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WP - For Patten, Signings Provide 'Motivation'


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Yea, but why talk about it in the paper...just go do it.

This is completely differnet than what Arrington did. Arrington came out in the midst of the season and a playoff run and created a distraction.

All Patten is doing is re-affirming his intention to fight hard and put the team first. It sounds to me like he is anxious to contribute.

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"In a flurry, the Redskins have been transformed at wide receiver. During Monday's news conference, the Redskins and their new acquisitions envisioned Santana Moss, Randle El and Lloyd lining up against the league's defenses. They did not mention Patten."

Is this true? Again, poor journalism at the WP. Where's the proof, Bryant? If you're going to make divisive, and sensational assertions like that, you need to back it up. Otherwise, you're just a clone of The Large One.

Think I'm overreacting? http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=129735 Read the Washingtonian article.

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Ok...what's classy about going to the paper and discusing playing time?

That's not what he is doing, he is restating his commitment to compete in order to help the team.

"Who could question that?" Patten said of the acquisitions. "Randle El can do it all. Think of the mismatches we're going to create at the line of scrimmage. And Brandon? In the San Francisco game, he was the only one on their side making plays. He's got the potential to take over the league.

"I'll tell you, if I'm not the starter, then we'll have the strongest receiving corps in the league. Don't tell me what I can't do. I'll give it everything I've got, and if it's not good enough, I can hold up. I can live with that."

That sounds like looking at the potential and wanting to contribute to the team. Who here would not jump at a chance to get on the field with this team?

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This guy is amazing. I hope he gets lots of receptions next year...he earned it.

Huh? How has he earned it? I'm sorry but that makes no sense...Anyways, I hope Patten is motivated cuz if he plays up to his potential our four wide set is going to be super scary for defenses.

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Ok...what's classy about going to the paper and discusing playing time?

If you very recently got promoted to a management position and after a year there didn't quite live up to all the hype due to many circumstances, and all of a sudden your company hires 2 more managers for the exact same job as yours... do you think you'd come out this way? Or do you think you'd be so concerned about your job that youd get upset/angry? He isn't coming out discussing playing time, he's saying he's a team player and plans on working harder to be a part of this team. While at the same time saying he understands why we picked up these other "managers"

I think it was very classy, whether he's actually pissed or not, he portrayed himself very well. I wasn't happy with last years performace but the way I read this article made me continue to want to see him as a Redskin and compete for a starting role

Edit: But again this should be ALL we hear about it

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I can take what he said with no problem. I wouldn't think that "he went to the paper" as someone suggested, but rather the paper came to him looking for controversy. Not that the media has ever done that, of course.

On another note, does anybody know where in SC he lives?

Oh, and always be careful laughing about the Holy Spirit, Gunny. ;)

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One side of me agrees with you...

But the other side of me is wondering why Patten is acting like he's surprised. His production last year was crap, then he got injured. + he's no spring chicken.

And why would he even think to ask Joe Gibbs if he is indeed "going to play the best guy?". Has he learned anything since his time with the Redskins? :rolleyes: "Uh, no Dave, we're not going to play the best guys, we're going to play the guys with the big contracts. Just ask Lavar"

Someone tell me I'm wrong.

You're wrong. He said he didn't volunteer to restructure, it's not even a legitimate criticism. He told the truth--players don't jump (esp guys not getting paid THAT much) forward to restructure and fool around with their money. Nor would you. He agreed when ASKED but he's not going to front of the line with restructuring demands. That is not a reflection on his team attitude or work ethic. (no one can really question his work ethic.)

No offense, but even Patten (who actually GOT passes when Ramsey was in there and looked to be the #1 or 1A) can't TOTALLY have bought in when he looked at the QB situation. The players may fight for each other, but I'm certain they have their own opinion of how different things shake out. They may need reassuring. Maybe patten thinks he'll get pulled in the first quarter if he drops a pass or something ;)

But seriously, his production WAS crap but posters left and right (including DIE hard) said that Brunell was not throwing to OPEN receivers. With Lloyd, ARE AND Moss, I think even Mark will begin to throw to more than one wideout, but people forget the poor production pre-injury from him and the fact that the wideout situation actually looked a touch different before Brunell took over(as in Patten looked like he'd be a factor, not as explosive as Moss, but a factor.) IT remains to be seen how well the ball will be distributed with one QB vs. another. I think JC has shown he'll spread it around (and I don't just mean to one wideout, TE and RB but to multiple wideouts.) Let's hope he 'shocks the world' and takes over the starting job.

