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Philly.com: Eagle fan sues Portis' mom(merged)


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Thats a good post. My thinking was that the group had been harrassing her and when the beer was thrown she took the oppurtunity to defend herself and hit the woman in the group. My experience when it comes to antics such as tossing beer ect. Its usually a guy that did it

My outlook may be tainted by my familiarity with these wild west coast women and beer :laugh:

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What if the poor gal who got punched did nothing but get punched in the face? Is it a frivilous lawsuit then? Or is she allowed to get punched in the face because of the actions of fans who root for the same team as she does?
Do you have any specific information regarding this "poor gal" or are you just tossing around your usual crock of feces?


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Westbrook, if this chick did it or not, it doesnt change the fact that a good portion of Eagles fans are classless morons. I'm sure CP's mom wasn't the first opposing fan to get a beer tossed on her this season.

but does that give Portis' mother a right to hit someone just because some fans may act like idiots? I mean isn;t hitting someone in the nose also acting like an idiot?

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Westbrook, if this chick did it or not, it doesnt change the fact that a good portion of Eagles fans are classless morons. I'm sure CP's mom wasn't the first opposing fan to get a beer tossed on her this season.

Oh, I agree. I know they are a handful. I'm just talking about this one girl getting punched in the face when we all know some gutless ******* actually threw the beer.

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HAHAHAA a Dallas fan spamming a Redskins message board calling other people idiots........


wow does it hurt your feelings that I am able to carry on an intelligent conversation with intelligent people without this kinda of flaming nonsense and yet flaming is all you have to bring to the table.

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I'm for getting even with the person who did it. If this person tossed the beer and got slugged in the jaw, well, they deserved it.

Thats not how you made it sound earlier. It appeared you were saying since some eagles fans are idiots then this girl deserved to be punched

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A newspaper reported it. I'm sure they didn't report it because Portis's mom said this girl hit her with the beer....or her posse. Notice they kept saying "reportedly".

I can't wait till this girl gets paid so I can laugh.

Why would you laugh? Are you being paid.....or is it that you feel your part of iggles nation and iggle's fans got one over on Portis' mom. Your defending her just because she's an iggles fan and your pride was hurt when Portis' mom busted her ass for something she did. You should be critical of this bs (throwing beers). It sure doesn't paint your fanbase in a great light.

Someone throws a beer at you, what are you going to do?

I guess Portis' mom just punched the lady for nothing.

Eagles fans pride was hurt when an old lady didn't take their garbage.

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Thats not how you made it sound earlier. It appeared you were saying since some eagles fans are idiots then this girl deserved to be punched

You just need to stop. BigDFan being critical of something Redskins....this is enlightning :laugh:

Why don't you and the iggles fan get a room.

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I can't wait till this girl gets paid so I can laugh.

And if that happens, I'll turn around and can't wait until Mamma Portis sues the Philadelphia Eagle Organization, The Stinc administration or the city of Philadelphia for not providing proper security for family members of the opposing team and for allowing the heckling to continue to the point were we know for a FACT Mamma Portis had beer thrown on her prior to any physical contact.

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Frankly, Portis' mom punching someone is as wrong as the person throwing the beer. I'd say they're both assault and in Portis' moms case, battery.

What strikes me is the apparent lack of security at these games. Beer throwers and taunters should be frowned upon and expelled from games. In this case, Portis' mom should have summoned security instead of taking matters into her own hands...especially if she had witnesses.

When emotions override rationality, everybody loses...but drunks rarely care.

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What if the poor gal who got punched did nothing but get punched in the face? Is it a frivilous lawsuit then? Or is she allowed to get punched in the face because of the actions of fans who root for the same team as she does?

Stop defending the idiotic eagles fans. That is how pathetic their fans are - some girl who probably was innocent got hit in the face because the rest of their fans were being their norma a**hole selves.

I don't blame Portis' mom at all. I go to philly every year for the Skins game and with the way those fans taunt you and throw stuff, you have no idea who did it and you just start defending yourself against those idiots that are directly near you.

The Eagles need to step in and do something about it before someone gets killed there. They relish this media created "tough fan" image and their fans know they can get away with it by getting a slap on the wrist. That judge they have is an F-ing joke. All he does is fine you a couple hundred dollars. Lurie will be sorry when someone dies and he is sued for millions.

Their fans are the biggest whining babies in all of sports. They don't sell out all of their games when they aren't winning and boo at a simple incomplete pass.

E-A-G-L-E-S SUCK!!!!!!!

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In my mind, it will all come down to the actions of security at the Linc. Isn't it funny that Clinton Portis' mom ended up down on the sidelines, on national television no less, instead of in the clink in downtown Philly? That alone should clue you in on who was at fault here. The only purpose of this ridiculous lawsuit is to extend the 5 minutes of fame of the self-serving, two dollar ho on the receiving end of a wallop from an old lady. It might be the only time in the history of Philly sports where an opposing team's fan got off a punch without the cowardly mob descending upon them. Maybe Portis' mom is on to something? Sometimes you have to stand up to the ignorant, indigenous masses to discover exactly how cowardly they really are.

Philly fans, you got the punch in the nose you deserved, so don't come here defending one of your so-called "innocent" fans, when you all know what goes on and condone that behavior week after week, year after year, in every professional sport. You're the benchmark by which all other acts of mob cowardice are compared, it's sad when you really think about it.

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And if that happens, I'll turn around and can't wait until Mamma Portis sues the Philadelphia Eagle Organization, The Stinc administration or the city of Philadelphia for not providing proper security for family members of the opposing team and for allowing the heckling to continue to the point were we know for a FACT Mamma Portis had beer thrown on her prior to any physical contact.
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