got his big payday (twice). Not a bad deal for a guy who is a borderline #2 or 3 receiver at this point.

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Coles had a few good games for us, and without him I shudder to think what our record might have been. Most of those wins came off of some great plays by coles, who, like moss, often faced double or triple coverage as our only reliable option. Even when games seemed out of reach, he went over the middle to make tough catches and would bounce back up. I wish him well.

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What the article passively fails to focus upon is that part of his meeting with Gibbs was to discuss having surgery to correct his chronic toe problem. There was speculation that this surgery would require extensive physical therapy and the mild possibility of such a procedure ending his career. While I'm sure LC wants to remember things a certain way, he needs to tell the truth. It's okay to be concerned for your livelihood, we all are, but he bashed the organization in an effort to both get out of town and to extract more money from the Jets. We all owe Herm Edwards an engraved "Thank You", not only for this trade, but for helping make Al Saunders possible. I doubt very seriously Eric Mangini would have supported a deal to bring Coles back, but that's neither here nor there now.

It's time for Coles to make peace with himself and realize what a stooge he really was. But hey, he got his big payday (twice). Not a bad deal for a guy who is a borderline #2 or 3 receiver at this point.

Good post. And good points. Coles got two huge contracts, is set for life, without even accomplishing much.

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