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You're wrong. He said he didn't volunteer to restructure, it's not even a legitimate criticism. He told the truth--players don't jump (esp guys not getting paid THAT much) forward to restructure and fool around with their money. Nor would you. He agreed when ASKED but he's not going to front of the line with restructuring demands. That is not a reflection on his team attitude or work ethic. (no one can really question his work ethic.)

No offense, but even Patten (who actually GOT passes when Ramsey was in there and looked to be the #1 or 1A) can't TOTALLY have bought in when he looked at the QB situation. The players may fight for each other, but I'm certain they have their own opinion of how different things shake out. They may need reassuring. Maybe patten thinks he'll get pulled in the first quarter if he drops a pass or something ;)

But seriously, his production WAS crap but posters left and right (including DIE hard) said that Brunell was not throwing to OPEN receivers. With Lloyd, ARE AND Moss, I think even Mark will begin to throw to more than one wideout, but people forget the poor production pre-injury from him and the fact that the wideout situation actually looked a touch different before Brunell took over(as in Patten looked like he'd be a factor, not as explosive as Moss, but a factor.) IT remains to be seen how well the ball will be distributed with one QB vs. another. I think JC has shown he'll spread it around (and I don't just mean to one wideout, TE and RB but to multiple wideouts.) Let's hope he 'shocks the world' and takes over the starting job.

Hey Ghost, how are you? I hope you are well, in addition to being wrong in asserting that he was not thrown to.

Patten had balls thrown to him, and his production was consistent with the year before - he just did not do a great job of converting all of them and he got hurt.

He played in nine games and caught 22 passes, which works out to be 2.4 catches per game. However, he failed to convert on seven deep passes (according to ESPN) which had caught he would have brought his average to 3.2 catches per game. Now, I've no doubt that he dropped or could not convert other passes thrown to him (short, medium), but for argument's sake let's say he caught all the deep passes and not calculate any other drops (fair enough?). That would have been 3.2 cathces on average for the games he played in.

If we use the 3.2 per game average and span that over 16 games, he would have caught 51.2 passes last year, which would have been seven more than the year prior, where he caught 44 while playing in all 16 games.

My point being his production was I believe consistent with the year before and when you consider he failed to convert seven deep passes and more of different ranges you cannot assert that he was not being thrown to.

I'm not sure he was ever supposed to be the number 1 guy, in fact I'm sure he was not.

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Ok...what's classy about going to the paper and discusing playing time?

What makes you think he went to the paper? The paper probably went to him.

It was certainly an obvious question here about what Patten's status was, and I think it was pretty heads up by Bryant to go out and get the story.

The good thing is, Patten does have a good attitude about it, and it ready to fight for his job. Just exactly the attitude you want from your players.


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Hey Ghost, how are you? I hope you are well, in addition to being wrong in asserting that he was not thrown to.

If we use the 3.2 per game average and span that over 16 games, he would have caught 51.2 passes last year, which would have been seven more than the year prior, where he caught 44 while playing in all 16 games.

My point being his production was I believe consistent with the year before and when you consider he failed to convert seven deep passes and more of different ranges you cannot assert that he was not being thrown to.

I'm not sure he was ever supposed to be the number 1 guy, in fact I'm sure he was not.

I really do not feel like getting into a numbers war with you. Nor am I asserting that he was truly brought here to be #1. I'm just stating the fact that there was talk before the preseason was out about who really would be the main target or which WR would filll what role. I have enough of a memory to recall that this was discussed.

I am fine, though, thanks :) As for whether he was thrown to, the big claim was that once Patten went down we had squat at second WR. A claim of which I am skeptical, not that it isn't true in a sense, but that I think it's a lot of excuse-making for the coach's boy. Which is pretty much what's occurred since he's been brought in. Again, I'm hoping like hell Campbell does what he's expected to do.

