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Crazies in your neighborhood


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I got to thinking last night. As I was walking home from work, I passed the house of a man that is always joked about being a little "loopy". Well as I passed it I payed more attention to it. It had all of the windows on all of the sides covered up with cardboard from the inside(by the way all the glass is intact). There are Nazi flags and skull and crossbone flags draped over the doors and then there are pad locks that are put on the outside of each of the doors. If you have ever seen "The Burbs" it is very similar to that house. Any way the guy who lives there is called by the people in town as General George, he walks around town with a pith helmet with the east german emblem on it and he sports a Hitler mustache. Rumor has it that he even beleives that he is Hitler.

Then there is another guy, a local business owner, who beleives that his water at his house is filtered through the corpse of Stonewall Jackson (Jackson was buried in Lexington not Strasburg) plus he beleives that he has marine batallions that do searches for him, and that he is a US Marshall (he is not). He also beleives that everything is bugged and that a vault is the only place to talk safely.

So any of you have any stories of some crazies around where you live (you know you do, in fact you could talk for hours about them)

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Never seen the guy, but i checked the sex offenders registry when i bought my place and sure enough there is one about half a mile away. **** owns a freaking mansion.


Only one?

I have about 100 in a five mile radius from where I live in Cocoa Beach.

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I had these redneck/hillbilly/biker types living next to me for awhile. They were generally pretty nice but thier yard looked like a damn dump. After the whole neighborhood complained to HOA for months they were kicked out by their landlord.

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Never seen the guy, but i checked the sex offenders registry when i bought my place and sure enough there is one about half a mile away. **** owns a freaking mansion.


Unless you know what his crime was, you have to remember that getting busted for sex in public can get you on some lists.

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Damn, I live in Martinsburg and don't have this kind of entertainment.

sure you do, you just have to look harder and keep your ears open.

Here in strasburg we also have this guy who is about 80 who thinks that he still owns all the buildings on main street (which he used to, 40 years ago) He isn't so much crazy as he is senile

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anyone from morgantown knows the "yup yup man" from south park.

yes, there is an area of morgantown known as southpark. and there are a few loonies there. :laugh:

I lived on Pennsylvania Ave in Southpark one year.

Never heard of the Yup yup man.

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I lived on Pennsylvania Ave in Southpark one year.

Never heard of the Yup yup man.

my wife lived on penn. ave. for a year.

yup yup man? how'd you never see the yup yup man? just walked around, talking to himself, and all he ever said was "yup, yup, yup,.....yup, yup"

he could be seen at bars watching the 'eers all the time. he was at the coliseum watching the blue and gold a good bit.

i hope he didn't die.

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OK heres mine.

I have these redneck types living cross corner from me. This guy and his ugly woman with a voice that sounds like nails on a blackboard and two teenage kids that are out of control. They would sit outside in the garage (open) get drunk and listen to their country music or Nascar races if they were on. Sounds classic right? It gets better. They used to fight all the time. I'm talking yelling and cussing in the front yard for the world to see and hear. I used to say that one day one of them was going to snap. Well.....

One day I'm in my kitchen when I see a cop coming in through my back porch door. WTF? The dude tells me I have to get out NOW. There's a problem across the street. That's when I knew what happened... SNAP! :doh:

On my way out I see a sharp shooter with an M16 on the side of the house. I locked up, jumped in the car and took off. The neighborhood is blocked off at the end of the street and the cops let me out after checking my ID. It was 5 hours before I could get back home.

It seems Mr Billybob or whatever his name was had a little too much to drink, lost his damned mind, broke into another neighbors house and stole his guns. He then proceded to shoot up the inside of his own house before the cops were called in. Eventualy the cops were able to lure him outside and zap him with a stun gun whereupon he unloaded another round into the dirt before going down. Lucky for him the cops were not trigger happy.

As far as I know he's still locked up. The rest of the family is still there. The kids are still out of control, and the womans voice can still peel paint. Thankfully however there have been no more shootings. :rolleyes:

And people wonder why they call Daytona Beach "The Redneck Riviera".

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my wife lived on penn. ave. for a year.

yup yup man? how'd you never see the yup yup man? just walked around, talking to himself, and all he ever said was "yup, yup, yup,.....yup, yup"

he could be seen at bars watching the 'eers all the time. he was at the coliseum watching the blue and gold a good bit.

i hope he didn't die.

Was he like 110 years old and did he wear a sombrero? (Im not making this up.)

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anyone from morgantown knows the "yup yup man" from south park.

yes, there is an area of morgantown known as southpark. and there are a few loonies there. :laugh:

What about that one dude on High Street? Homer I think they call him. He's always trying to sell oranges.

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Crazies, depends on what you call crazy. I lived next to a mormon, that guy had like 18 kids, I call that crazy.

Seriously though, check out the Rotor man at Geagua Lake which I think now is six flags in Ohio. Guy just rides the rotor ride non-stop all day. Nice guy doesn't bother anyone but he's obviously got some sort of issue. Maybe crazy is the wrong word.

