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(My fellow Christians):Is the Antichrist upon us now?


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Can't do it. No one knows. Look it up. Matthew 24:36.

Correct, but the 10 Commandments say "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name." Exodus 20:7

Here's one of the best sites I have found on this. http://www.aloha.net/~mikesch/666.htm

999 comes from that sorry Arnold movie "End of Days":doh:

What if he's right? If you don't believe the Bible is Holy and divinely inspired, you are in effect calling Jesus a liar. He believed the Scripture was Inspired.

By the way, religious people are generally steeped in traditions of men.

Please try not to stereotype Christians who believe in the Bible as their only authority.




Actually, wouldn't i be calling those you wrote the Bible and those who chose which books went in (and therefore fitting their agenda) liars?

Also, where did i mention the Bible before this post?

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Thats all fine and dandy but like i said they have determined it not to be a number so all your fancy mathmatics dont mean nothing.

Could you explain to me how the text about "the beast" was written in about 97 AD and yet it is referring to Islam which was formed 500 years later? Really, I'd like to know.

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Could you explain to me how the text about "the beast" was written in about 97 AD and yet it is referring to Islam which was formed 500 years later? Really, I'd like to know.
Maybe a quote from 5th Element: "Time is not important only life is important" ;)
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Could you explain to me how the text about "the beast" was written in about 97 AD and yet it is referring to Islam which was formed 500 years later? Really, I'd like to know.

HAHAHA you totally owned him. Islam was founded by Muhammad around 500 A.D., but not exactly so yeah you're still right.

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HAHAHA you totally owned him. Islam was founded by Muhammad around 500 A.D., but not exactly so yeah you're still right.

I'm not siding with anybody here... personally I think this 666 stuff is a load of crap... just wanted to point out that writings could have ben talking about future developments. They could have been talking about Islam before Islam came about. Time in this case means nothing...

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To be fair, this statement doesn't really have any more empirical support than any other religious idea. It's just your personal belief.

It is my personal belief, of course! It is fairly straighforward, really:

If there is a God than God is Wise and Fair.

God that cares about how you worship is not a God worth worshiping.

Rituals came from Organized Religion. Organized Religion came as way to control people. Well, not exactly. I am simplifying it for the sake of making a point. Many rituals are good - they help people feel together and reinforce their faith, etc. Many rituals also promote good survival skills such as food handling (kosher), for example. I am not against rituals per se - only the "you better do it" attitude.

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I think the Anti-Christ is alive and doesn't know what he is yet. I believe he will surface on the world stage after some sort of global crisis. He will come from Europe or maybe Middle East. The world world will love this guy. He will be able to solve the Israeli/Palesinian problem (Temple gets rebuilt) and other major global problems. He promises world peace and a utopia on earth (a liberals wet dream) if everyone follows him.

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There is some people that is going to have a lot to pay for on judgement day.Especially those that run that website. :(

suppose on "judgement day" the pearly gates swing closed for the righteous ones, who looked down on most condemning them in thier minds eye?

The ones that proclaim you must be born again and ask for JC to "save you" in just the right way or you're damned. The same ones that claim that they are the only "true christians" I've got to admit, being a Roman Catholic all my life, that I am so sick of hearing about exclusive Christianity. Granted all religeons preach some exclusivity, but do we come knocking on your door 10 times a year? Hold up signs in every football stadium? Give me a break!

Does it ever cross your minds that you could be wrong? What then? And if you're so sure, then why must you constantly seek validation, just go on and be happy with your beliefs and leave the other 90%+ of us alone.

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suppose on "judgement day" the pearly gates swing closed for the righteous ones, who looked down on most condemning them in thier minds eye?

The ones that proclaim you must be born again and ask for JC to "save you" in just the right way or you're damned. The same ones that claim that they are the only "true christians" I've got to admit, being a Roman Catholic all my life, that I am so sick of hearing about exclusive Christianity. Granted all religeons preach some exclusivity, but do we come knocking on your door 10 times a year? Hold up signs in every football stadium? Give me a break!

Does it ever cross your minds that you could be wrong? What then? And if you're so sure, then why must you constantly seek validation, just go on and be happy with your beliefs and leave the other 90%+ of us alone.

Just follow what the Bible says right? Pretty Simple. Does the Roman Catholic Church do this? I am a Baptist and when someone wants to become a follower of Christ (saved) they have to make their profession of faith which is saying in public that they believe that they have sinned against God, deserve punishment for that Sin (hell), Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he died on the Cross for your sins. After this confession they will be Baptized.

I believe this is a personal spiritual choice between you and Christ and shouldn't be done in some religious ceremony at a set time. Christianity is supposed to be spiritual. However, man has always tried to corrupt it by adding pagan rituals to it an turning it into a religion.

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Just follow what the Bible says right? Pretty Simple. Does the Roman Catholic Church do this? I am a Baptist and when someone wants to become a follower of Christ (saved) they have to make their profession of faith which is saying in public that they believe that they have sinned against God, deserve punishment for that Sin (hell), Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he died on the Cross for your sins. After this confession they will be Baptized.

I believe this is a personal spiritual choice between you and Christ and shouldn't be done in some religious ceremony at a set time. Christianity is supposed to be spiritual. However, man has always tried to corrupt it by adding pagan rituals to it an turning it into a religion.

The bible we are all reading is translated, and thus can have different meanings based on translation. Not sure you can just "follow what the Bible says". :2cents:

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I believe this is a personal spiritual choice between you and Christ and shouldn't be done in some religious ceremony at a set time. Christianity is supposed to be spiritual. However, man has always tried to corrupt it by adding pagan rituals to it an turning it into a religion.

and your point is?

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Just curious if anyone knew this tidbit of info... Zondervan (One of the world's largest Bible publishing companies) is owned by the same publishing company that publishes the Satanic Bible!

What are your thoughts, ideas, and opinions on this, if any? (Just trying to invoke more thought)

***I have enjoyed seeing the varied ideolgy and beliefs in this forum. Sometimes, I forget to practice tolerance... and I urge everyone else to maintain this practice when bantering back and forth over such an intense subject matter.***

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Thanks for the link - I got a good chuckle out of that.

Try this one: www.landoverbaptist.org

it's one of my favorites.

:laugh: :rotflmao:

Some of the articles are hilarious:

Circumcise Yourself! Infographic

Look between your legs. Does your penis look like Jesus' penis? Find out if you are circumcised! Remember: when trying to emulate Jesus, you should overlook no detail....

Read More>>

The Bible Sex Quiz: Part I

What sex acts are most offensive to God? Does God have any particular sexual requirements for women? Take the Bible Sex Quiz and view the Scripture verses that provide Bible-based answers to these questions...

Read More>>

TAMPONS: Satan's Little Cotton Fingers!

"The young woman was trying to buy tampons," Mrs. Crockett said, barely able to hold back tears. "I snatched that girl by the hair and pulled her outside... there were children present! Can you imagine how they'd...

I don't think circumcision is a do-it-yourself job. Ouch! :laugh:

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You cant honestly sit there and tell me that website is condoned by any religious beliefs,mine yours or anybodys.

I said before that i couldn't open it at work. But, now that i'm home i can. Gotta say, its pretty damn funny. Obviously it doesn't support anyones beliefs, it makes fun of them. But i don't think you should condemn them to hell for having a better sense of humor than you. Blasphamy (sp?) can be very funny.

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