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has anyone watched "Silent Library" on MTV? Mannnn it's funny.

Silent Library you say? Is that the Japanese show with the people who do things in a library?

Wasn't aware it was on cable here in the states, what I have seen of this show I have seen off Youtube. Still good **** though.

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Silent Library you say? Is that the Japanese show with the people who do things in a library?

Wasn't aware it was on cable here in the states, what I have seen of this show I have seen off Youtube. Still good **** though.

They made an MTV show out of it...so it's Americanized. Basically 20 year olds in a library doing crazy stuff, trying not to make noise. SOOOO funny, I was cracking up earlier.

This one guy had to eat these meat suspenders off of this really fat guy until his pants fell down. AAAAAAAAhahahahahhahaah

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Start up another lewd question for Yahoo Answers

Title: My girlfriend needs to get skinnier, should I dump her?

My girlfriend is pissing me off now...she's eating too much. I told her when we first started going out that if her weight went over 105 pounds, we were breaking up immediately because I dont date cows. She agreed and signed a contract that she would maintain her weight.

Well, lately I noticed her ass starting to sag and I told her to get her ass on the scale...turns out she is at 104.8 pounds. I told her she better start going to the gym or else she will find her bags packed and ready for her at the door. She begged and pleaded with me to give her a little time to get back in shape.

I figured the thought of me dumping her would give her the motivation to get her ass in shape...but nope, she still looks the same even though I think she is working out.

Should I be nice and grant her some leniency? Or, should I follow the contract we signed and dump her? I really do like her, but sometimes I think I'm too good for her, yknow.

Please help.

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ohh good idea. throw out some ideas and ill put something highly offensive together.
You should make a thread for people to throw out ideas, it would definitely be a hit. I think the reason you girlfriend's weight wasn't changing because she was pregnant which you can't believe after she carried all of those bricks to build the ark to ride the sea with.
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My sources told me that A) Ron Artest was going to the Lakers and B) Sheed is considering heading to Boston.

I hope you Celtics fans enjoy Sheed lol. Hopefully Bubble Screen will read this message and commentate back on the impact of Sheed in Boston with KG, Allen, and Pierce.

If you must know, im not for this move...at all. Never liked Sheed. And don't want the guy.

**** this.

The Orioles suck ass away from home, especially when it's on the West Coast. Last time they went out West they won 1 game, and now they're getting blown out 5-1. **** the West Coast

The O's suck, period.:silly:

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its funny but be careful, at least when it comes to topcs like that. im not being a hater but magine of somebody dealing with an ED comes across. do you knoe how muc pain you would be causing them?! im not sure about you guys and i know it was a joke, but trust me on this. it can be a very fragile and even dangerous topic to post somehig lke that even if it was just a joke.


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its funny but be careful, at least when it comes to topcs like that. im not being a hater but magine of somebody dealing with an ED comes across. do you knoe how muc pain you would be causing them?! im not sure about you guys and i know it was a joke, but trust me on this. it can be a very fragile and even dangerous topic to post somehig lke that even if it was just a joke.


I'm pretty sure that's what he's trying to accomplish :laugh:

Might wanna edit ED, I thought you were talking about erectile dysfunction :rotflmao:

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