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Emotion Invoking Symbols


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you know, i had the same thought. but for me it is. it's funny, because i can't think of any one "symbol" from xxii or xxvi (with the possible exception of doug williams raising his helmet after xxii). i think it's because i don't remember xvii because i was 4 and didn't watch football yet.

I just think my idea of "symbol" was too narrow. Expanding the definition, that photo is it for our Super Bowls, hands down.

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I'd say the most emotion-invoking symbol (negative) on the planet is still the nazi-style swastika. There are so many reasons to hate it. The atrocities against Jews, the cost of WWII in American lives, and now the use of it by aryan groups


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I think this symbol may be one of the most powerful in history, the emotions it evokes boil the blood.

Come on now, some one implicitly asked for the swastika not to be posted.

Otherwise there are some great symbols that really tug at ones soul

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There are so many that envoke emotions in me. The American Flag, any US military ensignia, any great US monument, the Twin Towers, the Statue of Liberty (had to seperate that one), The Empire State Building, The Redskins logo, the logo of my rugby team, the Italian flag, the cross (I bet that surprises some), the Masonic symbol, and (this is an odd one), the Egg in Albany. It's a building around here, that I always see on my way home, and it's shaped like a football, or an odd shaped egg, so that's what it represents to me. My home.

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Interesting....Why does this one invoke emotion for you?

Not really this pic, but the COLE bombing in general. I'm in the navy and over the last few years have met a couple of the guys who were on the ship at the time...personalized it a little for me.

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