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Mitt Romney is an effin loser


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There's a big difference between you Liberals and us Conservatives.... We're only going to take so much and then you folks are going to find out just how many Conservatives are willing to look down the barrel of a firearm and pull the trigger on another human being to make things in this country right again. Whereas I highly doubt that many of you Liberals have the same level of commitment to your beliefs.

Ya lost me there dude. Might wanna think about that post a little.

Hell, even I'm only for locking them up in camps :laugh:

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Loopholes like mortgage interest deductions? So what you're saying is you're against private home ownership, which therefore concludes you're for government ownership, which therefore concludes you're a friggin' socialist on your way to achieve communist utopia. Alright, thanks for clearing that up for us.

Raising the minimum wage just allows government to take more of your income. You end up paying more to the government and your net increase goes unnoticed. Thus, the government owns more of your money for redistribution. How is this not socialism? Not only that, how do businesses compensate the forced rise in minimum wage? They cut their workforce. Then those left unemployed seek unemployment benefits paid for by the rise in minimum wage taxation. It's an endless cycle of economic stagnation.

Midnight, you're making yourself look like a complete fool. Just admit dems are socialist/communist wannabes and people might start respecting your opinions a bit more.

I've seen enough from you to sincerely not care what you think. Your first paragraph makes no sense what so ever. I am a home owner so how could I be against home ownership?

Your second paragraph is even more wrong. MW workers jobs are often indespensable. Take Jiffy Lube for example, they can't cut their MW workers because they wouldn't have anyone left to do the actual work. When their budget is stretched, and it's not, studies have shown the first thing they do is cut advertising, next they cut executive salaries. Disney fired 10,000 MW workers this year and simultaneously payed Michael Eisner $24 million dollars just to retire....and they wonder why their budget is screwed.

If you think the USA is socialist, you are the ungrateful fool. I'm not on here to gain respect nor do I taylor any of my opinions for those reasons.

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Theresa Heinz Kerry is a billionaire. She pays 12% income tax. Your model only works when you forget about all the loopholes in our tax system that are available to rich people and not poor people such as mortgage interest deductions, bankruptcy laws, small business and big business laws, etc. If you think rich people do not all take advntage of these laws you are sadly mistaken.

That's what I call a smart business person. I do everything I can to protect as much of my income from taxation as humanly possible. That's just the smart thing to do. I do hope you realize that America was founded on the concept that people have the right to do as much OR as little with their lives as they choose to.

Senator Kennedy is a huge proponent of raising minimum wage. You've been made to think this is socialism whereas I think it's a standard that any civil self-respecting, ethical country would live by. In England they are raising MW to $10 and in Australia it is $12. In the US it's $5.15. I think if you work your butt off 60 hours a week you should a least be above the poverty line. You don't. Your party supports sweatshops in Saipan and slave labor (and that is is not an exaggeration). Unfortunately, that is not the case and you wonder why there is a shortage of construction workers and why illegals aliens are the only ones who will take those jobs. Minimum wage workers get poorer by 2-3% each year, and it's been 8 years since the last federal MW increase. MW workers are 24% poorer under Bush and Rich people are 3.9% richer. THAT, my friend, is income redistribution.

No. Again that is smart business. This country was founded on the concept of CAPITALISM. A supply and demand economy. Not on the government telling companies how to make their product, how much they have to pay the people who make it, or who they can and can't sell it to.

As for what the other countries do, I have two comments.....

a. Why the heck would I care what any other country does in their own country. That's their problem, not mine.

b. If every other country jumped off a bridge into a pool of lava, should we do that too?

Republican leadership simply does not care about the poor and they use words like "socialism" to intimidate the weak-minded into agreeing with them.

Please show me the CONSTITUTIONAL mandate for all these Social programs. You'll search forever and not find it. I'll give you a little help.... look in Article I, Section 8; it'll tell you the EIGHTEEN powers of the Federal Government.

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Yeah, we're a funny lot. Ya know not wanting to kill our fellow countrymen and all. Its funny that you consider anybody that voted for Kerry to be guilty of treason, yet your above post literally borders on treason - i mean suggesting to KILL AMERICANS!?!?!?

