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favorite old school cartoon


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the tick did indeed rock, but it was always on at the 11a.m. timeslot on saturday mornings. i was always busy on the weekends.

classics I enjoyed and stuff I watched: looney tunes, gi joe, ducktales, TMNT, the real ghostbusters, flintstones, jetsons, scooby-doo, inspector gadget (I always got pissed that Penny did everything.)

other stuff I watched: talespin, animaniacs, x-men, the short lived Tiny Toons were alright, muppet babies

I'm sure I forgot some things I used to enjoy. I had to go to wikipedia just to find the program schedules of the 90s ;).

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classics I enjoyed and stuff I watched: looney tunes, gi joe, ducktales, TMNT, the real ghostbusters, flintstones, jetsons, scooby-doo, inspector gadget (I always got pissed that Penny did everything.)

wow, sweet list!! :thumbsup:

I had to go to wikipedia just to find the program schedules of the 90s ;).

cheater. :silly:

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Popey hands down. Salty little guy that kicks azz and takes names. He could sware with the best of them (slow dow the soundtrack), never started the fight, always finished it.

Tom and Jerry take runner up.......

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Robotech------Roy died!!


Voltron----There was a girl...

Tranformers----Hated Bumblebee

GI Joe-----Storm Shadow ruled! COBRA!!!

Super Friends----Hated Gleek

Flash Gordon/Tarzan----Tarzan swinging on that vine 10 times a show

The Bannana Splits-----Danger Island...uh-oh CHongo!!!

Gummi Bears----Here there and everywhere....

The Real Ghostbusters-----Peter....

Tom and Jerry-----I wanted to freeze water in my kitchen...

Thundar The Barbarian---Ariel was hot....

Battle of the Planets-----Mark kicked a**....

Chilly Willy----- More butter...

so many more......

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Ok,....round 2..

MASK----That helo/motorcyle was awsome...

Visionaries------cool toys,

The completely mental misadventures of Ed Grimley----I love this cartoon I must say...

Dungeons and Dragons--------like the whiney guy with the shield,..eric I think??

The Littles-------"we are the little,bla,bla,bla" that song...

Johny Quest--------Haji sucked.....

Rambo------Does anyone else remember???

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are we in the same generation? how does that work? cuz tmnt is MY generation. :laugh:

I know you and Extreme made a deal with the young'uns, but I say NO DEAL!! TMNT is for our generation....preschool is too damn young to remember the cartoons....I remember when they came on. Hell, I had the original Eastman and Laird graphic novels! (Which kicked the cartoon's ass by the way...) So I'm taking TMNT back. :D

If anyone 21 or younger can tell me the lyrics to "Ninja Rap", and who sang it, without the help of the internets, maybe you will get a share....:laugh:

Gotta 2nd a few of these



GI. Joe

Looney Tunes

And who could forget Alvin and the Chipmunks and Alf? (yes, the cartoon not the show)

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I liked Tailspin, Ducktails, Darkwing Duck, Captain Planet, G.I. Joe, TMNT, Dino-Riders and then the "Boomerang Cartoons" when Cartoon Network came out.

Such classics as Wacky Racers, Johnny Quest, Quickdraw McGraw, Penelope Pitstop, Speed Racer, Magilla Guerilla.

When bored I'd watch some cartoons with my little brother, which would include Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, and that crazy one with the 2 cats who worked in a junk yard and had that jet.

And of course now I love old Ren and Stimpy's, South Park, the old Family Guy, and of course King of the Hill.

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My favorite subject. Old school cartoons.

I doubt anybody remembers the Trollkins


Hong Kong Phooey. I heard they're coming out with the entire series on DVD


Speed Buggy


Now, were really talking old. The Mighty Mightor. It was on when I was 5 years old.


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