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TK cheated for the 10,000th post. :mad:

You could technically call that spamming. :silly:

Of course he cheated. Figured it would happen this evening and I knew that a mod would be the one to hit the plateau. It's a Wal-Mart/Roanoke/Nothing Else To Do thing - they're famous for it. Why do you think Joe Tam returned to Roanoke so quickly? :D

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After failing on ANOTHER date tonight..... yeah.

but why the casual encounters section? That's just straight up for sex. You really want to meet a girl off of there?

I actually like to read those....and it's hilarious when the guys post their schlongs (which I suggest you do, if you want a serious reply). I don't think anyone will respond without a pic.

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but why the casual encounters section? That's just straight up for sex. You really want to meet a girl off of there?

I actually like to read those....and it's hilarious when the guys post their schlongs (which I suggest you do, if you want a serious reply). I don't think anyone will respond without a pic.

I'm thinking about trying the women seeking men section instead, but I'm just SICK of my shyness killing every shred of hope I get.

Thanks for the reply :)

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sp, do your thing man. maybe you just need to slay 20 or 30 hoodrats just for practice then move your way up.

I honestly think my problem is I was in a long distance relationship from the age of 15-23 so I never really had the chance to experience dating like everyone else and when I do finally get my butt out I act like the nerd from the teen romance movies.


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I honestly think my problem is I was in a long distance relationship from the age of 15-23 so I never really had the chance to experience dating like everyone else and when I do finally get my butt out I act like the nerd from the teen romance movies.


for real man you need some confidence. you should also understand that women are just as insecure (if not more) then you are when it comes to putting themselves out there.

im kind of (but not really) serious about just going out there and hitting it up. you need to find someone (ugly, fat, cute, whatever) and just unleash on her. find 2, hell find 3!! you just need to get out there and understand that you are a MAN and you can conquer as need be.

and dont let a woman tell you how to approach a girl UNLESS you are looking to make her your girlfriend. listen to dudes tell you how to approach the random chic at the bar.

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for real man you need some confidence. you should also understand that women are just as insecure (if not more) then you are when it comes to putting themselves out there.

im kind of (but not really) serious about just going out there and hitting it up. you need to find someone (ugly, fat, cute, whatever) and just unleash on her. find 2, hell find 3!! you just need to get out there and understand that you are a MAN and you can conquer as need be.

and dont let a woman tell you how to approach a girl UNLESS you are looking to make her your girlfriend. listen to dudes tell you how to approach the random chic at the bar.

I plan on spending one night just going out to a bar and chatting up random chicks and not giving a damn about rejection. It's time to man up, I'm 27 and still haven't asked more than 5 girls for a number because I'm too scared they will reject me. So like you said; confidence is key.

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i think we all need to see a pic of spjunkies so we know what we're workin with here

After talking about getting escorts and general dating failures on here I refuse to show mt face :D

Someone I know just might be lurking and I can't have that over my head.

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It needs to be posted in the women's thread only.

true, we'll tell you the truth!!

After talking about getting escorts and general dating failures on here I refuse to show mt face :D

Someone I know just might be lurking and I can't have that over my head.

boooooo....but you're gonna post a pic of mr.meaty on craigslist? Send us THAT link!:D

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I plan on spending one night just going out to a bar and chatting up random chicks and not giving a damn about rejection. It's time to man up, I'm 27 and still haven't asked more than 5 girls for a number because I'm too scared they will reject me. So like you said; confidence is key.

best "line" i have ever used...

"excuse me"

that gets their attention..they look you in the eye and you can go right from there. no silly pickup line, no stupid joke, just plain ol "excuse me". doesnt matter what they are doing either they will ALWAYS stop.

you WILL be rejected. you will be rejected many times. what does it matter? if i asked MissU out and she rejected me who cares? i dont have to ever see her again and the fact that i even attempted to ask her out is a victory in itself. women dont have any power that you dont give them brother...remember that. you have ALL the power and only CHOOSE to give it away.

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I honestly think my problem is I was in a long distance relationship from the age of 15-23 so I never really had the chance to experience dating like everyone else and when I do finally get my butt out I act like the nerd from the teen romance movies.


Yeah, I had a couple of dating situations but no special relationship until late in HS and into college. It was, eventually, long distance and though I did date a little in college it was nothing big. I tend to like who I like when I like them and I date 'opportunities' more than I go for anyone specific.

My filter is like this:



Reasonably passable looks


non-obnoxious pre-interaction cues


some modicum of intelligence in conversation, if only observational ability or humor


ease of conquest


relationship of some sort

There you go. That's not totally true but I always tried to seize upon 'feelings' or 'hunches' I had. The times where I just 'sarged' through generally ended badly in clubs, bars or even in dorms.

Looking back, I kind of find it funny that someone who is regarded as fairly attractive had that kind of difficulty. Sometimes I had to think these white broads didn't have much taste after seeing the cats we THINK they hooked up with...oh well. I guess I never tried that hard.

Story of my life :P

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best "line" i have ever used...

"excuse me"

that gets their attention..they look you in the eye and you can go right from there. no silly pickup line, no stupid joke, just plain ol "excuse me". doesnt matter what they are doing either they will ALWAYS stop.

you WILL be rejected. you will be rejected many times. what does it matter? if i asked MissU out and she rejected me who cares? i dont have to ever see her again and the fact that i even attempted to ask her out is a victory in itself. women dont have any power that you dont give them brother...remember that. you have ALL the power and only CHOOSE to give it away.

No doubt. I'm going to go out tomorrow before I resort to CL personals. It's time to give it a shot :cheers:

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if i asked MissU out and she rejected me who cares? i dont have to ever see her again and the fact that i even attempted to ask her out is a victory in itself. .

shooooot you would care a LOT son, bc I am what's hot on the streets right now.


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