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Mitt Romney is an effin loser


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<sigh> The kneejerk type of political polarization that we see all too well displayed here is the root cause of people considering Dems and Rep equally evil and to blame for all ills. No one in the White House, Congress or your local government got there by force, I don't recall hearing of any statehouse taken in a coup de etat, they were voted in. People ambled out and pulled a lever (or dangled a chad) to put them there, but anyone that wants to sit back and expect the GOVERNMENT to solve problems is naive at best. You want to b***h about govt? Get involved and change it. You want actual change, change for the better you can see? Get involved locally in a non-political forum. You want to rant and rave and beg for Armageddon? Apparently you come here........

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The discussion ends here. Obviously the man is infallable. Why are all you America-haters questioning this guy's unflagging wisdom? Clearly change, or anything related to it, and dissenting opinions, or anything related to them, have been nothing but a burden on this country since its inception. It's not like our country was founded on the very basis of change or a dissenting opinion or anything. God, sometimes I wonder how people get by learning from their mistakes and listening to and giving credence to the opinions of others, rather than just sticking their head in the sand and knowing that they're right. Why can't we all just be smart, right, and clearly not-insane like this guy?

So there is something wrong with beleiving in what you beleive in? :doh:

I man has the right to believe what he wants and never change. It is no ones right to tell him that he is a fool for it. You can disagree with him and you can give him reasons for why his belief is wrong, but you can't degrade a man for beleiving in something. That is just wrong

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So there is something wrong with beleiving in what you beleive in? :doh:

I man has the right to believe what he wants and never change. It is no ones right to tell him that he is a fool for it. You can disagree with him and you can give him reasons for why his belief is wrong, but you can't degrade a man for beleiving in something. That is just wrong

No. There's something wrong with hating people for disagreeing with you. There's something wrong with disregarding someone else's opinion simply because it's not your's. There's something wrong with ignoring history and fact, and there's sure as hell something wrong with being so fanatical in your beliefs that you're already taking sides in a revolution that probably won't happen.

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Hokie, it's a good thing you're on my (and a bunch of people's) ignore lists, because I have a feeling whatever you said is probably irrelevant, unintelligent, and offensive. Which, you know, is your status quo reaction to someone who didn't even address you, but happens to have different politics.

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Is it universally right to HATE a fellow countryman for having a different opinion? Is it universally right to make assumptions about someone you've never even met simply because of their age and the fact that they're a student? Is it universally right to arrogantly tote your opinion as the right one, and even more arrogantly shoot down others' as wrong?

Yes, those are all Universal Rights. I won't comment on your slavery question one way or the other.

You, my friend, have no place speaking about right, wrong, good, evil, logical, illogical, correct, or incorrect. You think having a closed mind is a good thing? Did the founding fathers have a closed mind when they opposed King George? Did any of the civil rights activists (including Lincoln) have a closed mind? NOTHING good has ever come from closemindedness. Of course, you're too closeminded to realize this, but it's true nonetheless.

I have a closed mind because I already know what I believe and I know it's right. Yes, the Founding Fathers were closed minded. They were not going to accept the destruction of their rights by a foreign king. I am not going to comment on the civil rights question.

Closed-mindedness is a very good thing in many, many situations. Unfortunately your "heart" gets in the way of your mind realizing this, so I won't bother trying to explain it to you.

If you're going to be so closeminded, why even bother discussing politics? You've obviously got nothing left to learn. All the knowledge someone like you needs is already in the confines of their twisted mind.

There's a difference between discussion and debate. Discussion is simply a matter of the exchange of information. That is what I involve myself in. Debate is the exchange of information for the purpose of changing another's mind or proving onesself correct. That I do not involve myself in. It's a waste of time.

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There are 48 Billionaires listed, 21 of them gave mostly to Dems, 26 gave mostly to Reps, and one gave equally.

So Reps aren't necessarily looking out for the "rich guys" as not nearly all of them are Reps

Holding all other issues aside, the political donation whims of 48 individuals are hardly relevant to which category of people an entire political party is catering to.

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Yes, those are all Universal Rights. I won't comment on your slavery question one way or the other.

Why won't you comment on it? Are you afraid you may actually breakdown and admit the founding fathers weren't infallible? Or, do you just support slavery?

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Anyone wanna know the secret to beating the tax game with the gov't?

Give 12% of your gross income to charity every year. I actually got more back in my federal refund than I paid during the year and only paid about $500 to the Peoples Democratic Republic of Maryland.

Funny thing, I'm not rich either. My household income is less than 60K.

Chom, is there anything wrong with Puritan values (of which I believe), as long as I don't flog people for blasphemy or hang'em for witchcraft?

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If I didn't know better, I'd think a few people are asking to be banned from Tailgate for awhile.

