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Zarqawi admits the US is winning in Iraq...

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Text of al-Zarqawi Safe-House Document

Jun 15 8:58 AM US/Easternap.gif

By The Associated Press

Text of a document discovered in terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's

hideout. The document was provided in English by Iraqi National

Security Adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie:


The situation and conditions of the resistance in Iraq have reached a point that requires a review of the events and of the work being done inside Iraq. Such a study is needed in order to show the best means to accomplish the required goals, especially that the forces of the National Guard have succeeded in forming an enormous shield protecting the American forces and have reduced substantially the losses that were solely suffered by the American forces. This is in addition to the role, played by the Shi'a (the leadership and masses) by supporting the occupation, working to defeat the resistance and by informing on its elements. As an overall picture, time has been an element in affecting negatively the forces of the occupying countries, due to the losses they sustain economically in human lives, which are increasing with time. However, here in Iraq, time is now beginning to be of service to the American forces and harmful to the resistance for the following reasons:

1. By allowing the American forces to form the forces of the National Guard, to reinforce them and enable them to undertake military operations against the resistance.

2. By undertaking massive arrest operations, invading regions that have an impact on the resistance, and hence causing the resistance to lose many of its elements.

3. By undertaking a media campaign against the resistance resulting in weakening its influence inside the country and presenting its work as harmful to the population rather than being beneficial to the population.

4. By tightening the resistance's financial outlets, restricting its moral options and by confiscating its ammunition and weapons.

5. By creating a big division among the ranks of the resistance and jeopardizing its attack operations, it has weakened its influence and internal support of its elements, thus resulting in a decline of the resistance's assaults.

6. By allowing an increase in the number of countries and elements supporting the occupation or at least allowing to become neutral in their stand toward us in contrast to their previous stand or refusal of the occupation.

7. By taking advantage of the resistance's mistakes and magnifying them in order to misinform.

Based on the above points, it became necessary that these matters should be treated one by one:

1. To improve the image of the resistance in society, increase the number of supporters who are refusing occupation and show the clash of interest between society and the occupation and its collaborators. To use the media for spreading an effective and creative image of the resistance.

2. To assist some of the people of the resistance to infiltrate the ranks of the National Guard in order to spy on them for the purpose of weakening the ranks of the National Guard when necessary, and to be able to use their modern weapons.

3. To reorganize for recruiting new elements for the resistance.

4. To establish centers and factories to produce and manufacture and improve on weapons and to produce new ones.

5. To unify the ranks of the resistance, to prevent controversies and prejudice and to adhere to piety and follow the leadership.

6. To create division and strife between American and other countries and among the elements disagreeing with it.

7. To avoid mistakes that will blemish the image of the resistance and show it as the enemy of the nation.

In general and despite the current bleak situation, we think that the best suggestions in order to get out of this crisis is to entangle the American forces into another war against another country or with another of our enemy force, that is to try and inflame the situation between American and Iraq or between America and the Shi'a in general. Specifically the Sistani Shi'a, since most of the support that the Americans are getting is from the Sistani Shi'a, then, there is a possibility to instill differences between them and to weaken the support line between them; in addition to the losses we can inflict on both parties. Consequently, to embroil America in another war against another enemy is the answer that we find to be the most appropriate, and to have a war through a delegate has the following benefits:

1. To occupy the Americans by another front will allow the resistance freedom of movement and alleviate the pressure imposed on it.

2. To dissolve the cohesion between the Americans and the Shi'a will weaken and close this front.

3. To have a loss of trust between the Americans and the Shi'a will cause the Americans to lose many of their spies.

4. To involve both parties, the Americans and the Shi'a, in a war that will result in both parties being losers.

5. Thus, the Americans will be forced to ask the Sunni for help.

6. To take advantage of some of the Shia elements that will allow the resistance to move among them.

7. To weaken the media's side which is presenting a tarnished image of the resistance, mainly conveyed by the Shi'a.

8. To enlarge the geographical area of the resistance movement.

9. To provide popular support and cooperation by the people.

The resistance fighters have learned from the result and the great benefits they reaped, when a struggle ensued between the Americans and the Army of Al-Mahdi. However, we have to notice that this trouble or this delegated war that must be ignited can be accomplished through: 1. A war between the Shi'a and the Americans.

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Interesting read. Good to know that they are losing the battle for public support and the their supplies of people and weapons are shrinking. The men and women in uniform are kicking some ass!

It is a bit alarming however to see that they want the US to involve itself in another war considering what is going on with Iran.

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I will say this about al-Zarqawi - he isn't the stupid fool that he's been portrayed by some. I have read other documents written by this man, and he seemed to have been smart, understood organization and irregular tactics, and his death will be a hard blow to the insurgency.

I do think the media does portray some positive stories, but you also have to expect some negative stories. And there are a ton of MUCH more negative stories that could be discusses by the MSM: After all, we didn't see many of the images of dead civilians such as aired by Middle Eastern and European news sources.

It's as if some of us would prefer a controlled media that didn't discuss anything but positive stories on the Iraqi situation. It is war - you are going to have negative press at times. I believe that honesty, both positive and negative, is needed for an accurate accounting of the conflict.

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Conceptually, that's great. However, if the Times/Post/Times have been printing positive stories coming out of Iraq, I must admit I've missed them. All of the stories about positive progress that I've read, and pictures I've seen, have come from soldiers. With an imbedded press corps, it would be interesting to find out how many positive stories were presented to the editors of those papers and how many were printed.

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Can't wait to see the spin on this.

Why would anyone bother "spinning" this, I for one hope everything in it is true. I don't for one think the problem is Al Qaeda in Iraq though, it is from the civil war that is brewing, and the racial hatred.

