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(My fellow Christians):Is the Antichrist upon us now?


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Um not really. I have read your links sources and it sounds suspect to me.


But I am not going to argue these points.


The point of my post was to point out that "hysteria" surrounding "fantasies" creates far greater problems than it solves. If you believe the Anti-Christ is here, thats fine.

You were originally talking about the Bible as a whole, not the anti-christ, and that's still an awfully vague statement, but, again, okay.

By the way, I never actually said I believe the antichrist is here.

But remember that Tim Mcveigh believed the same thing (this is an extreme example i know). Just don't lose your objectivity and logic.

I'll try not to.

Unfortunately a lack of logic and objectivity is rampant among so-called "endtime" experts and Christian fanatics.

You might be surprised top find that in many cases, I agree with you. That was part of the motivation for my dismissive attitude towards newspaper eschatology.

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And techy, how unusually slow of you to not catch Om's message ;) You need to focus more in the pews and quit texting the board :silly: . You're dividing your concentration too much (I should talk). :laugh:

Hey! I was home at the time, and totally focused! That's not a reason why I was unusually slow! I was unusually slow all on my own!

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I said you weren't arguing with me, you said you weren't arguing with me. We agree.

Indeed, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".

Instead of Psam 1, maybe I should have posted the more familiar Galatians 6:7--

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

For when it actually is happening, you might want to know the difference between when it's you or God being mocked. Especially since you do not have ownership on an identity of God, though you are sure in your heart you know the one and only truth, and you are eminently mockable on any account, even when using passages from the Bible.

You are not God.

Observe what you regularly sow, AJ, and consider what you do reap, and what you may reap. Thank God you do use the words of others at times, and don't solely rely on your own devices. I'm sorry to say that you often come off as pretentionous, self-righteous, judgmental, and small-minded when posting on topics, and seem to take yourself infinitely more serious than reasonably merited. I don't see all that as a true reflection of my idea of a divine spark, but I have no doubt that there is much of you that is more in tune. And that's just me talking, and as we've established, that's no big deal. ;)

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Hey! I was home at the time, and totally focused! That's not a reason why I was unusually slow! I was unusually slow all on my own!

You sure you're not ex-catholic, too? :laugh: The penchant for too-honest, self-defeating confession runs deep. BTW, I notice precious little Catholic love here among the loving Christians :laugh: , I almost feeling like defending my old homeys at times :D

Ever since the first church of the one true way began, there have been mortal geniuses and inspired (to use a word) clerics who have come along and seen how it can be done better...and then better....and then a little more better...and then...etc.. ect. etc. etc. etc....boy, talk about not being able to "keep it simple"...not that anything should ever have been questioned in the first place.

There. That was for my old discriminated-against disrespected and slandered homeys. :laugh: :cheers:

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You sure you're not ex-catholic, too? :laugh: The penchant for too-honest, self-defeating confession runs deep.

My father was raised Jewish, and his entire side of the family is Jewish. It's probably genetic.

Catholic guilt has nothing on Jewish guilt.

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For when it actually is happening, you might want to know the difference between when it's you or God being mocked. Especially since you do not have ownership on an identity of God, though you are sure in your heart you know the one and only truth, and you are eminently mockable on any account, even when using passages from the Bible.

You are not God.

Observe what you regularly sow, AJ, and consider what you do reap, and what you may reap. Thank God you do use the words of others at times, and don't solely rely on your own devices. I'm sorry to say that you often come off as pretentionous, self-righteous, judgmental, and small-minded when posting on topics, and seem to take yourself infinitely more serious than reasonably merited. I don't see all that as a true reflection of my idea of a divine spark, but I have no doubt that there is much of you that is more in tune. And that's just me talking, and as we've established, that's no big deal. ;)

All I did was post a passage from the Bible.

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My father was raised Jewish, and his entire side of the family is Jewish. It's probably genetic.

Catholic guilt has nothing on Jewish guilt.

I've heard that. Now I respect that action :)

On a serious note, I have tremendous respect for many aspects of that heritage, especially traditional attitudes towards scholarship, familial bonds, group and individual strength, and mentoring, just to name a few.

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All I did was post a passage from the Bible.