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Nice, I like Patten I am glad he said that. He is getting into the end of his career he probably realized he can be a role player with a lot of good young receivers. Why not, at least he will be on a winning team... Great move David Patten. How many WR's are we going to keep?








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I really do not feel like getting into a numbers war with you. Nor am I asserting that he was truly brought here to be #1. I'm just stating the fact that there was talk before the preseason was out about who really would be the main target or which WR would filll what role. I have enough of a memory to recall that this was discussed.

I am fine, though, thanks :) As for whether he was thrown to, the big claim was that once Patten went down we had squat at second WR. A claim of which I am skeptical, not that it isn't true in a sense, but that I think it's a lot of excuse-making for the coach's boy. Which is pretty much what's occurred since he's been brought in. Again, I'm hoping like hell Campbell does what he's expected to do.

I hear you my friend.

Here's to hoping he has a breakout year :cheers:

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I hope he gets a chance to prove himself sometime this upcoming season. IMO he didn't get the greatest chance with Brunell only looking at Moss and Cooley. Plus he got injured.

But we'll see how the coaches use him in the playbook.

Am I the only that remembers Patten(for the very short amount of time he was actually playing) would be open deep, Brunell would throw him a nice ball, and it would hit him right in the numbers and fall to the floor? This guy was a real bad signing.

And what happened with him and his contract situation? Did he not want to restructure? I hope we release his ass. He's going to be the most expensive #4 WR in the league. I think we should try Taylor Jacobs at #4 for 1 more year. This guy is tall and he is really fast. If you watch the Chiefs game(where Santana goes like 80 yds for a touchdown on the WR screen) you will see Taylor Jacobs catching up to Santana Moss! They also say he is great in practice. I just dont want to see him go to another team and be successful there. That would suck wasting another draft pick(Round 2!). Plus he is still young.:logo:

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I watched the interview with Patten a couple of weeks ago. I'll tell you what, he looks like he is in good shape and sounds like he is ready to play. Having a veteran receiver like him so motivated can only be a good thing. I'll be rooting for him. May the best receiver win the job!

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"and, he says, was prematurely placed on injured reserve"

Yep, Lavar the Sequel. This won't be the last time we hear from this dope, unfortunately.

The honeymoon was short...

We did prematurely place him on IR. He was healthy by the end of the season and we needed him badly.
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Guest amaprius

Patten and PR are in the same situation but at different parts of it....Patten is at the beginning of it and PR is at the end....Hopefully....JG should not have let this go on for 2 years. PR was wasted in Gibbs' hands. I hope Patten gets released for his own benefit soon. Gibbs will waste him too

That is one thing I do not like about JG. He leads people on too much. He got Brunell and told PR that he was the man....which meant for the instant PR was in his office... and then JG said that QB competition is open and PR never had a chance from that moment on....JG is a con man when it comes to open and dealings with players. He is a great coach though. He may not do alot of honest dealings and probably shouldnt try to show himself to be a great christian(since lying is a sin) but he is the best coach in the world.

His other drawback is trading away too many draft picks.

But ...dangblasted! ....He is our coach, we win with him, he makes us better and I would not trade him for anything!....I love Gibbs!!!!!!

Gibbs for Presdient!....


Gibbs for God of Football!!!!

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Patten and PR are in the same situation but at different parts of it....Patten is at the beginning of it and PR is at the end....
Patten and Ramsey are in quite different situations. Gibbs choose Patten, whereas he inherited Ramsey. He saw something in Patten. He got stuck with Ramsey.

JG is a con man when it comes to open and dealings with players. He is a great coach though. He may not do alot of honest dealings and probably shouldnt try to show himself to be a great christian(since lying is a sin) but he is the best coach in the world.

A con man? That is quite a bold accusation! Gibbs, like any good coach, acquires and plays players who he thinks give him the best chance of winning. I would not call the guy a con man because he decided to bench a QB who was not performing.

As far as being a Christian goes, didn't Jesus say "let he who is without sin cast the first stone?" (Sorry about the religious talk Bubba, I'll stop).

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