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I will say this about al-Zarqawi - he isn't the stupid fool that he's been portrayed by some. I have read other documents written by this man, and he seemed to have been smart, understood organization and irregular tactics, and his death will be a hard blow to the insurgency.

I do think the media does portray some positive stories, but you also have to expect some negative stories. And there are a ton of MUCH more negative stories that could be discusses by the MSN: After all, we didn't see many of the images of dead civilians such as aired by Middle Eastern and European news sources.

It's as if some of us would prefer a controlled media that didn't discuss anything but positive stories on the Iraqi situation. It is war - you are going to have negative press at times. I believe that honesty, both positive and negative, is needed for an accurate accounting of the conflict.

I dont think someone rises to prominence like he did by being stupid. I really believe that killing him is a blow to the insurgency. He was the leader because he was the best at leading. The next guy to take his place wont be as effective/smart/ruthless, and that is a victory for the good guys.

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I will take this moment to applaud the lefties on here who are supporting the mission and being fair in their analyses. that takes some real ability to not stay stuck in ideological chains like most of the libs..:applause: :cheers:

as to points, I think there is no doubt that Zarqawi's elimination can NOT be underestimated. I think the kooks still believe he is a "phantom" of the Defense Department who never existed. but you can bet the jihadis believed he existed.

and I would concur, the guy was devilishly devious. he knew that you make high profile terror attacks to get the media to cover the "mayhem"- you break the spirit of the American home front, get the democrats to call for retreat, and bammo: Abu Zarqawi becomes the Emir of Iraq one year after we pull out...

this document HAS been shown to the Iraqis, it was on Iraqi National TV with the National Security Advisor Al- Rubaie holding it up...

no major attacks in Baghdad today :applause:

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Why would anyone bother "spinning" this, I for one hope everything in it is true. I don't for one think the problem is Al Qaeda in Iraq though, it is from the civil war that is brewing, and the racial hatred.

Mr. Abu was clearly an instigator with a brewing civil war. So far that has managed to avoid completely blowing up, however lots of steps remain in order to prevent, including improving the Constitution so that Sunni's feel as if there will a) be an Iraq and B) they will have a share of resources

If those 2 questions can be answered affirmatively (i.e the Kurdish zone is virtually its own country now) then you will see much of the Sunni resistance end and the path to winding this thing down being

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Why would anyone bother "spinning" this, I for one hope everything in it is true. I don't for one think the problem is Al Qaeda in Iraq though, it is from the civil war that is brewing, and the racial hatred.

And who do you think is trying to ignite a civil war? :doh:

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Mr. Abu was clearly an instigator with a brewing civil war. So far that has managed to avoid completely blowing up, however lots of steps remain in order to prevent, including improving the Constitution so that Sunni's feel as if there will a) be an Iraq and B) they will have a share of resources

If those 2 questions can be answered affirmatively (i.e the Kurdish zone is virtually its own country now) then you will see much of the Sunni resistance end and the path to winding this thing down being

I agree, the one issue is on whether the Sunni's and Shia's can eliminate their ethnical hatred for one another and get along for the better good of Iraq. I have no doubt that Zawkawi was instigating the conflict, as I have no doubt that his successor will do the same. The one battle that needs to be won in the one of thought, and we need to show Iraqi's that their COUNTRY is worth more then their ethnicity. It is a very difficult process to ever accomplish, and I am skeptical to say the least that it can be accomplished, but this was difinately a step in the right direction.

BTW Ish, are you of either decent? What do you think of the racial hatred in Iraq, and how do you think they should go about removing it?

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BTW Ish, are you of either decent? What do you think of the racial hatred in Iraq, and how do you think they should go about removing it?

I am Sunni

And eliminating racial hatred in the ME and Muslim world? :laugh:

As harsh as it sounds, these problems exist in all the Muslim countries and the easiest thing to do is to have autonomous states with a limited federal role. Unfourtantley when you are dealing with religion (which is the difference between Sunni and Shia) you are continuing a 1400 year battle

It will never end, because realize fundamentalist Sunni's feel that Shia's betrayed the faith from the beginning and still do to this day. You try your best to secure some form of common ground, hope that some Iraqi nationalism rises and that the country can be more united

Or else, the best solution in my opinion is for there to be 3 autonomous zones in Iraq, essentialy self governed, but with a federal gov't that controls the military and oil supply, with a member of each ethnicity in high levels of the gov't (President, PM, Defense Minister) That is the only way to assure Sunni's that they will have a share of Iraq's resources, while allowing Shia's and Kurds the chance to self govern themselves

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I will take this moment to applaud the lefties on here who are supporting the mission and being fair in their analyses. that takes some real ability to not stay stuck in ideological chains like most of the libs..:applause: :cheers:

With all due respect, and not intending to start a fight, but I do not think you know very many liberals because you do not have a very accurate picture of our views. We are not more stuck in ideological chains than conservatives. DailyKOS and Michael Moore do not accurately represent our views any more than Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson accurately represent mainstream conservative views.

I persist in my opinion that we should not have invaded Iraq in the first place because it was the wrong war at the wrong time. However, we are there - that is a fact. And we are better off as a nation and a world if we succeed in creating a genuine democracy there rather than fail - that is also a fact. Zarqawi was evil and the world is a better place now that he is dead - this too is a fact. OUr soldiers are brave and honorable men doing a great job in a very difficult situation - this too is a fact. The devil is in the details, as it always is.

Please remember that we have this common ground next time we disagree on something and words like "traitor" and "terrorist-lover" start flying around. Sarge appears incapable of this, but maybe you are not. :)

ps - I'm still glad Zarqawi is dead. In fact, you know what - Nancy Pelosi is glad he's dead too.

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