Well, I used to think you were being disingeuous when you'd be like this, but I'm willing to believe otherwise these days. Ok, AJ. Feel free to just ignore what I said, or pass it off as misplaced. I'm good either way, and I stand by it.

Comment in general: Speaking of Bibles, I'm randomly throwing out another pro-Catholic comment :D , dem boyz make some beautful ones.

The large plates of artwork, and their numeorus inlcusion, is fantastic. One of my editions is a huge red-stained leather-bound with high-grade gold-edged paper and I would love to remove and frame so many of the plates if it wasn't sacriligeous (on many fronts, secualr and non-secular). It would look like a museum if I put them all up.

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I don't have time to read 14 pages to see if this thought has already been posted so here goes.

I've been sitting here for the last two hours watching show after show on the "Da Vinci Code" and "Holy Blood, Holy Grail. All they keep mentioning is if either of these are true then it will rewrite christianity. These books and movie have generated so much interest and seem to be giving the nonbelievers the fuel they need to discount christianity. Could this sudden movement be the Anti-christ? Something on this grand of a scale could certainly do a lot of damage to the christian faith. Not for us believers but definitely future generations. Just a thought.

I've discussed it at length in a different thread that there is no way, by what I've been taught, that Jesus had a physical relationship with Mary Magdalene. Both of these books seem to be written simply for drama and not to be taken seriously. However people will take these writings written by modern man as gospel instead of the bible which was guided by the hand of God.

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Assuming one accepts the interpretation that there will be an antichrist, he's supposed to be a figure of great power and charisma. I have to presume that he'd be smart enough to use a vehicle that wasn't so ridiculously easy to discredit.

Besides, I actually think the DaVinci Code will be a net good from a evangelical Christian point of view. It's riddled with errors from the serious to the silly, so it's easy to prove false. Further, as I saw someone mention in an article somewhere, when people want to talk about the DaVinci Code, it's a giant softball being lobbed up to talk about Christ. What more can a Christian ask for?

So, I'm going to have to say, no, the DaVinci Code is not a tool of the antichrist.

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Assuming one accepts the interpretation that there will be an antichrist, he's supposed to be a figure of great power and charisma. I have to presume that he'd be smart enough to use a vehicle that wasn't so ridiculously easy to discredit.

Besides, I actually think the DaVinci Code will be a net good from a evangelical Christian point of view. It's riddled with errors from the serious to the silly, so it's easy to prove false. Further, as I saw someone mention in an article somewhere, when people want to talk about the DaVinci Code, it's a giant softball being lobbed up to talk about Christ. What more can a Christian ask for?

So, I'm going to have to say, no, the DaVinci Code is not a tool of the antichrist.

I agree. If that was the case, then you would have to include heretics Marcion and Arius from the early church period as the Anti-Christ as well since they are the ones that started most of that Gnostic non-sense 1700 years ago. :2cents:
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I agree. If that was the case, then you would have to include heretics Marcion and Arius from the early church period as the Anti-Christ as well since they are the ones that started most of that Gnostic non-sense 1700 years ago. :2cents:

Very good point. Gnosticism is old stuff just being recycled. What these people believe is scary stuff and believe it or not some of them might be in your churches. This non-sense in the DaVinci Code is just the tip of the iceburg.

Gnostics believe that in Genesis 3 the serpent was the "good guy" by giving wisdom to Adam and Eve. Gnosticism is also quite popular among feminists in the church because many Gnostics believe in worshipping the goddess Sophia. In fact in the 90's there was an ecumenical event in Minneapolis where they worshipped Sophia and took communion with milk and honey instead of bread and wine.

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9

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Very good point. Gnosticism is old stuff just being recycled. What these people believe is scary stuff and believe it or not some of them might be in your churches. This non-sense in the DaVinci Code is just the tip of the iceburg.

Gnostics believe that in Genesis 3 the serpent was the "good guy" by giving wisdom to Adam and Eve. Gnosticism is also quite popular among feminists in the church because many Gnostics believe in worshipping the goddess Sophia. In fact in the 90's there was an ecumenical event in Minneapolis where they worshipped Sophia and took communion with milk and honey instead of bread and wine.

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9

THe funny thing about this whole Da Vinci thing is that the Gnostic gospels actually make Jesus out to be more supernatural and less human than the 4 real Gospels. The exact opposite of what the book says.:doh:
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