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Philly.com: Eagle fan sues Portis' mom(merged)


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What if the poor gal who got punched did nothing but get punched in the face? Is it a frivilous lawsuit then? Or is she allowed to get punched in the face because of the actions of fans who root for the same team as she does?

The person that got punched was an Eagles fan, that was bad enough. Besides, your telling me that Portis' mom just punched the first person she saw. Eagles fans are just mad because they got knocked out on their own turf. Eagles fans seem like a bunch of chumps...they are willing to dish it out, but they are afraid to receive what they give. Look at it this way, let's say that the girl who was knocked out by Portis' mom didn't even throw the beer. Does anybody else find it funny that the person who actually threw the beer didn't stand up to Portis' MOM and instead let an innocent girl get KNOCKED OUT!!! Like I said, this just makes the eagles fans look bad. CHUMPS!!!

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Come on. You hardly need a reason to punch an Eagles fan.
Tougher than Pinkston or Westbrook, that's for sure.


Two classics.

As for this Eagle trailer trash fan, take your beating like the man we all know you wish you were.

Eagle fans were selling "woof" tickets.........and Mamma Portis cashed them.

End of story.

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What if the poor gal who got punched did nothing but get punched in the face? Is it a frivilous lawsuit then? Or is she allowed to get punched in the face because of the actions of fans who root for the same team as she does?

If she didnt throw the beer but caught the punch, then she "took one for the team" and that includes the 12th man. Regardless, CP's mom isnt gonna be punished, Not as bad as we punished the Eagles this year.

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Always Philly fans.

Cheering an injury? Philly fans . . .

Beat up Chief Redskin? Philly fans . . .

Simply amazing.

Don't forget:

-Who poops on opposing fans' cars? Philly fans.

-Who slashes opposing fans' car's tire? Philly fans.

The Linc is a dangerous place for opposing team's fans to be. Mad props to CP's Mom for standing up for herself.

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What if the poor gal who got punched did nothing but get punched in the face? Is it a frivilous lawsuit then? Or is she allowed to get punched in the face because of the actions of fans who root for the same team as she does?

You threw snowballs at SANTA....

nuff said.

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What if the poor gal who got punched did nothing but get punched in the face? Is it a frivilous lawsuit then? Or is she allowed to get punched in the face because of the actions of fans who root for the same team as she does?


Maybe we should rephrase your question - should fans of other teams be able to go into visiting team's stadiums and support their team without fear of attack?

It's one thing to go to the game "looking for trouble" (such has been my experience with Eagle fans at FedEx); however, when their only "sin" is to wear the colors of their team and cheer on their team - should they be subjected to verbal and physical abuse? It's one thing to show pride in your team, but when you have 20 and 30 something year old folk (supposed adults) trying pick trouble with older adults who are there to cheer on a family member - something is wrong and wasn't limited to my section. Good news is - it made a great object lesson to demonstrate to my ten-year old son about the impact of alcohol. Maybe, we should all take a lesson from this sort of nonsense and vow to police ourselves so that this sort of crap isn't tolerated at FedEx!

By the way, I was at this game in the very same section about eight rows behind the Portis family. To say that this girl and her boyfriend were "obnoxious" understates what went on. From the time the Portis family arrived and went to their seats -- this jackal's boyfriend continued to yell abuse (with her cackling in her two bits) the entire game until the "alleged" fight brokeout. You can't even limit the problem to these two folk as a multitude of others in our section added their own version of verbal abuse.

Unfortunately, just before this incident happened, I needed to escort my ten year old to the bathroom. When we got back the fight had already occurred and security was in the process of escorting the Portis entourage out of the section. There were three fellow Skins' fans in front of me and their version of what happened was similar to what was reported.

I am extremely thankful that after this incident -- the Skins were able to punch into the lead with the Eagles imploding. By the game's end, most of these folk had slithered out of the stadium with a multitude of Skins' fans replacing them because we were next to the Skins' exit off the field. After going through and witnessing the abuse that went on - it was pure poetic justice to stand there singing HTTR and enjoying the victory!!!


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What if the poor gal who got punched did nothing but get punched in the face? Is it a frivilous lawsuit then? Or is she allowed to get punched in the face because of the actions of fans who root for the same team as she does?

:doh: it was widely reported that eye wittinesses confirmed the eagle ******* woman threw beer on Clinton's Mom.

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I can see this playing out in my mind.There are the iggles fans taughting,Mrs Portis,she gets her nose full of it, mean while iggle fan from their all day drinking binge gets really stupid and heaves a beer can striking Mrs Portis, she calmly walks to the crowd of iggles fan WHO in the hell, just threw a beer at me,iggle fan amazed and stuned ,all rat out the guilty party iggle fan ,thinking they have back up starts with the chin music, BAM,... AND JAW TEETH RATTLE . Mrs Portis,still composed, ask the remaining iggle fans if any one else has beer they wish to throw. She should have opened a can of whoop#$% on the entire section.

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Post one report which states that THIS woman threw a beer on her.

I was in the section next to hers. I didn't see a beer fly, I did the see the melee. The chick got what she deserved, if she threw/poured the beer. That whole section was chanting ******* at Portis' mom. She should have ****ed up the whole section.

Eagles fans are the worst. That day wasn't so bad because skins fans turned the Stinc into FedEx North.

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What if the poor gal who got punched did nothing but get punched in the face? Is it a frivilous lawsuit then? Or is she allowed to get punched in the face because of the actions of fans who root for the same team as she does?

If the "poor gal" really had a case she would have talked with the DA and had battery charges brought against Portis' mom. The truth likely is that the "poor gal" is exactly that, poor. She sees this as an opportunity to try and wrangle a few bucks out of someone in the legal system. Her efforts are misguided though, Portis' mom doesn't likely have 75k to her name. Instead she likely lives in a house owned by her son, drives a car owned by her son, and eats food purchased by her son. If that is in fact the case she doesn't stand a chance of stealing a dime form Mrs. Hearns.

I disagree with the comment that Mrs. Hearns should retaliate by filing suit against the Eagles for failing to protect her from having beer thrown on her. People should be aware of the classless nature of many fans, particularly when playing in filly. Is it really neccessary to sue over everything. Frivolous lawsuits are a disgrace in this nation and I won't advocate using our joke of a law system to get revenge.

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Do you have any specific information regarding this "poor gal" or are you just tossing around your usual crock of feces?


Yeah. Eagles fans are known for being rowdy *******s. Plus I seriously doubt a 50 year old woman is going to punch someone in the face without reason.

I've got an idea...

If Portis's mom has to waste her time in court over this and it doesn't hold up; the court security guards will handcuff the Philly woman and let Portis's mom get a free hit on her!

That makes as much sense as taking someone to court for whipping your ass when you deserve it.

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