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A Biker's opinion on Helmet Laws...

Commander PK

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Here's a start on finding some stats... interesting.


I guess the question I have, will wearing a helmet make any real difference in whether or not a biker survives an accident. I would imagine that most bikers have their accidents at high speeds, because at lower speeds I think an exerienced biker would be able to manuever out of the way before impact. Where I'm going with this, is that, if you hit a moving vehicle while traveling 55 mph or more, your probably not going to survive anyhow, helmet or not. Just playing Devil's Advocate a bit here. :)

as the article states, that's not the effect helmets have on death, that's the effect helmet laws have on death. in the states with no helmet laws, i'd be willing to bet that a good 90% wear helmets anyways

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in the states with no helmet laws, i'd be willing to bet that a good 90% wear helmets anyways

not here, in this part of FL. since they repealed the law, almost no one wears a helmet. I smile when I see one that does. It's usually the seasoned tour rider with the aerostict suit and Q-switch headlite

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I am not a biker. There isn't enough money on this planet to get me on a motorcycle. Never has been and never will be. However, I don't begrudge anyone the right to own and ride a motorcycle; with or without a helmet.

What I would like to see, however, is a change in the helmet laws. Remove the mandatory helmet laws and add a notice instead that indicates motorcyclists will not be allowed to sue for injury, pain, suffering, death, or lost time from work if reasonable medical professionals deem that the injury would not have occured if the motorcyclist had been wearing a helmet. Likewise insurance companies would not be required to pay out damages for injuries that reasonable medical professionals deem would not have occured, or reduced damages for injuries those medical people deem would not have been as severe had the rider been wearing a helmet.

I also feel the same way about seat belts in motor vehicles. Use or don't use them at your own risk. Just don't whine to me when you get hurt worse because you weren't wearing the belt.

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What I would like to see, however, is a change in the helmet laws. Remove the mandatory helmet laws and add a notice instead that indicates motorcyclists will not be allowed to sue for injury, pain, suffering, death, or lost time from work if reasonable medical professionals deem that the injury would not have occured if the motorcyclist had been wearing a helmet. Likewise insurance companies would not be required to pay out damages for injuries that reasonable medical professionals deem would not have occured, or reduced damages for injuries those medical people deem would not have been as severe had the rider been wearing a helmet.

I would agree, but with a slight difference--don't allow them to sue for any injuries at all if they're not wearing a helmet. Take the subjectivity out of it. :)

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Hey, if the taxpayers end up having to pay for the bikers medical care- then the bikers will do what the taxpayers say for it.

I had 2 incidents with bikers, well one near incident.

Near Incident: A biker fell off his bike on the interstate as we were slowing down for traffic on the wet interstate. The bike slid in front of him and he was sliding towards my car. He didn't get there and I never stopped. Would've had to if he did. I saw in my rearview mirror he had gotten back on his bike.

Incident: I had cut off a motorcycle when switching lanes. Yes, it was my fault and I he was heading towards my car. Misjudged the distance and if we did collide; it would've been my fault. The biker came in front of me and started braking. I can understand him being mad at me but did he want to do. Stopping a motorcycle in front of a Suburu Legacy, I would've just ran over him and he'd be in motorcycle heaven. Foruntately there was enough distance and I then switched lanes and passed him and he headed to wherever he was going.

Both guys were wearing a helmet, though the first guy may have been dead without the helmet. Helmet or not, if I didn't have enough distance; I would've ran over the other guy.

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I would agree, but with a slight difference--don't allow them to sue for any injuries at all if they're not wearing a helmet. Take the subjectivity out of it. :)

While I can see the reasoning behind your comment, I disagree with it. Not allowing a motorcyclist to collect damages for a broken leg (which a helmet would have had no effect on) doesn't make any sense. Also, there are head injuries that no helmet on the planet is going to prevent.

I'd like to see a lot more riders wearing helmets and more appropriate clothing for what they're doing, but I'm not sure there's ever going to be a way to really enforce it anyway so what's the point.

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As long as an adult's decision doesn't negatively impact another human being, I truly don't care what anyone does. However, thats not the case with giving motorcycle riders the 'choice' whether to don a helmet or not. Every time a rider lays it down, sustains major injuries, and ends up in a hospital, he's taking up a bed, unnecessarily in many cases, that could be made available to someone else. He's using resources, such as blood products, OR time, and tying up physicians and nurses that could be used to treat other patients. And he or she is driving up the cost of insurance for all of us.

There are better arguments (like a rider not letting their misplaced emphasis on 'freedom' supercede protecting their family and loved ones from potentially having to go through a traumatic experience) but the one above is good enough.

Its rare that any decision we make impacts only ourselves. Riding without a helmet is irresponsible. Period.

Just my opinion :)

Guy I listen to on the radio, Neal Boortz (who claims to be, and IMO usually is, Libertarian) had what I thought was an interesting opinion on the subject:

He proposed that bikers be allowed to ride without a helmet, if they had a special sticker/license plate on the bike that said "Owner of this bike carries $500K medical insurance".

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When I was 15, me and a friend were dreaming of being Motocross drivers. Living in Georgia, it was always raining, and for those that have been in the Bible Belt, it seems that 80% of all rodes are dirt. So we were driving our matching Kawasaki 350s about 60 mile/hr on a dirt rode in the rain. I hit a hole in the rode and flipped my bike about 6 times, injuring my knee (fortunately it was the off season), and giving myself a concussion.

I was wearing protective gear (plastic knee pads, elbow pads, and HELMET!!!). If not for the helmet I would not be typing this today. Though driving my bike the way I did then was stupid, at least I can say that I was smart enough at 15 to wear protective gear.

As someone who still drives motorcycles to this day, do I believe in helmet laws? Easy answer, yes. Should it be a right to choose? Yes, if we lived in a perfect world, because people would not be driving motorcycles and cars stupidly. Since we don't live in a perfect world, people driving stupidly happen. People driving motorcycles are not always the stupid people, because cars have blind spots, some motorists in cars decide while changing lanes not to look back to see if everything is clear and clip or hit a motorcycle, because they didn't see them in one of their mirrors.

Some motorcyclists are just as stupid because they realise their bikes are smaller than cars and decide they don't need to obey simple traffic laws.

Personally, I do speed in a car, but never in a motorcycle. Although I enjoy my freedom on my bike, I enjoy spending time with my daughter and my son more than anything else. I will always wear my helmet, and I will always make sure that any passenger wears a helmet.

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I would agree, but with a slight difference--don't allow them to sue for any injuries at all if they're not wearing a helmet. Take the subjectivity out of it. :)

And add in that thier stupidity will not be shouldered by others in the form of higher medical insurance premiums.

Those that argue the validity of mandatory helmet laws forget about the increased costs of ICU care spread across society and don't think for a second that you aren't paying for it, at least a little bit.

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