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Is it wrong? A Redskin roadtrip to Tampa.

Commander Adama

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Normally my mother comes to visit for the holidays, since I have a wife and 2 kids, so it is tough to travel and see her. She also complains about it. Well, she recently moved to Tampa, FL and when I saw the schedule I called her up to say we will be down for Thanksgiving since the Redskins @ Tampa game is 11/19. I have not told her about the game yet, fearing she might focus on that and accuse me that the only reason I am coming down is to see the game.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else might be going down (or over) to Tampa for the Redskins game??

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Normally my mother comes to visit for the holidays, since I have a wife and 2 kids, so it is tough to travel and see her. She also complains about it. Well, she recently moved to Tampa, FL and when I saw the schedule I called her up to say we will be down for Thanksgiving since the Redskins @ Tampa game is 11/19. I have not told her about the game yet, fearing she might focus on that and accuse me that the only reason I am coming down is to see the game.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else might be going down (or over) to Tampa for the Redskins game??

Man I feel you on this one. My mom is the same exact way. If I were to even hint towards something like that to my mom she would take it the wrong way as well. I guess you could always call and make her feel a part of it. "Oh man Mom, talk about coincidence, the skins play Tampa that same weekend!" :laugh:

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I'd rather tell her then have her find out and have the holidays ruined as a result.

That said, I'll definitely be there. I made the trip up to Tampa for the playoff game and considering that the trip from Fort Lauderdale was surprisingly short there's no way in hell I'm going to miss a chance to see Washington play live.

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Normally my mother comes to visit for the holidays, since I have a wife and 2 kids, so it is tough to travel and see her. She also complains about it. Well, she recently moved to Tampa, FL and when I saw the schedule I called her up to say we will be down for Thanksgiving since the Redskins @ Tampa game is 11/19. I have not told her about the game yet, fearing she might focus on that and accuse me that the only reason I am coming down is to see the game.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else might be going down (or over) to Tampa for the Redskins game??

Yes!, I'll be there and we'll be tailgating at Al Lopez Park, just north of the stadium. :cheers:

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Normally my mother comes to visit for the holidays, since I have a wife and 2 kids, so it is tough to travel and see her. She also complains about it. Well, she recently moved to Tampa, FL and when I saw the schedule I called her up to say we will be down for Thanksgiving since the Redskins @ Tampa game is 11/19. I have not told her about the game yet, fearing she might focus on that and accuse me that the only reason I am coming down is to see the game.

Ok here's your plan.

1) Call mom and tell her you and the family are coming down for Thanksgiving. She'll be excited.

2) Tell her you're also going to go to the Skins game. Reassure her you'll still be doing the family thing.. blah blah blah

3) This is the critical stage. She'll either still be excited that you and the kids are coming that she wont be fazed by the game comment. OR she'll turn and start giving you the 3rd degree. If she starts the guilt trip you have to use it to your advantage and put HER on the gult trip first.. Take her momentum away.. The old, I thought we would suprise you by coming to see you, saving you the hassle of a trip.. Thought it would be a truly memorable Thanksgiving by seeing the family AND seeing my Redskins in person.. Might have to get sappy but this is the critcal stage we're talking.. BUT don't bring up the game unless you absolutely know you're going, no need to induce drama if you end up not getting tickets..

4) IF she's still mad at this point.. Then you gotta say, If you're going to ***** the whole time we'll just stay with friends(or other family members) and go to the game anyways... Put the guilt trip on her, besides.. You have the secret weapons... You have her grandkids!! She might be mad, but if you take the opportunity for her to see her grandkids away she'll get desperate and lay off her guilt trip..

You're home free! Enjoy the game!

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Ok here's your plan.

1) Call mom and tell her you and the family are coming down for Thanksgiving. She'll be excited.

2) Tell her you're also going to go to the Skins game. Reassure her you'll still be doing the family thing.. blah blah blah

3) This is the critical stage. She'll either still be excited that you and the kids are coming that she wont be fazed by the game comment. OR she'll turn and start giving you the 3rd degree. If she starts the guilt trip you have to use it to your advantage and put HER on the gult trip first.. Take her momentum away.. The old, I thought we would suprise you by coming to see you, saving you the hassle of a trip.. Thought it would be a truly memorable Thanksgiving by seeing the family AND seeing my Redskins in person.. Might have to get sappy but this is the critcal stage we're talking.. BUT don't bring up the game unless you absolutely know you're going, no need to induce drama if you end up not getting tickets..

4) IF she's still mad at this point.. Then you gotta say, If you're going to ***** the whole time we'll just stay with friends(or other family members) and go to the game anyways... Put the guilt trip on her, besides.. You have the secret weapons... You have her grandkids!! She might be mad, but if you take the opportunity for her to see her grandkids away she'll get desperate and lay off her guilt trip..

You're home free! Enjoy the game!

I agree with your trump card....If your mother is still upset once she finds out about the game, you can say..."regardless I'm going to the game and if you are going to get upset, we won't be around very much or at all" See I have folks in DC and when I go up to see the Redskins, they know that from the start, so I defuse all that by telling them upfront. If they get upset, I'll find a hotel and they won't see me at all. It's a bit different because it's my aunt not momma.....but family gets that way. I'm having a similiar issue when I head to New Orleans, but if they hassle me they can do it without me being there, when you are grown your folks have to understand you have your things that you want to do and they have to work with you as well...it's a two way street.


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There is a pretty large contingent of Redskins fans down here in central Florida. I went to both games last year and as MonkArt stated, we tailgated in Al Lopez Park just north of the Stadium. We've probably have a good 20-30 committed for this year's game already.

At the wild card game last year, we pretty much dominated the south end of the park. It was amazing.

Hope to see as many Skins fans as we can get. We'll start the tailgate planning as the game gets closer.

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Somewhat similar dilemma for me. The Rams play the Redskins on Christmas Eve in St. Louis. Well, I live in Missouri and the Redskins don't play here all that often, so needless to say I had to tell my family that I am not missing this game no matter what. I'll be flossin' my Santana Moss jersey and my redskins Santa Claus hat....Santana Claus!!!!

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redskin56 and Monkart, me and my wife will definitely be seeing you at Al Lopez Park!

As far as me going down, I am staying the whole week so that is definitely saying it is more about my mother than anything. If it was just the game, I would go down on Friday and come back on Monday, yet i'll be staying until the following weekend so we'll be there for Thanksgiving and have a good time. Especially driving down will take about 20 hours, then back home another 20 hours. This will be my first time setting foot in Florida and how best to experience it, than with Redskins football!!

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Here's what you do, convince your mom to take the kids out for a "day with grandma" that whole day. tell her its so she can "bond" with the kids. While she's out...away you go, when she comes back and your voice is gone, tell her you got a sore throat and that you need to stay away from the kids.....then she gets them all weekend HAHAHA

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Normally my mother comes to visit for the holidays, since I have a wife and 2 kids, so it is tough to travel and see her. She also complains about it. Well, she recently moved to Tampa, FL and when I saw the schedule I called her up to say we will be down for Thanksgiving since the Redskins @ Tampa game is 11/19. I have not told her about the game yet, fearing she might focus on that and accuse me that the only reason I am coming down is to see the game.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else might be going down (or over) to Tampa for the Redskins game??

Just keep playing it cool bro. Don't say a word about the game until Halloween. Thanks Giving is on a thursday...you can do all your obligatory duties...have a good time with the family, then go kidnap Mike Alstott the saturday night before the game and all will be good.

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