TK, if that's what stating my view earns me, then fine. I'll accept it like a man and move on with my life. I will not change my views of the world for ANYONE and I will not stay silent and watch people spew garbage either.

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and there's sure as hell something wrong with being so fanatical in your beliefs that you're already taking sides in a revolution that probably won't happen.

But aren't you in a sense doing exactly that? There is nothing wrong with aligning with whatever "side" your beliefs lead you to, regardless of whether there is a revolution or not. It is call standing up for your beliefs and supporting them ceaselessly

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Debate is the exchange of information for the purpose of changing another's mind or proving onesself correct. That I do not involve myself in. It's a waste of time.

Then why participate on a message board? If you were to hold true to your principle, wouldn't you only be a lurker (and on those ocassions on which someone requests information that you may have, you provide it). As I'm sure you realize, what you are doing here is not engaging in the exchange of information except to the extent that you are providing your own point of view, which is, is essence, telling others for the sake of changing their minds. Why else would you state your position more than once?

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Yes, those are all Universal Rights. I won't comment on your slavery question one way or the other.

I have a closed mind because I already know what I believe and I know it's right. Yes, the Founding Fathers were closed minded. They were not going to accept the destruction of their rights by a foreign king. I am not going to comment on the civil rights question.

Closed-mindedness is a very good thing in many, many situations. Unfortunately your "heart" gets in the way of your mind realizing this, so I won't bother trying to explain it to you.

There's a difference between discussion and debate. Discussion is simply a matter of the exchange of information. That is what I involve myself in. Debate is the exchange of information for the purpose of changing another's mind or proving onesself correct. That I do not involve myself in. It's a waste of time.

You're not commenting on the civil rights questions because?

I guess there's a universal right to closemindedly misinterpret universal rights, too.

I would venture to say that you are VERY alone in your opinion (or fact, by your logic) that the founding fathers were close-minded, because even though you can twists words and facts to make it seem that way, it's fairly obvious to most anyone that that's not the case.

Again with the arrogance! My "heart gets in the way of my mind?" Does that just mean that you're too lazy/incapable of explaining your position? Because I, unlike you, am not closeminded, and I'm capable of listening to the opinions of others without prejudging them as wrong. So, if you're going to sit here and claim that closemindedness has ever been anything but a bad thing, you're going to have to back it up with more than just a personal jab.

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Why won't you comment on it? Are you afraid you may actually breakdown and admit the founding fathers weren't infallible? Or, do you just support slavery?

My views on the topic of individual, class and gender equality are so far from the currently accepted societal norm that discussion of them can lead to nothing more than a total breakdown of politeness and common courtesy in this thread (yes, more than it has already) and possibly even worse things.

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Holding all other issues aside, the political donation whims of 48 individuals are hardly relevant to which category of people an entire political party is catering to.

My point in showing this is that The rich are not mutually Republicans, so they are not necessarily catering to them. It shows that the eilte are pretty well split between reps and dems

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now what is that supposed to mean? Are you calling conservatives "circlejerkers"

Not at all. We have several liberal circlejerkers on this board too, and their worthless, ill-thought out and predictable posts irritate me as well.

I am referring to certain posters who do repetitive, simplistic posts consisting of nothing more than "1) mischaracterize the discussion, 2) label your opponent, 3) fire off an insult, and 4) disappear from the thread."

You know: "LOL - liberals are commies!" or "conservatives are no better than nazis...."

We all know which posters they are. You are not one of them gchwood.

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But aren't you in a sense doing exactly that? There is nothing wrong with aligning with whatever "side" your beliefs lead you to, regardless of whether there is a revolution or not. It is call standing up for your beliefs and supporting them ceaselessly

Not in the least. I have a set of beliefs, based on logical discussion and what I walked away with from it. My beliefs are shaped from knowledge and experience, and they change with it accordingly. I'll support my beliefs until someone proves them wrong, or at least wrong enough to make my rethink my opinion. It's called having an open mind.

The whole revolution comment was based, verbatim, on one of his comments LITERALLY taking sides in the "third revolution." This is a man that would KILL rather than rethink his beliefs. He'd rather the country go into a tailspin than compromise, and that's just sad.

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my questions:

Why won't you comment on it? Are you afraid you may actually breakdown and admit the founding fathers weren't infallible? Or, do you just support slavery?

his answers:

My views on the topic of individual, class and gender equality are so far from the currently accepted societal norm that discussion of them can lead to nothing more than a total breakdown of politeness and common courtesy in this thread (yes, more than it has already) and possibly even worse things.

Does anybody else think this implies what i think it implies? *shudder*

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TK, if that's what stating my view earns me, then fine. I'll accept it like a man and move on with my life. I will not change my views of the world for ANYONE and I will not stay silent and watch people spew garbage either.

Defensive much?

The posters that I was referring to know who they are because they continue to do the same thing in every political thread they enter into.

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