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Clinton Portis Appreciation Thread


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This thread makes me sad. Not only am I sad to see Portis go (although I know this really is for the best), the poster who started this thread is no longer with us. My, how so much can change in a few years :(

I wish Clinton, Southeast Jerome, Sheriff Gonna Getcha, Coach Janky Spanky, etc. only the best wherever they land :)

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Really am sad to see him go. :( It's going to be weird as hell not seeing #26 back there.

He's a goofy character, and he could be a primadonna at times. But he gave it his all on the field, and his 5 100 yard games in a row during the 2005 season is probably the best individual effort from a football player I have seen in my young fan days.

Here's to you, CP. Thank you for all that you've done! :cheers:

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I will also be sad to see him go. I loved his enthusiasm, and his characters were such a breath of fresh air, a welcome distraction from the chaos going on in most other aspects of the organization. He gave us a level of stability at a key position and for that, I thank him. I will continue to wear his jersey proudly for years and years to come.


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It was a great run for CP, one of the toughest players on the field. He ran the ball well but he was a heckuva a blocker. He would sacrafice his body to make a block. I hate to see 26 go he has always been one of my favorites. I will miss you CP, thanks for the memories. :)

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I've mentioned it before in a couple of threads, but I really do believe this is the right move. Even having said that, I'll miss CP and the association he will always have with Coach's return. Unfortunately, just like with Stephen Davis and Terry Allen, he's going to ultimately be a great player who played on not great teams.

To me, the lasting image I will have of Portis will be that touching moment on the sideline in the closing seconds of the playoff-clinching Dallas game in 2007. He took a little Gatorade cup and gave Gibbs a celebratory shower with it. Then, they hugged. With the run we just had, the loss of Taylor, and the mutual admiration those two had for one another...I would love to find a picture of that moment because it encapsulated what that team did together for a common purpose. Anyway, the clip is in this awesome video:

Good luck CP, thanks for everything!

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I've mentioned it before in a couple of threads, but I really do believe this is the right move. Even having said that, I'll miss CP and the association he will always have with Coach's return. Unfortunately, just like with Stephen Davis and Terry Allen, he's going to ultimately be a great player who played on not great teams.

To me, the lasting image I will have of Portis will be that touching moment on the sideline in the closing seconds of the playoff-clinching Dallas game in 2007. He took a little Gatorade cup and gave Gibbs a celebratory shower with it. Then, they hugged. With the run we just had, the loss of Taylor, and the mutual admiration those two had for one another...I would love to find a picture of that moment because it encapsulated what that team did together for a common purpose. Anyway, the clip is in this awesome video:

Good luck CP, thanks for everything!

+1 excellent post and I agree with everything you said 100%. I am very sad to see this day come, but I agree it is likely the right time. I will miss Portis.

One of my favorite players being honored in a thread started by one of my favorite poster. R.I.P. Bubba.. good luck Clinton.

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I posted this in the other CP thread, but I think it is worth repeating:

In games Clinton Portis has started since arriving in 2004, the Redskins are 40-45, for a 47% winning percentage. This does not sound very good, but consider this: In games CP has not started since arriving in 2004, the Redskins are 8-19, for a 29% winning percentage.

Hold on, it gets worse. In games where CP has carried the ball at least 20 times, the Redskins are 28-18, for a 60% winning percentage. In games where CP has carried the ball less than 20 times the Redskins are 20-46, for a 30% winning percentage.

In review, since Portis has arrived, the 'skins are 18% more likely to win when he starts, and 30% more likely to win when he gets 20+ carries. What that means is that the Redskins are a much better team with Portis than they are without him.

My point is that we are losing a very productive player, and we will have to replace that production. Furthermore, I am not so sure we have a back on the current roster who can do it. CP is probably at the end of his career, judging by the injuries that have plagued him the past couple years, but he leaves behind big shoes to fill.

Nice post bro!.. very nice to know.

---------- Post added February-28th-2011 at 10:16 AM ----------

I would make this comment it's own thread but there's gonna be a lot of CP threads once this thing goes down.


True or False: Clinton Portis is a Redskins Ring of Famer

True along with Samuels.

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CP, you've always been the man. DC can be rough on a player and there have been times when the media and fans would get on you, but seeing you lay it on the line for the team and the players is how you'll be remembered in DC.

I didn't get to see Riggo live, but you are easily the best back I've ever seen in a Redskins uniform. Much love and thank you for everything you did for this franchise. I wish we could have won more together, but we would have been frighteningly bad without you.

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