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I dread listening to the "I told you so"media


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Unfortunately, today's game just may lend some credibility to the media clowns.

We were given two TOs (earned one with a big hit), Seattle lost their best player and still had a solid ground game, and the O was effectively ineffective.

Generally speaking...again, generally speaking...similar circumstances last week and somehow we managed to win.

Something to think about.

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No, actually I think they will get a little respect even in defeat they going to realize that this is a pretty good team after all we just need a few more pieces. This game was respectable it wasn't the blow out every one thought it would be.

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Well I'm too much of a fan not to listen.But as stated by monday it will be yesterday's news.But the level of contempt from these so-called analyst bordered on the obscene.

Go a funny feeling if Carolina or Seattle get in the big dance the numbers will fall dramatically because both have smallish fanbase.s.Not hating but its the truth.The better team won but it still stinks.:mad:

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When I was watching Sportscenter last week, they did a 20 min anaylsis of the Patriots blowout win out Jacksonville. They only talked about the Redskins for about 5-10 mins. I watched NFL Live and Jim Rome last week to see what they were going to say about the skins win in Tampa and whenever they talked about the Redskins, it was about the Sean Taylor spitting incident. I'm not watching any of these shows for a week.

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That's ridiculous! I don't actually believe it will happen. They predict the Redskins to fo 4-12 and then they come a game shy of going to the NFC championships and there's an "I told you so" threat!

I won't hear it though. I don't pay attention to sports media during the offseason. I'll be checking off the board in a couple days too!

See you in september.

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Brian Cox,Micheal Irvin and the entire brian-dead ESPN crew,JT "The Brick" and the Sporting News Radio collective of Raider clowns,and the rest of the geek/boy sport-radio nation at Fox.:doh:

What u talkin bout willis?

Don't you know they are all "MASTERS OF THE OBVIOUS."

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Here's what the "analysts" won't talk about: One of the toughest schedules this season......5-1 against NFC East....10-2 in the NFC....3rd in redzone offense....broke skins rushing and receiving records.....Girls and Iggles didn't make it......G-men fell in first round....and we lost to the best team in the NFC in the second round.........congrats Skins, and congrats Gibbs.....thanks for giving us a season to remember!

Hail to the Redskins.

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Hopefully the national media will be gracious in our defeat..... Maybe now they will put things into perspective of a team that they all predicted would SUCK this year that outplayed everyones expectations with some OBVIOUS limitations, such as having only one threat at WR.....

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