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Well, a few blocks from my place we had Elvis for many years.....



Robert "Elvis" Mitchell was a well-known personality in the Cape Coral neighborhood where he'd lived for more than a decade.

He was a regular on the karaoke stage at Capt. Nemo's, where he performed Elvis songs and called himself "Elvis Perfect One."

Friends would honk as they passed by his Santa Barbara Boulevard home with its wishing well, gardens full of faded silk flowers and a garage door plastered with stickers that proclaimed "God Bless America," "The truth will set you free," and "Wow!"

So when the 63-year-old man disappeared last weekend and all of his belongings wound up piled at the front curb, people wondered and worried.

They can rest easy that he is safe and living temporarily with his stepbrother, the Rev. Kent Burns, in North Fort Myers.

Mitchell said he was surprised when Lee County sheriff's deputies knocked on his door last Friday and told him he had to leave.

"They gave me five minutes to get out the door," he said in a phone interview Thursday. "I didn't know what to do."

According to Amy Decker, rental manager for Century 21 AAIM Realty in Fort Myers, Mitchell was notified in early February that his lease wasn't going to be renewed and he had 90 days to move.

"It wasn't anything he did wrong," Decker said. "The owner decided to sell the property. We went through all the legal channels. He knew he had to move and didn't."

The 90 days were up April 30, Decker said, after which the real estate company had to begin eviction proceedings.

The sheriff's office turned possession of the house over to the real estate company, which removed Mitchell's belongings from the house and changed the locks on Saturday to secure the property, Decker said.

Much of the home's contents remained outside for several days. Strewn across the front yard were remnants of Mitchell's life: a bed frame leaning against shelving, a well-worn desk and television, a green

stuffed frog and a flowered vase.

Mitchell said he tried to purchase the house, bringing Decker commitments from four banks that he could get financing.

Decker confirmed that Mitchell expressed an interest in purchasing the house. She said she told him he needed evidence from a bank stating he qualified for a loan, something the company requires from all potential buyers.

However, Decker said what Mitchell showed her were promotional postcards from mortgage companies, advertisements meant to attract customers but that don't mean the recipient actually would qualify for a mortgage.

Besides the fact that he lost his home, Mitchell is upset that all his belongings were removed from the house and that many of his possessions now are missing.

He said his jewelry, a collection of Elvis memorabilia he kept in his home, and a valuable statue of Jesus his mother gave him are gone.

Burns said he is going to try to help his stepbrother find another place to live.

Sheila Johnson, the day bartender at Capt. Nemo's, said many customers have asked what happened to him.

"Everybody knew him as Elvis," she said. "He was a regular. He'll be missed."


We have a sex offender living four houses away. He's on the federal list for child porn.


We have this other dude too. What a nut. He's in his mid 40's and acts like a 17 year old most of the time. His clothing is a throw back to the 70's, with tye dyed shirts, raggy bluejeans, and hair in a bandana. Your can hear him commin from blocks away on his motorcycls. He's also very loud when speaking, and you can hear him from half way up the street. When he mows the lawn, or works in his garage, the classic rock is so loud it can shake the fillings out of your teeth.

Of course, the best part of all is the guy is.......................


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OK heres mine.

I have these redneck types living cross corner from me. This guy and his ugly woman with a voice that sounds like nails on a blackboard and two teenage kids that are out of control. They would sit outside in the garage (open) get drunk and listen to their country music or Nascar races if they were on. Sounds classic right? It gets better. They used to fight all the time. I'm talking yelling and cussing in the front yard for the world to see and hear. I used to say that one day one of them was going to snap. Well.....

One day I'm in my kitchen when I see a cop coming in through my back porch door. WTF? The dude tells me I have to get out NOW. There's a problem across the street. That's when I knew what happened... SNAP! :doh:

On my way out I see a sharp shooter with an M16 on the side of the house. I locked up, jumped in the car and took off. The neighborhood is blocked off at the end of the street and the cops let me out after checking my ID. It was 5 hours before I could get back home.

It seems Mr Billybob or whatever his name was had a little too much to drink, lost his damned mind, broke into another neighbors house and stole his guns. He then proceded to shoot up the inside of his own house before the cops were called in. Eventualy the cops were able to lure him outside and zap him with a stun gun whereupon he unloaded another round into the dirt before going down. Lucky for him the cops were not trigger happy.

As far as I know he's still locked up. The rest of the family is still there. The kids are still out of control, and the womans voice can still peel paint. Thankfully however there have been no more shootings. :rolleyes:

And people wonder why they call Daytona Beach "The Redneck Riviera".

:laugh: I thought I was the only one. :laugh:

We had a nieghbor for years that anytime he got off his meds SWAT was called in...The nicest guy otherwise,but two or three times of year it would look like a hostage situation with snipers on the roofs and evacuating houses.

Why he was allowed to keep guns and Rottwiellers I'll never know :rolleyes:

Now that he's gone I guess I fit the description of local crazy person:D

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