I would suggest that anyone who voted for John Kerry is not truly a fellow countryman of mine. If/when there is a third Revolution in this country, I know what side I will be on and I know what I will be willing to do to ensure my side is victorious. Can you say the same?

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I would suggest that anyone who voted for John Kerry is not truly a fellow countryman of mine.

Right, you're not American - check. Because i voted for Kerry and my passport tells me i'm American; and since you're no countrymen of mine.... :ciao:

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That's what I call a smart business person. I do everything I can to protect as much of my income from taxation as humanly possible. That's just the smart thing to do. I do hope you realize that America was founded on the concept that people have the right to do as much OR as little with their lives as they choose to.

No. Again that is smart business. This country was founded on the concept of CAPITALISM. A supply and demand economy. Not on the government telling companies how to make their product, how much they have to pay the people who make it, or who they can and can't sell it to.

As for what the other countries do, I have two comments.....

a. Why the heck would I care what any other country does in their own country. That's their problem, not mine.

b. If every other country jumped off a bridge into a pool of lava, should we do that too?

Please show me the CONSTITUTIONAL mandate for all these Social programs. You'll search forever and not find it. I'll give you a little help.... look in Article I, Section 8; it'll tell you the EIGHTEEN powers of the Federal Government.

This country was also founded on slavery. Maybe you think it's unconstitutional to ban slavery. The authors were human, not Gods. The constitution is a foundation, not the end-all be-all of our Government forever.

A. Because your Republican news sources have all told you that raising minimum wage would destroy the economy yet they have absolutely zero sound economic models that prove as much. I, on the other hand, have sound economic models (UK and Australia) that prove they are dead wrong.

Why don't you show me where the constitution says that it forsees all Government problems forever.

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I've seen enough from you to sincerely not care what you think. Your first paragraph makes no sense what so ever. I am a home owner so how could I be against home ownership?

Your second paragraph is even more wrong. MW workers jobs are often indespensable. Take Jiffy Lube for example, they can't cut their MW workers because they wouldn't have anyone left to do the actual work. When their budget is stretched, and it's not, studies have shown the first thing they do is cut advertising, next they cut executive salaries. Disney fired 10,000 MW workers this year and simultaneously payed Michael Eisner $24 million dollars just to retire....and they wonder why their budget is screwed.

If you think the USA is socialist, you are the ungrateful fool. I'm not on here to gain respect nor do I taylor any of my opinions for those reasons.

Hmm, yet you claim "mortgage interest deductions" are a tactic used by the undeserving rich? It's ok for you, but not the rich? Fair enough just as long as you know you're a hypocrite. The rich are entitled the benefits of home ownership as much as we are.

YOUR second paragraph is absurd and at best, a major presumption. Not wasting my time.

I'm not expecting you to "taylor" your opinions for my benefit. I'll let you continue to live in your fantasy-world. It's great comedy for me.

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I would suggest that anyone who voted for John Kerry is not truly a fellow countryman of mine. If/when there is a third Revolution in this country, I know what side I will be on and I know what I will be willing to do to ensure my side is victorious. Can you say the same?

Wow, you hate 48% of America just for having a dissenting opinion. You've really gone off the deep end here.

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I'm not on here to gain respect nor do I taylor any of my opinions for those reasons.

At least there's one thing we can agree on. I'm not here to gain anyone's respect. Largely because I couldn't care any less what anyone else thinks. I know I'm right so there's no sense in debating anything with me. You're not ever going to change my mind on anything.

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Hmm, yet you claim "mortgage interest deductions" are a tactic used by the undeserving rich? It's ok for you, but not the rich? Fair enough just as long as you know you're a hypocrite. The rich are entitled the benefits of home ownership as much as we are.

YOUR second paragraph is absurd and at best, a major presumption. Not wasting my time.

I'm not expecting you to "taylor" your opinions for my benefit. I'll let you continue to live in your fantasy-world. It's great comedy for me.

Ugh, I never said mortgage interest deductions are unfair. I said you have to take them into account when debating the fainess of our tax laws. You should do more reading and less typing, let the adults debate. I'm through with you.

