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KC Star-Whitlock:Saunders a legend in the media’s mind


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Pretty negative... Posnanski's article in the KC Star earlier this last week was the complete opposite. If Saunders, according to Whitlock has that sort of reputation it seems Gibbs and company would be aware of it. Also, why would Vermil have been supporting Saunders to succeed him as the Chief's next coach. As for me. Trust in Joe.

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As stated before, Whitlock's a jackass. I am still waiting for any information which provides a reason for Whitlock to have any say in the world of sports, and haven't found an indicator that he belongs in the media yet.

I'm not saying that Saunders is the greatest guy ever, or that he's guaranteed to get us to a SB, but the man has accomplished a lot with KC's offense. Whitlock should be a little more objective about that, and give him credit for the achievements of the Chiefs with the players they have.

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From everything I have EVER heard about Al Saunders is that he is a class guy, this article reads as if Whitlock is trying to make himself feel better about losing Saunders. You're not as respected in this league as Suanders is by being a 'Snake'. Gibbs is a great judge of character. This story is a joke.

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My favorite part was where he accused KC offense, despite being the #1 offense in the league, of not being good enough to win a playoff game.


JOE POSNANSKI, KC Star sportswriter

Still, I don’t know; it seems to me that blaming the Chiefs’ high-scoring offense for the team’s failings the last four years is like blaming George Michael for the demise of the band Wham! The offense was the one good thing happening, remember? The offense was Super Bowl-caliber. The defense was lousy. I’m not sure building around the Chiefs’ defense is the best strategy here.
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how can whitlock bea jackass? He predicted us to win the superbowl 3 weeks ago. He has no bias

No one said that he was biased toward the Skins. What I'm saying is, Whitlock is mad about KC losing Saunders. Now, he is spinning it so that Saunders had little to do with the success of the chiefs offense, also that Saunders is known as a climber, and a self-promoter. The stats say otherwise. Charlie Weis once called Saunders the best offensive mind in the NFL, I guess the 'Snake' sucked him in too.

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I don't care what Saunders is accused of being like as a person because Gibbs captains this ship. Sauders is expected to produce offensively. If Saunders can match Williams efforts with the Defense, we should have an extremely skilled team. I love the comments that Williams makes about what he has been able to learn from Gibbs. I have every reason to believe that Saunders will pick some things up too. Maybe Saunders did seem to be self-promoting in KC, but Vermiel is completely different from Gibbs. I hear many former players say how Gibbs is a "no-nonsense" type of guy and that he is not afraid to make the changes necessary to have the team in his likeness. This season's Skins came together as a team to achieve their goals. I don't recall finger pointing, just self-checks and taking responsibility. Self-promoters would stick out like a sore thumb in that locker room.

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I don't know Whitlock's work. Maybe he is a bum. But this article did make me scratch my head a bit.

Why wasn't Saunders at the top of the list for head coach vacancies?

What has been the reaction of the Chiefs players since Saunder's departure?

Was Herm planning to keep Saunders? If so, why? If not, why not?

I don't know the answers to any of these questions, but it does put a bit of doubt in my mind.

Of course, then I remember that Gibbs made this decision. That good enough for me.

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i don't know mr. Whitlock or Mr. Saunders but in the midst of this harsh criticism he reveals Saunders courage in overcoming polio. Also, the few times i have read or seen Whitlock on TV (ESPN) the one word that seems to best decribe his observations and commentary is 'bitter', he seems unecessarily harsh. i file this article under 'who cares'.

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Whitlock is pretty much of a dummy and a hater. I recall last year when he guest hosted PTI and he talked incredibly dismissively about Lance Armstrong and "what was so special about riding a bicycle up a mountain." Pretty funny that a fat guy would make fun of someone doing something that virtually none of us could even contemplate doing.

As far a being a snake. Maybe Saunders is one, but I'm pretty darn sure that Gibbs can harness him and that GW will remain in the favored position.

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Vermeil openly campaigned for Saunders as his replacement

And Herman Edwards BEGGED Saunders to stay - a fact that Whitlock completely ignores during his hatchet piece.

IMO, I don't know why any Redskin fan would possibly care what type of head coach Saunders would make. We have a head coach. We also have our next HC waiting in the wings. We need him as an offense coordinator. His units have proven to be magnificent over the past 5 seasons without a top QB or top WR and an undrafted FA at RB. That aint easy. Even Norv Turner was a decent OC when he had HOFs at every position. :)

I'm glad he's not viewed as head coach material the same way Eagle fans are glad Jim Johnson isn't.

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I don't know Whitlock's work. Maybe he is a bum. But this article did make me scratch my head a bit.

Why wasn't Saunders at the top of the list for head coach vacancies?

Of course, then I remember that Gibbs made this decision. That good enough for me.

Maybe age and the fact he didn't have a good record the one time he was a Head Coach, But some guys are better suited to be just an OC or DC, like Norv,Monti Kiffin or Rich Petibon.

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The new trend in NFL hiring is taking these young high energy guys. Look at guys like Kiffen in Tampa or Johnson in Philly, these guys are consistently the best assistant coaches in the league, yet never get a job. Why these young guys are getting so many jobs is curious, whether its owners going for a cheap guy or wanting someone who can impress the media in press conferences, its odd.

Look at some of the results: Mora in Atlanta insistence at trying to turn Vick into a west coast QB; Tice in Minnesota doing nothing then getting fired.

I personally don't care why he wasn't interviewed for all ten openings. He had a few interviews and that's really all you can expect. Even if Gregg Williams would have been available he wouldn't have been interviewed by all ten teams.

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Was Whitlock writing that for himself or the readers of the paper?

Ripping a man after he leaves town takes a lot of guts doesn't it?

After reading that article, I realized that there is no way any of us would know if he stabbed Coryell in the back... But Gibbs was there, he has the best shot at knowing.

His words lost a lot of value when he placed the blame of KC's playoff woes on Saunders' offense that has been in the top 5 for half a decade, and did not write one bad word about their defense that could not stop elderly men from breaking into an empty warehouse.

Members of the media need drug tests.

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