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Mass. Lawmakers OK Mandatory Health Bill


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No it wouldn't drop, if there was free health insurance for all, it would probably sky rocket

I think you are incorrect. People do not go to the ER because they have health insurance, they go to the ER because they do NOT have health insurance and the ER is the only place they can go.

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Seriously, this is GREAT for the underprivilaged, and i have absolutely NO problem what so ever making sure everyone in this state has health care. What is it going to cost me as a person? $200/year? So that is what, like $4 a week? Yea, I can deal with it. on top of it, they are paying this and NOT increasing taxes yet again, my state shows it is a class above the fray.

chom, what have the underprivledged ever done for you that you're willing to give them an ADDITIONAL $200 per year (and I bet it will end up being a lot more than that)??? Taxes WILL be going up for this. Give it some time. ESPECIALLY if the program doesn't work perfectly right from the start. The residents of this state continuously elect a MURDERER and a TRAITOR to the US Congress, so the idea that "class" exists anywhere in this state is an absolute joke.

Kudos to the Mass Lawmakers :cheers: and MSF, if you don't like it, why life here :silly: Isn't that what everyone tells me about my country?

As I mentioned earlier, if I could find a comparable job in a comparable environment/area for comparable pay in the Southeastern area of the country I would be there. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find one as of yet.

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The thing I don't think you're understanding is that I don't believe it's the GOVERNMENT'S place to stop the cold before it starts or to provide those job skills for the potential criminal. That is the job of the family, the church and private organizations inside the local community.

I understand. I just disagree.

I don't want the government worrying about my personal health. I mistrust the government's ability to do ANYTHING correctly at this point. No matter WHO is running it, Republican or Democrat. Most importantly, I still cannot find a state or federal Constitutional mandate for taxation for this purpose (and many others). Therefore whether it's a good thing or not is totally irrelevant.... it's unconstitutional.

Saying you mistrust the government is anti-american ;)

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And right there is what seperates you from the rest of the world. You value something of paper WAY WAY to much. Money is great, but all the money in the world will not buy you happiness, and judging by the tone of your posts, you are definately not a happy person.

Hey, I value the little metal stuff as much as the paper stuff. Don't forget that. I've discussed in the past that happiness is not something I concern myself with. If it means I get to keep more of my money, I don't really give a care who doesn't get to see a doctor, goes hungry, or freezes to death in a cardboard box under the bridge.

Got a lot of pent up agrivation inside that head of yours. you should probably take your 12-gauge and go out to shoot something, that will make you feel better ;)

Unfortunately, I have way too much respect for the members of the Massachusetts State Police stationed at the State House to do that, because right now the only suitable targets I can come up with are there most of the time.

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I think you are incorrect. People do not go to the ER because they have health insurance, they go to the ER because they do NOT have health insurance and the ER is the only place they can go.

Possibly, but we'll find out when it happens, and it depends on which hospital. I believe some hospitals can reject you for no insurance, but I'm not sure.

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Hey, I value the little metal stuff as much as the paper stuff. Don't forget that. I've discussed in the past that happiness is not something I concern myself with. If it means I get to keep more of my money, I don't really give a care who doesn't get to see a doctor, goes hungry, or freezes to death in a cardboard box under the bridge.
Haven't I seen you post about America's diminished moral condition?
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Haven't I seen you post about America's diminished moral condition?

The modern conservative is like the old French Aristocrasy--

Advisor: The poor are starving. They don't even have bread to eat.

French: Well, let them eat cake.

American Conservative: Hell, they don't even deserve the cake.

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The modern conservative is like the old French Aristocrasy--

Advisor: The poor are starving. They don't even have bread to eat.

French: Well, let them eat cake.

American Conservative: Hell, they don't even deserve the cake.

Now that's untrue. It's much more like this.....

Advisor: The poor are starving. They don't even have bread to eat.

American Conservative: So what? They made their bed, let them lay in it.

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Yes you have. On numerous occassions and in reference to numerous different subjects....

What you have to do is pay attention to what I consider moral and immoral.

Doesn't really matter what you consider moral after that statement. Your credibility on that issue has left the building.

Just out of curiosity though - where does a person get such a immoral code to live by? Certainly not from one of the major religions and you don't strike me as a humanist.

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How about...?

The modern conservative is like the old French Aristocrasy--

Advisor: The poor are starving. They don't even have bread to eat.

French: Well, let them eat cake.

American Conservative: You got cake? Give me the damn cake!

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The modern conservative is like the old French Aristocrasy--

Advisor: The poor are starving. They don't even have bread to eat.

French: Well, let them eat cake.

American Conservative: Hell, they don't even deserve the cake.

American Liberal: The poor don't have steak to eat.

American Conservative: But they have bread to eat.

American Liberal: The the poor deserve to eat steak, just like you do.

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American Liberal: The poor are freezing to death in the streets!.

American Conservative: Not my problem.

American Conservative: You know that Saddam was letting his people starve?

American Liberal: Not my problem.

American Libertarian: Did you hear the government wants to invade our privacy?

American Conservative: You have to defend America!

American Libertarian: So you agree with the democrats then they are behind this law?

American Conservative: What? Hell no! Those ****s want to invade our privacy you say? They have to be stopped!

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For you, lucky devil---

The modern conservative is like the old French Aristocrasy--

Advisor: The poor are starving. They don't even have bread to eat.

French: Well, let them eat cake.

American Moderate: Well, I have a flourless, sugar-free cake. Would that help?

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Doesn't really matter what you consider moral after that statement. Your credibility on that issue has left the building.

My credibility on the issue comes from doing what I know to be right, not from you or anyone else telling me that I'm right. Personally I couldn't care any less what you or anyone else thinks of me, my beliefs, or my actions.

Just out of curiosity though - where does a person get such a immoral code to live by? Certainly not from one of the major religions and you don't strike me as a humanist.

How about from living life and from a solid set of beliefs about how the world should work? Not just from one source, one religion, one philosophy, or one anything. To do so is extremely limiting.

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