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At least there's one thing we can agree on. I'm not here to gain anyone's respect. Largely because I couldn't care any less what anyone else thinks. I know I'm right so there's no sense in debating anything with me. You're not ever going to change my mind on anything.

You are the definition of close-minded. That will not serve you well in life.

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The authors were human, not Gods. The constitution is a foundation, not the end-all be-all of our Government forever.

I will seriously disagree with that concept. So far as I am concerned the Constitution is to the USA what the Bible is to Christianity.

A. Because your Republican news sources have all told you that raising minimum wage would destroy the economy yet they have absolutely zero sound economic models that prove as much. I, on the other hand have sound economic models (UK and Australia) that prove they are dead wrong.

You'll be interested to find that I'm not a Republican. I'm not a member of ANY political party. I believe that political parties are one of the biggest PROBLEMS in our system right now.

Why don't you show me where the constitution says that it forsees all Government problems forever.

It doesn't. The difference in our arguements is that there is an AMENDMENT process in place that you Liberals have never used to expand governmental power. If you want to add all these things (education, welfare, social security, etc...) there is a process to have those items added to Article I, Section 8. Until you use that, ALL Federal spending that doesn't fall under those 18 powers is UnConstitutional on its base.

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You are the definition of close-minded. That will not serve you well in life.

Yes I am closed-minded and it's served me perfectly well for thirty-one years and counting; thank you very much. It's easy to be closed-minded when you've got morals & values to live by and you know that they're RIGHT.

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Yes I am closed-minded and it's served me perfectly well for thirty-one years and counting; thank you very much. It's easy to be closed-minded when you've got morals & values to live by and you know that they're RIGHT.

The discussion ends here. Obviously the man is infallable. Why are all you America-haters questioning this guy's unflagging wisdom? Clearly change, or anything related to it, and dissenting opinions, or anything related to them, have been nothing but a burden on this country since its inception. It's not like our country was founded on the very basis of change or a dissenting opinion or anything. God, sometimes I wonder how people get by learning from their mistakes and listening to and giving credence to the opinions of others, rather than just sticking their head in the sand and knowing that they're right. Why can't we all just be smart, right, and clearly not-insane like this guy?

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The discussion ends here. Obviously the man is infallable. Why are all you America-haters questioning this guy's unflagging wisdom? Clearly change, or anything related to it, and dissenting opinions, or anything related to them, have been nothing but a burden on this country since its inception. It's not like our country was founded on the very basis of change or a dissenting opinion or anything. God, sometimes I wonder how people get by learning from their mistakes and listening to and giving credence to the opinions of others, rather than just sticking their head in the sand and knowing that they're right. Why can't we all just be smart, right, and clearly not-insane like this guy?

Dave, I'm sure your college Sociology and Civics instructors would be suitably impressed with your diatribe. You're apparantly great example of the idea "If you're not a Liberal by age 20, you have no heart." Suffice it to say... I've never had a heart.

Unfortunately both you and they are missing a couple of very important concepts... most notably the idea of Universal Right and Wrong. Which, BTW, the Founding Fathers DID believe in. If you're not sure of that read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The fact that we've moved away from the idea of Universal Righ and Wrong is part of the reason our society is falling apart under our feet.

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Theresa Heinz Kerry is a billionaire. She pays 12% income tax. Your model only works when you forget about all the loopholes in our tax system that are available to rich people and not poor people such as mortgage interest deductions, bankruptcy laws, small business and big business laws, etc. If you think rich people do not all take advntage of these laws you are sadly mistaken.


I think that you should look this.

There are 48 Billionaires listed, 21 of them gave mostly to Dems, 26 gave mostly to Reps, and one gave equally.

So Reps aren't necessarily looking out for the "rich guys" as not nearly all of them are Reps

Senator Kennedy is a huge proponent of raising minimum wage. You've been made to think this is socialism whereas I think it's a standard that any civil self-respecting, ethical country would live by. In England they are raising MW to $10 and in Australia it is $12. In the US it's $5.15. I think if you work your butt off 60 hours a week you should a least be above the poverty line. You don't. Your party supports sweatshops in Saipan and slave labor (and that is is not an exaggeration). Unfortunately, that is not the case and you wonder why there is a shortage of construction workers and why illegals aliens are the only ones who will take those jobs. Minimum wage workers get poorer by 2-3% each year, and it's been 8 years since the last federal MW increase. MW workers are 24% poorer under Bush and Rich people are 3.9% richer. THAT, my friend, is income redistribution.

You said that Socialism is government control of privately owned businesses. Now isn't requiring privately owned businesses to pay a minimum wage, government control? That would be by definition Socialism. YOu are asking for increased socialism.

Also Rich people should be getting richer, it is called investing. Any idiot can get a return of 3.9%, shoot banks are offering cds for 5%. The fact is that people feel that they deserve to live beyond their means, so they spend more than they make, that is stupid. YOu don't need that new car or that new TV, you need a place to live and food to eat, and 90% of the people make enought to live, but everyone wants more. You know what I say? Tough Titties! deal without having a big screen TV.

Republican leadership simply does not care about the poor and they use words like "socialism" to intimidate the weak-minded into agreeing with them.

Republican leadership use terms like socialism because they are true, look at the cold hard facts, more social programs and greater ferderal intervention on businesses. There is no coercion here, choose what you want to choose. That is why the "weak minded" still vote dems. Historically almost anyone that is a recipient of social programs will vote dem

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Dave, I'm sure your college Sociology and Civics instructors would be suitably impressed with your diatribe. You're apparantly great example of the idea "If you're not a Liberal by age 20, you have no heart." Suffice it to say... I've never had a heart.

Unfortunately both you and they are missing a couple of very important concepts... most notably the idea of Universal Right and Wrong. Which, BTW, the Founding Fathers DID believe in. If you're not sure of that read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The fact that we've moved away from the idea of Universal Righ and Wrong is part of the reason our society is falling apart under our feet.

Is it universally right to HATE a fellow countryman for having a different opinion? Is it universally right to make assumptions about someone you've never even met simply because of their age and the fact that they're a student? Is it universally right to arrogantly tote your opinion as the right one, and even more arrogantly shoot down others' as wrong? Is it universally right to have slaves?

You, my friend, have no place speaking about right, wrong, good, evil, logical, illogical, correct, or incorrect. You think having a closed mind is a good thing? Did the founding fathers have a closed mind when they opposed King George? Did any of the civil rights activists (including Lincoln) have a closed mind? NOTHING good has ever come from closemindedness. Of course, you're too closeminded to realize this, but it's true nonetheless.

If you're going to be so closeminded, why even bother discussing politics? You've obviously got nothing left to learn. All the knowledge someone like you needs is already in the confines of their twisted mind.

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I think that you should look this.

There are 48 Billionaires listed, 21 of them gave mostly to Dems, 26 gave mostly to Reps, and one gave equally.

So Reps aren't necessarily looking out for the "rich guys" as not nearly all of them are Reps

You said that Socialism is government control of privately owned businesses. Now isn't requiring privately owned businesses to pay a minimum wage, government control? That would be by definition Socialism. YOu are asking for increased socialism.

Also Rich people should be getting richer, it is called investing. Any idiot can get a return of 3.9%, shoot banks are offering cds for 5%. The fact is that people feel that they deserve to live beyond their means, so they spend more than they make, that is stupid. YOu don't need that new car or that new TV, you need a place to live and food to eat, and 90% of the people make enought to live, but everyone wants more. You know what I say? Tough Titties! deal without having a big screen TV.

Republican leadership use terms like socialism because they are true, look at the cold hard facts, more social programs and greater ferderal intervention on businesses. There is no coercion here, choose what you want to choose. That is why the "weak minded" still vote dems. Historically almost anyone that is a recipient of social programs will vote dem

Logic and reason doesn't work with him, gcwood. Don't bother making valid points.

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Hokie, it's a good thing you're on my (and a bunch of people's) ignore lists, because I have a feeling whatever you said is probably irrelevant, unintelligent, and offensive. Which, you know, is your status quo reaction to someone who didn't even address you, but happens to have different politics.

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